Gravity and magnetic data are usually acquired over the same area of study in mineral exploration. However, they are often analyzed and inverted independently. Constraining potential field data inversion with petrophysical information has proven to be useful as it results in physical property models of improved quality and consistency, providing a sound basis for further geological interpretation. However, direct use of petrophysical data in the stage of inversion is uncommon. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of petrophysical data in the joint inversion of gravity and magnetic data for the study of a gabbro intrusion in Boden, Sweden. We constrain the jointly inverted density and susceptibility values by means of clustering so that they show correlations that were observed in the measured physical property values. Numerical results demonstrate that petrophysically constrained joint inversion can recover density and susceptibility models that show a better agreement with the petrophysical data, while honoring the observed potential field data.

Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Start Time: 1:25:00 PM

Location: 168

Presentation Type: ORAL

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