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Proceedings Papers
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Time-lapse Processing: A North Sea Case Study
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Repeatability of Land Seismic Surveys: a Case Study From Kuwait
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Repeatability Study of Land Data Acquisition And Processing For Time Lapse Seismic
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Time-lapse Seismic Repeatability - a Case Study
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A Cross-equalization Processing Flow For Off-the-shelf 4D Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Processing For Robust Time-lapse Seismic Analysis: Gulf of Mexico Example, Lena Field
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Time-Lapse Seismic Monitoring of a SE Asian Field - a Case History
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Estimation of Reservoir Fluid Volumes Through 4D Seismic Analysis On Gullfaks
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
An Onshore Time-Lapse (4-D), Multicomponent, Data Processing Case History, Vacuum Field, New Mexico
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Improvement On the Quantitative Seismic History Matching
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Shallow Seismic Profiling Over Heated Heavy Oils: Directions Towards Time Lapse Monitoring.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Reservoir Characterization Via Time-lapse Prestack Seismic Inversion
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Propagating Uncertainty In Fluid Replacement Modeling: a Tool For Time Lapse Seismic Survey Planning And Amplitude Variation With Angle (ava) Analysis.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Inversion of 4D Seismic With Best Feasible Approximation
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Designing 3-D High-resolution Seismic Surveys
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Land 3D Acquisition Geometry : What is the Cost of Ground Roll ?
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Acquisition Design For 3D P-wave Azimuthal Anisotropy
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Strike Shooting, Dip Shooting, Widepatch Shooting - Does Prestack Depth Migration Care? A Model Study.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3D Acquisition Parameters: a Cost-saving Study
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Optimal Seismic Survey Design For Imaging And Inference of Elastic Properties
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Geophysical Survey Design: Get the Most For the Least!
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Analysis of Seismic Acquisition Geometries By Focal Beams
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Optimization of 3-D Data Acquisition Geometries
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Can Seismic Wide-aperture Data Image Beneath Basalt?
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
FLARE - a Two-ship Experiment Designed For Sub-basalt Imaging
Juergen Fruehn; Robert S. White; K. Ruth Richardson; Moritz Fliedner; Ed Cullen; Christopher Latkiewicz; Wayne Kirk; John R. Smallwood
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Optimization of 3D Survey Design Using 2D Seismic Data: Bu Hasa Field Onshore Abu Dhabi Case Study
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Optimization of 3D Acquisition Design - From Theory to Practice the Qarun Discoveries In the Western Desert of Egypt
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
The Blackfoot High-resolution 3-C Seismic Survey: Design And Initial Results
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
South Belridge High-resolution 3D Seismic Case History.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Real Time Source Signature Estimator - A Case Study of Performance In Marginal Weather From the Orca Basin Acquisition Experiment.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Exploration GIS: Optimising 3D Seismic Operations
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3-D Seismic Survey Design As an Optimization Problem
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Spurious Resonance Of L28 Geophones
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Reducing the Cost of Acquiring Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Solving Problems In Land And Transition Zone Positioning
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A New Look At Simultaneous Sources
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Acquiring And Processing Marine Vibrator Data In the Transition Zone
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
High Fidelity Vibratory Seismic (HFVS) Method For Acquiring Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Seismic Data Acquisition And Processing Using Measured Motion Signals On Vibrators
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Seismic While Drilling Use of Pilot Signals With Downhole Motor Drilling
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Development And Testing of a 0.5-inch Microhole Geophone Package
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
The Use of the Seismic Cone Penetrometer For Near-surface VSP Surveys
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Downhole Multipoint Measurement of SWD At Soultz And Characterization of Subsurface Structure Inside the Basement
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Analysis of Multicomponent Seismic Data From Offshore Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Multicomponent AVO Analysis At Vacuum Field, New Mexico, Part I: Theory And Data Processing
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
AVO Analysis to Extract Rock Parameters On the Blackfoot 3C-3D Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
