An automated algorithm is described that models spatially discrete anomalies in airborne EM (AEM) data sets. After determining background conductivity models with layeredearth inversions from the EM data, identified EM anomalies are modelled with magnetic and electric dipoles buried inside a layered-earth. Magnetic dipoles are appropriate models for discrete, sheet-like conductors inside a resistive host, i.e. in scenarios where vortex currents dominate, whereas electric dipoles are expected to model well elongated structures excited by current channeling. The model parameters determined from each data segment include for magnetic dipole solutions: the target conductor position, depth, dip, size and conductance, and for electric dipoles: the position, depth and conductivity-area product.
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AEM Anomaly Modelling With Magnetic And Electric Dipoles Buried Inside a Layered Earth
James Reid
James Reid
University of Tasmania
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Paper presented at the 2002 SEG Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2002.
Paper Number:
October 06 2002
Sattel, Daniel, and James Reid. "AEM Anomaly Modelling With Magnetic And Electric Dipoles Buried Inside a Layered Earth." Paper presented at the 2002 SEG Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2002.
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