Three seismic profiles, acquired as part of the Metal Earth project, were used to image the eastern Sudbury structure and its surrounding terranes. The seismic data processing flow was tailored for an optimal binning of crooked lines, correcting refraction statics, attenuating random and coherent noises, and pre-stack time migration of the seismic records. The final migrated seismic sections exhibit relatively undisturbed and shallowly south-dipping units at the North Range and thrust faulting and overturning at the South Range of the Sudbury structure. The Grenville front was distinguished by a steeply south-dipping package of reflections. The depths of the Huronian metasedimentary units were estimated to be approximately 1.5 and 3 km at the north and south of the Sudbury structure, respectively. The interpretations of this study on the eastern Sudbury structure were consistent with the Lithoprobe seismic reflection results on the central and southwestern part of the Sudbury structure.

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