AVO Inversion Via Localized Migrations
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Calibration And Inversion of Non-Zero Offset Seismic
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Inversion And AVO In Attenuating Media
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Acoustic Asymptotic Inversion And AVO
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
P-wave Azimuthal Variations In Attenuation, Amplitude, And Velocity In 3D Field Data: Implications For Mapping Horizontal Permeability Anisotropy
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Structural Effects On AVO: A Modeling Study
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Sensitivity Analysis of Amplitude Variation With Offset (AVO) In Fractured Media
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Sensitivity Studies In Forward AVO Modeling
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Empirical Relationships Between Anellipticity And Vp/Vs In Shales: Potential Applications to AVO Studies And Anisotropic Seismic Processing
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Effects of Anisotropy In the AVO Analysis
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Practical AVO Modeling: A Case Study From the South Texas Wilcox Trend
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Interpretation of Complicated AVO Signatures In the Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Efficient And Fast Computation of the Amplitude - Distance Curves For Multiples And Converted Phases In Horizontally Layered Media
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3-D AVO For Reservoir Analysis
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Borehole-guided Long Offset AVO Processing For Improved Lithology Classification
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3-D AVO And Migration
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
AVO Detectability Against Tuning And Stretching Artifacts
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Thin Bed AVO: The Effect of NMO And NMO Correction On Reflectivity Sequences
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
AVO Attributes And Noise: Pitfalls of Crossplotting
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
AVO - Current Status And the Future
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
The OpenSpirit Alliance
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Quantitative Stoneley Mobility Inversion
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Estimation of Components of Elastic Scattering And Intrinsic Attenuation Via Well Control At the Buena Vista Hills Field
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A Parametric Study of Synthetic Dipole Logging Data In Azimuthally Anisotropic Formations
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Inversion For S-wave Velocity From ODP Sonic Logging Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Automated Velocity Analysis of Array Acoustic Waveform Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Wavefield Separation In Borehole Seismic By Linear Radon Decomposition
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Anisotropic Kirchhoff Migration With Input From Wireline Logs
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Anisotropy Estimates From a North Sea VSP
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Analysis And Removal of Multiply Scattered Tube Waves
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Estimation of Lithologies And Depositional Facies From Wireline Logs
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Characterization of Angle Dependency In Sonic Logs.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Anisotropic Parameter Estimation Using Log, Core And Seismic Data In the Glenn Pool Field, Oklahoma
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
The Inversion of Rt And Sw And Its Applications In the Salty-mud Drilling Formation
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Vertical Fracture Estimation Using Walk-away VSP
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Land Vertical Cable Acquisition And Analysis: Results From the Blackfoot High-resolution 3-C Seismic Survey
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Acoustic Imaging of Permeability of Limestone Formations By Crosswell Tomography
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Seismoelectric Measurements In a Fractured Borehole Model
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Borehole Radar Techniques to Characterize a Region of Moderately Fractured Granite Rock
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Moisture Migration Using High Resolution Time-lapse Radar Tomography
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Discrimination of Coherent Waves By a Downhole Double Three Component Detector
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Cross-hole Imaging In a Heterogeneous And Anisotropic Medium
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Crosswell Seismic Imaging In Three Dimensions
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Microseismic Mapping of a Cotton Valley Hydraulic Fracture Using Decimated Downhole Arrays
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Time-lapse Crosswell Seismic Imaging of the Athabasca Tar Sands At Steepbank
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Buena Vista Hills 3-D Attenuation And Velocity Tomography
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Wavelet Filtering of Tube Waves In the Glenn Pool Croswell Seismic Survey
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Crosswell Seismic Imaging In the Buena Vista Hills, San Joaquin Valley: A Case History
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Wide-angle Scattering Detection of a Thermal Event In Time-lapse Borehole Seismics
