Staggered-grid finite-difference (SFD) schemes have been used widely in numerical modeling. The spatial SFD coefficients are usually derived by a Taylor-series expansion (TE) method or optimization methods. However, high accuracy is not guaranteed both at small and large wavenumbers by using these conventional methods. In this paper, we present a new optimal SFD scheme using TE with a minimax approximation for high accuracy modeling. The optimal spatial SFD coefficients are calculated by using TE with a minimax approximation based on a Remez algorithm. We use the optimal SFD coefficients to solve first-order spatial derivatives of the elastic wave equations and then perform numerical modeling. Dispersion analyses and numerical modeling show the advantage of the optimal method. The optimal SFD scheme has better accuracy than the TE-based SFD scheme for the same spatial difference operator length, and can also adopt a shorter operator length to achieve the same accuracy reducing the computational cost.

Presentation Date: Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Start Time: 2:20:00 PM

Location: Lobby D/C

Presentation Type: POSTER

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