The high-efficiency vibroseis acquisition technology is facilitating the vibroseis acquisition efficiency to grow exponentially; meanwhile the larget amount of blending noises it brings result in a drop of the S/N ratio of the raw data. The application of the dedicated noise attenuation technologies and the ultra-high fold number make people ignore the impact of these powerful noises. When the dynamic range of a geometry is less than that of the signal, the actual signals received are indeed the imcomplete signals with the "amplitude limit" processing. The "amplitude limiting" extent is determined by three factors: the dynamic range of geometry, the energy of noises and the energy of signals. The larger the dynamic range of geometry, the weaker the noise energy, the stronger the signal energy, the wider the amplitude variations of the signals received and the less the signals lost will be, and vice versa. These lost signals cannot be recovered through de-noising. Actual data shows that if the acquisition is performed without taking any noise control measures, effective signals in raw data at larger offset and the weak deep-layer will be thousand times weaker than the blending noiese energy, when the limit of the dynamic range of geometry (taking the analog receiver with a 60dB dynamic range as an example) will block the weak signals in the noise area, leading to decline of the signal containing ratio of data. Taking the noise control measures to reduce the energy level of belnding noises in the field is one of the necessary means to solve this problem.

Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Start Time: 1:00:00 PM

Location: Lobby D/C

Presentation Type: POSTER

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