Glacial deposits and features are well known for their complexity and controversial origins. Understanding glacial processes not only benefits studies of climate changes and ground water reservoirs, but also provides valuable information regarding shallow hydrocarbon reservoirs and drilling hazards. In this project, we use a comprehensive workflow of seismic processing and interpretation to image a shallow sub-seafloor region within the Chukchi shelf of the Arctic Ocean and identify glacial features on a 2D seismic line, including mega-scale glacial lineations (MSGLs, a.k.a. streamlined bedding or grooved seafloor), sub-bottom erosion, and glacial till deposits. We also point out several seismic artifacts that could easily confound interpreters, such as noise bursts and out-of-plane interferences.
Presentation Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016
Start Time: 8:50:00 AM
Location: 170/172
Presentation Type: ORAL