Here we report a low-temperature-superconducting (LTS) SQUID based full tensor gradient system. A symmetrical configuration is used with six planar-type gradiometers mounted on the different faces of a hexagonal-pyramid. A tri-axial SQUID magnetometer was used to compensate the imbalance outputs of each planar gradiometer. Direct readout electronics are used to further increase the system robustness. The SQUID outputs are synchronized with a GPS + INS unit for coordinate projection. During indoor tests, a noise level of 100fT/m/vHz with corner frequency at 10Hz and a static RMS resolution of 10pT/m(0.01-10Hz) were achieved. Principle demonstration was carried out by a ground test over a 10×10 m area using buried iron balls with different weights. The system successfully resolved the abnormalities of all the gradient components at the corresponding locations. The field test was also carried out using a helicopter.
Presentation Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Start Time: 10:45:00 AM
Location: Lobby D/C
Presentation Type: POSTER