Due to the tremendous cost of seismic data acquisition, methods have been developed to reduce the amount of data acquired by designing optimal missing trace reconstruction algorithms. These technologies are designed to record as little data as possible in the field, while providing accurate wavefield reconstruction in the areas of the survey that are not recorded. This is achieved by designing randomized subsampling masks that allow for accurate wavefield reconstruction via matrix completion methods. Motivated by these recent results, we propose a simulation-free seismic survey design that aims at improving the quality of a given randomized subsampling using a simulated annealing algorithm that iteratively increases the spectral gap of the subsampling mask, a property recently linked to the quality of the reconstruction. We demonstrate that our proposed method improves the data reconstruction quality for a fixed subsampling rate on a realistic synthetic dataset.
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SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy
August 28–September 1, 2022
Houston, Texas, USA
A simulation-free seismic survey design by maximizing the spectral gap
Mathias Louboutin;
Mathias Louboutin
Georgia Institute of Technology
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Ali Siahkoohi;
Ali Siahkoohi
Georgia Institute of Technology
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Felix J. Herrmann
Felix J. Herrmann
Georgia Institute of Technology
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Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Houston, Texas, USA, August 2022.
Paper Number:
November 01 2022
Zhang, Yijun, Louboutin, Mathias, Siahkoohi, Ali, Yin, Ziyi, Kumar, Rajiv, and Felix J. Herrmann. "A simulation-free seismic survey design by maximizing the spectral gap." Paper presented at the SEG/AAPG International Meeting for Applied Geoscience & Energy, Houston, Texas, USA, August 2022. doi: https://doi.org/10.1190/image2022-3751690.1
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