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3D VSP-CDP Mapping With Interactive Reflection Traveltime Display
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Mapping of 3D VSP Data Using Quick Ray Tracing
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Exploration Risk Reduction Using Borehole Seismic: East Texas Pinnacle Reef Applications
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Difficulties And Clues In 3D VSP Processing
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3-C Imaging of 3D Walk-away Data In Regard to Preprocessing
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Analysing 3C-3D VSP Data: The Blackfoot, Alberta Survey
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Proper Amplitude Recovery In VSPs
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Application of Kirchhoff Depth Migration to 3D-VSP
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Electromagnetic Anomalies of Perfect Conductors In Resistive Environment
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Taiwan Model: Combination of MT And Seismicity
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Accuracy Estimation And Model Study of the Quasi-Linear Series Method of 3-D Electromagnetic Modeling
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Finite Functions Method In the Solution of 3-D Electromagnetic Inverse Problems
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Comparative Study of Land And Sea Bottom Geoelectric Anomalies
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3-D EM Modeling Using Magnetic Field Integral Equation Solution
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3D Boundary-domain Finite Element Method For Electromagnetic Modeling
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
On the Use of Conductance And Differential Conductivity In TEM Parasections (CDI)
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Marine Magnetotellurics For Base Salt Mapping: Gulf of Mexico Field-Test At the Gemini Structure
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Petroleum Exploration In Overthrust Areas Using Magnetotelluric And Seismic Data.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Accurate And Efficient Modeling of Ground Penetrating Radar Antenna Radiation
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A Wide-band Integral Equation Solution For EM Scattering By Thin Sheets
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Anomalous Conductivity And Magnetic Permeability Effects In Time Domain Electromagnetic Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Quasi-analytical Solutions For EM Field In Inhomogeneous Structures Based On Unified Iterative Quasi-linear Method
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3D EM Imaging From a Single Borehole; a Numerical Feasibility Study
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A Nonconventional Geoelectric Method Using EM Field Generated By Steel-casing Excitation
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Image Appraisal For 2D And 3D Electromagnetic Inversion
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Preconditioned Time Domain Electromagnetic Migration
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Focusing of Inversion Images
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Rapid Joint Imaging of Multiple Electromagnetic Data Sets
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
S-inversion of Airborne Electromagnetic Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Interpretation of the Tensor CSAMT Data At the Sulphur Springs Thermal Area, Valles Caldera, New Mexico Using 3-D Quasi-linear EM Inversion
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Weighted Regularized Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Enhancing the Resolving Power of the Least Squares Inversion With Active Constraint Balancing
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3D Gravity Inversion With Variable Datum
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Non-Smooth Gravity Problem
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Practical Airborne Gravity Gradiometry
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
High Resolution Aeromagnetic Data As a Salt Mapping Tool, Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Performance of the PA-31T Airborne Survey Platform In the Argentine-Chilean Cordillera
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Utilization of Geomagnetic Method For Study of the Source of Large Deepseated Regional Magnetic Anomaly At the PreUrals.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Spherical Cap Harmonic Analysis of Potential Anomalies Over the Main Land of China
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Recent Advances In the Verification And Geologic Interpretation of Satellite-altitude Magnetic Anomalies
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
The Irish Continental Crust Revealed B YPotential Field Methods
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A Report On the Renaissance of Gravity In the Deep Water Gulf of Mexico A Practical View of Integration Methods
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Under the Northern Gulf Basin: Basement Depths And Trends
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Structure, And Geothermal Potential of the Laguna Salada Basin, BCN, Mexico.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Levelling Marine Potential Field And Bathymetry Data, a New Approach
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Stable Reduction to the Pole At the Magnetic Equator
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Comparison of Some Gridding Methods
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Geological Implications of Increased Beam Sampling With the LaCoste And Romberg S-Meter
