Numerical modeling of wave propagation in viscoelastic layered media was used to explore scale effects of heterogeneity on velocity dispersion and attenuation. Better understanding of these effects will allow better interpretation and integration of data at different scales, such as seismic and well-logs. Modeling was used to delineate the limits - ray theory (RT) and effective medium theory (EMT) - and the transition between these limits for viscoelasticity. The invariant imbedding method for viscoelastic medium was used to generate rigorous dispersion and attenuation curves for periodic and non-periodic layered medium. The equations in this work along with the results can be effectively used for upscaling in viscoelastic media.

Presentation Date: Monday, September 25, 2017

Start Time: 1:50 PM

Location: 351D

Presentation Type: ORAL

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