The benefits of separating azimuthal AVO into AVO (Amplitude Versus Offset) and AVAz (Amplitude Versus Azimuth) have been demonstrated using Fourier Coefficients. The main advantage is to avoid coupling between the isotropic and anisotropic properties estimates. This paper presents another method to separate AVO and AVAz using statistical moments with the added benefit, under some assumptions, that moments are independent of the anisotropy orientation. The 2nd and 3rd central moments of azimuthal data are related to the anisotropic gradient and anellipticity variation respectively. Moments can be combined to obtain more fundamental anisotropic properties which can be used to obtain unbiased estimates of the anisotropic gradient and orientation. Some templates using moments, Fourier Coefficients and anisotropy model properties are presented to show how these data and model spaces relate to each other and help the interpretation.