The magnetotelluric (MT) method has been widely used in studies of terrestrial and marine Brazilian basins. A major problem in oil exploration is precisely locating basement fracture-zones and heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs underneath thick overburden. Fractures granitic zones, massive carbonates rocks can be detectable by electromagnetic (EM) methods, since it is geologically expected that this rock may form regional unconformity-related conductive horizons. In the present study we analyzed several MT soundings from the central region of Sa˜o Francisco Basin in northwest portion of the state of Bahia near the region called Remanso do Fogo in Brazil. The main thrust was to obtain depth-converted EM attributes of fractured carbonate rocks and to map the resistivity structure of well-known portions of the basins. It is shown that the stratigraphic groups characterized in seismic reflection images are in agreement with structural features revealed by MT conductivity imaging.
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Electromagnetic And Seismic Images From Sao Francisco Basin - Brazil: Oil And Gas Perspectives?
Flora F. Solon;
Flora F. Solon
Observatório Nacional/ON/MCT
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Sergio L. Fontes;
Sergio L. Fontes
Observatório Nacional/ON/MCT
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Jean Marie Flexor;
Jean Marie Flexor
Observatório Nacional/ON/MCT
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Paper presented at the 2011 SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, September 2011.
Paper Number:
September 18 2011
Solon, Flora F., Fontes, Sergio L., Flexor, Jean Marie, and Maxwell Meju. "Electromagnetic And Seismic Images From Sao Francisco Basin - Brazil: Oil And Gas Perspectives?." Paper presented at the 2011 SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, September 2011.
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