The city of Ouro Preto is situated on morphologically rugged terrain due to the lithological and structural complexity. The lack of planning during its occupation since the 18th-century gold rush resulted in the concentration of residences built in areas of high geotechnical instability. Currently, catastrophic events resulting in property loss and loss of lives have become common, especially during rainy periods. For the research, an area was delimited in agreement with the Civil Defense, characterized by intense disorderly occupation and high geotechnical risk. The study aimed to understand and delimit the areas of greatest risk, raising awareness among the population and enabling competent authorities to take appropriate mitigating measures. The work consisted of reviewing, processing, and analyzing geological, geotechnical, and geophysical data existing in the region to characterize areas for detailed study. The detailed analysis included aerophotogrammetry, terrestrial magnetometry, gravimetry, and electroresistivity surveys conducted during both rainy and drought periods to identify underground structures in the area, along with a more comprehensive geotechnical classification. Through this research, a better understanding of the geotechnical conditions of the area was obtained, and areas more susceptible to risks were identified. Additionally, the local community’s awareness of geotechnical risks was raised, contributing to authorities’ efforts to reduce the consequences of adverse events and promote the safety and well-being of the community of Ouro Preto.

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