As interest in shear waves (S-waves) grows for prestack depth migration of ocean-bottom node (OBN) data, it is imperative to obtain a good initial elastic model of the shallow seabed, for optimal wavefield separation and imaging. Compressional wave (P-wave) methods that use mirror migration, velocity analyses and tomography are not available for shallow converted P- to S-wave (PS-wave) data because of sparse node acquisition and low S-wave velocities. Conventional techniques use reflections from just below the seabed to invert for the elastic properties VP, VS and density ρ. We estimate these properties by inverting the amplitude variations with ray parameter (horizontal slowness) of the direct arrival. Synthetic data shows exact results compared with analytic expressions for reflection and transmission coefficients of the seabed interface. Inverting field data from the deep-water Jubarte ocean-bottom cable (OBC) survey offshore Brazil also shows good results. However, some challenges remain related to calibrating particle velocity data with the pressure data for acoustic wavefield separation.
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SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy
August 28–September 1, 2022
Houston, Texas, USA
Amplitude inversion of OBS direct arrivals for seabed elastic properties
Moacyr de Souza Bazerra;
Moacyr de Souza Bazerra
Colorado School of Mines
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James Simmons
James Simmons
Colorado School of Mines
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Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Houston, Texas, USA, August 2022.
Paper Number:
November 01 2022
Gaiser, James, de Souza Bazerra, Moacyr, and James Simmons. "Amplitude inversion of OBS direct arrivals for seabed elastic properties." Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Houston, Texas, USA, August 2022. doi:
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