The requirement for recording time to depth information dates back to 1888, when August Schmidt proposed the first Checkshot technique to measure rock velocities versus depth. For the majority of the last 100 years the practice has essentially been unchanged, with a source at surface and a downhole receiver located within the wellbore. Distributed acoustic measurements on fiber optic cable can be acquired using various techniques such as hDVS (heterodyne distributed vibration sensing). With the advancements in hDVS, we can now record time-depth and VSPs (Vertical Seismic Profiles) using optical lines located inside a wireline cable. The cable has replaced the need for a downhole receiver. This can be a replacement for conventional downhole tools or serve as a complement thus increasing the acquisition efficiency of acquiring a VSP.

Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Start Time: 10:45:00 AM

Location: 141

Presentation Type: ORAL

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