Elastic parameters, such as S-wave velocity and density from AVO inversion, are important for reservoir characterization. However, the conventional methods of S-wave velocity and density parameters estimation use PP wave AVO inversion alone or three parameters PP and PS waves joint AVO inversion, which may be unstable and inaccurate in some case. In this paper, we carry out a study on stability advantage of two parameters joint PP and PS waves AVO inversion. Then, we proposed a new twice two parameters inversion method to estimate P- and S-wave velocity and density. We firstly obtain P- and S-wave impedance by combining Fatti’s two terms PP wave reflection coefficient approximation and Larsen’s PS wave reflection coefficient approximation. Secondly, by using P-wave velocity we get it from P-wave impedance with Gardner’s relationship, we rewrite Aki-Richard’s three parameters reflection coefficient approximation to two parameters reflection coefficient approximation which is only containing S-wave velocity and density parameters. Finally, S-wave velocity and density parameters are inverted by jointing rewritten two parameters PP wave and Aki-Richard’s PS wave reflection coefficient approximations. Numerical tests show that twice two parameters joint AVO inversion can invert three parameters accurately without constraint information and our method is stable and robust. So the proposed inversion method can be applied in the prediction of lithology and hydrocarbon.

Presentation Date: Thursday, October 20, 2016

Start Time: 10:35:00 AM

Location: 174

Presentation Type: ORAL

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