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A Side-by-side Test of Four Land Gravity Meters.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Application of Wavelet Theory to the Analysis of Gravity Data.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Separating Aeromagnetic Anomalies Using Wavelet Matched Filters
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Wavelet Analysis Approach to De-Noising of Magnetic Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Borehole Data Integration
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Analysis Of Bottom Simulating Reflector Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Estimating the Amount of Hydrate And Free Gas From Surface Seismic
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Heat Flow And Seismic Studies of Marine Gas Hydrates On the Cascadia Margin
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Sequence Stratigraphic Analysis of a Semiregional Depth Migrated Profile, Maturín Sub-basin, Eastern Venezuela Basin.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Seismic And Gravity Surveys For Water Resources, Tularosa Basin, New Mexico
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Role of Salt Base Converted Wave Phase Shift In Subsalt Imaging
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Aquifer Characterization And Contaminant Migration Patterns With Surface And Bore-hole Geophysics
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Reservoir Connectivity Mapping: A Tool For Reservoir Description A Case Study - Gypsy Pilot Site
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Visualizing And Interpreting 3D Geoscientific Data On a Prototype Virtual Environmental Workbench
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Multi-Disciplinary And Cross-Functional Geophysical Integration, Campos Basin, Brazil
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Integrated Geological And Geophysical Interpretation of the Blackfoot Area, Southern Alberta
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Geophysical Challenges & Opportunities of the Deep Water Angolan Offshore
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Layered Acoustic Impedance Inversion Applied to the Ewan Field, Offshore Nigeria
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Fluvial Reservoir Detection Using 3D AVO And Imaging, Offshore China
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Integrating Geophysics, Geology And Petrophysics: A 3D Seismic AVO And Borehole/logging Case Study
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A.P.I. Study of the Bombay High Field Offshore Western India
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Iterative Structural Modelling And 2D Seismic Imaging In the Papua New Guinea Highlands
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Local Wavelet Attributes (amplitude, Phase And Scale) For Geological Characterization
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
New Seismic Attributes For Automated Stratigraphic Facies Boundary Detection
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Estimating Uncertainty In Interpreting Seismic Indicators
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Case Study of Elkhorn Slough Field, Solano County, California: Risk Reduction Using State-of-the-art 3D Tools
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Risk Reduction In Oil/Gas Exploration By Combining Geomorphological Analysis And Artificial Intelligence
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3-D Local Radon Power Spectra For Seismic Attribute Extraction
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Application of Wavelet Transform In 3D Seismic Sequence Analysis
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Least Squares Dip And Coherency Attributes
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Dynamic Fluid Method (DFM) Interpretation of Seismic Data of the Complex Reservoirs With Active Fluido-dynamics.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A Lithological Insight From Seismic Velocities: an Example From the Central North Sea
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Effect of Control Block Fault On Active And Passive Blocks And Relation to Structural Style
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
DAD: Hydrocarbon Edge Detection
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Depth Mapping of Time Horizons
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Subthrust Interpretation Constrained By Fault Plane Reflectivity Correlation: Post-Stack Time Migration And Pre-Stack Depth Migration Modeling
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Seismic Mapping Using Trendform Gridding.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Geophone Ground Coupling Effect On Reservoir Mapping
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Huesca “high Resolution Subsurface Imaging And Rock Characterization” Project
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3D Interval Velocity/Depth Model Building In the Southern Gas Basin UK, 3D Versus 2D Model Building
Robert A. Meek; Steve A. Whitney; Craig R. Dixon; Barbara M. Rozell; Douglas W. Hanson; Mark Skoyles
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Case Studies of 3-D Raytrace Modeling For Subsalt Exploration And Development In Offshore Louisiana, Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Case History: Using Gravity Modeling to Enhance Salt Interpretation, Improve Pre-stack Depth Migration And Reduce Exploration Costs
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A Virtual Reality System For Interdisciplinary Petroleum Exploration And Production
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Petroleum Applications of Virtual Reality Technology: Introducing a New Paradigm
