Density is important for reservoir prediction and fluid identification, AVO inversion is a common approach to obtain density, however, density inversion is unreasonable with traditional three-parameter AVO inversion. In order to obtain density underground from seismic data stably, a two-term approximation which only relates to density and S-wave velocity is proposed based on Aki-Richards approximation. For AVO inversion, the contribution rate of target parameter, condition number of the parameter coefficient matrix and the correlation between the parameters jointly decide the credibility of the inverted parameters, and they are discussed for feasibility analysis. Model test indicates that density can be inverted stably and accurately based on the approximation. At last the inverted density in field application is in good agreement with well logging.

Presentation Date: Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Start Time: 11:35:00 AM

Location: 155

Presentation Type: ORAL

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