A new prestack depth migration algorithm for the integrated depth imaging of VSP and surface seismic data has been developed and successfully tested on numerical and field data. This Kirchhoff-based algorithm uses a common velocity model to migrate the two data sets to a single output grid, eliminating the need for splicing the VSP section into the surface seismic image. The migration can also handle anisotropy (both VTI and TTI), converted waves and multi-modes. Results from the depth migration of numerical VSP and surface seismic data show that the resulting integrated image is superior to those obtained from the migration of either data set alone. There is enhanced resolution at the target level due to the higher bandwidth of the VSP data and also increased structural detail, as the events from both data sets complement each other when integrated.
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Integrated Prestack Depth Migration of VSP And Surface Seismic Data
M. Graziella Kirtland Grech;
M. Graziella Kirtland Grech
Veritas DGC Inc
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Don C. Lawton
Don C. Lawton
University of Calgary
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Paper presented at the 2001 SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, September 2001.
Paper Number:
September 09 2001
Kirtland Grech, M. Graziella, Cheadle, Scott, and Don C. Lawton. "Integrated Prestack Depth Migration of VSP And Surface Seismic Data." Paper presented at the 2001 SEG Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, September 2001.
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