The inverse scattering series (ISS) multiple prediction and attenuation algorithm, developed by Weglein and collaborators in the 1990s, estimates multiples from subevents which satisfy the lower-higher-lower criterion in the pseudo-depth or vertical traveltime domain. Prediction results that (1) have a high degree of numerical accuracy, (2) have a relatively stationary optimum search parameter, and (3) represent a significantly reduced computational burden, can be achieved in the plane wave domain. ISS prediction carried out in this domain may therefore be well suited as part of an effort to demultiple, effectively in, e.g., complex land environments, where such features become increasingly important. In this paper, we discuss and examine 2D internal multiple predictions calculated by an implementation of the ISS algorithm in the double plane wave domain. This requires a properly formulated prediction algorithm and data transformed to the coupled t-p-p domain as input. A synthetic 2D case is examined to highlight some of the numerical features of this implementation.
Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Start Time: 11:10:00 AM
Location: 142
Presentation Type: ORAL