
This study uses forward seismic modeling to better understand which features of strongly deformed and faulted rocks adjacent to salt diapir flanks can (or cannot) be retrieved from the seismic data, aiming to inspire better subsurface seismic interpretation. Synthetic seismic sections are built from reservoir-scale two-dimensional structural models of salt diapir outcrops in Cape Breton area in Nova Scotia. These diapir outcrops have been emplaced within a sedimentary sequence of variable lithology and competence. The deformed overburden shows fault systems and fractures of different scales which controls reservoir compartmentalization. Typical seismic velocity values for subsurface sediments in the area were assumed for seismic modeling. Zero-offset synthetic sections show limited resolution to interpret outcrop scale faults. We produced and analyzed pre-stack seismic sections to enable the comparison between deformation structures observed in the outcrops and the geological models to their possible seismic expression in the subsurface. Comparisons show how the resolution limitations inherent to the seismic modeling algorithms degrades.

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