We have carried out monitoring of surface Self Potential (SP) variations around the Soultz-sous-Fore?ts Hot Dry Rock site (France) and Berli´n Enhanced Geothermal Field (El Salvador) during injection experiments. We have observed long-period (T > 1 day) SP variations with a maximum amplitude of several mV well correlated to the injection phases: this anomalous potential increases during the injection and decreases after shut-in. We show that this behavior is caused by the electrokinetic effect of the injected water flow in deep fractures. We found that the steel well casing channels the electric current toward the surface; this is why we can record surface SP variations even though the electrokinetic sources are several km below. We also found that the surface SP distribution is mainly controlled by the presence of the casing and hence that it is not possible to map the reservoir flow from surface SP signals. SP and borehole pressure data are usually well correlated but they sometimes show discrepancies because pressure sensors are sensitive to the flow in the vicinity of the well while SP is sensitive to the overall reservoir flow. Monitoring of surface SP therefore adds significantly to the information obtained by standard downhole sensors and could be used in the future as a low-cost decision-making tool to monitor the overall dynamics of reservoirs.
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Monitoring Reservoir Fluid Flow From Surface Self Potential (SP) Measurements: Application to Geothermal Reservoirs
Stephen J. Oates;
Stephen J. Oates
Shell International Exploration and Production
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Paper presented at the 2004 SEG Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 2004.
Paper Number:
October 10 2004
Darnet, Mathieu, Marquis, Guy, Oates, Stephen J., and Salvador Handal Candray. "Monitoring Reservoir Fluid Flow From Surface Self Potential (SP) Measurements: Application to Geothermal Reservoirs." Paper presented at the 2004 SEG Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, October 2004.
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