The Forties Field, UKCS, is the largest oil field in the UK sector of the North Sea with an estimated STOOIP between 4.2 and 5 billion barrels. Discovered in 1970 by BP, the field was brought online in 1975. In 2003 Apache Corp acquired the Forties field from BP and quickly pursued a program of 4D seismic interpretation to assist in field remediation. After some 40 years of production the field continues to produce at daily production rates exceeding c. 45K bopd. In this paper we present the results of a new inversion technology applied to the Forties field to assist in the detection of direct hydrocarbon indicators and remaining reserves from two vintages of 3D seismic.

Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Start Time: 3:20:00 PM

Location: 156

Presentation Type: ORAL

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