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3-D Structural Modeling: a New Approach to Interactively Modify Complex Surfaces
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A New Tool to Seal a 3D Earth Model: a Cut With Constraints
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Processing 4-C Sea-floor Seismic Data: a Case Example From the North Sea
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A Three-component Field Study of the Low-velocity Layer
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Multiple Attenuation And P/S Splitting of OBC Data: A Heterogeneous Sea Floor
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Interpreting the Residual Wavefield For Polarization Change In a 4-C Shear-wave Data Matrix
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Plane Wave Deghosting of Hydrophone And Geophone OBC Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
True Amplitude Pre-stack Imaging of Converted Waves
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Multicomponent Acquisition In Transition Zone Environment: an Experimental Study
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Spectral Induced Polarization And Mineral Discrimination
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Processing And Interpretation of the Aeromagnetic Data From Curaçá River Valley At Bahia, Brazil
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
The Magnetotelluric Response Due to Electrically Dispersive Orebodies
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
On The Detection of Ni-Cu Ore Hosting Structures In the Sudbury Igneous Complex Using The Magnetotelluric Method
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
2.5D Conductivity Inversion of Airborne EM Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
The Limitations of 1-D AEM Inversion For 2-D Overburden Structures
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Magnetotelluric And 2-D Seismic Investigation Over the TemagamiLake Magnetic Anomaly
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Integrated Borehole Geophysical And 3-D Seismic Study of a Deep Massive Sulfide Deposit, Sudbury Basin, Canada
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
In-situ Nickel Assay By Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Wireline Logging
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Using Magnetotellurics For Mineral Exploration
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Reflections On Kimberlite: A Seismic Adventure
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Geophysics of the Voisey’s Bay Ni-Cu-Co Deposits
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Multi-Scale Radiometric Mapping of Potassium Alteration: An Example From Hemlo, Ontario.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
The Antamina Copper-zinc Skarn Deposit, Results of the Ground Magnetometer Survey.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
FDTD Modeling of the Borehole EM Response of a Conductive Ore Deposit In a Lossy Dielectric
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Optimal Cross-borehole Tomographic Geometries
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3-D Seismic Data Processing For Mineral Exploration
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
A High-resolution Electrical Geophysical Approach to Mapping Marine Sediments In the Atlantic Coastal Shelf And the Gulf of Mexico.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
In Quest of the Holy Grail-The Development And Application of Proprietary Geophysical Technology In Minerals Exploration
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Regularized Inversion of Spectral IP Parameters From Complex Resistivity Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Step And Impulse Calculations From Pulse-type Time-domain Electromagnetic Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Mapping Dielectric Permittivity And Resistivity Using High Frequency Helicopter-Borne EM Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Removal of Airblast From a 3-D Engineering Seismic Survey With a Wavelet Packet Filter
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Imaging Shallow Objects With Scattered Guided Waves
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
High Resolution Seismic Imaging At a Porphyry Copper Mine
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Using Resistivity Sounding And Geostatistics to Aid In Hydrogeological Studies In the Choshuichi Alluvial Fan, Taiwan
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Exploitation of Limestone Quarries In Brazil With Depth Migrated Ground-penetrating Radar Data
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Same Wavelength GPR And Ultra Shallow Seismic Reflection On a River Point Bar: Sand Stratigraphy And Water Table Complexity.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Multi-fold GPR Study of Archaeological Sites In South-eastern Kazakhstan
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Shallow Seismic Reflection Investigations of Neotectonic Activity In the Lower Mississippi Valley
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Shallow Seismic Reflection Does Not Always Work
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
In-situ, High-resolution P-Wave Velocity Measurements Within 1 M of the Earth’s Surface
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Coincident GPR And Ultra-shallow Seismic Imaging In the Arkansas River Valley, Great Bend, Kansas
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Geophones On a Board
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Ultra Shallow Seismic Reflection In Unconsolidated Sediments: Rock Physics Base For Data Acquisition.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
High Frequency Random Noise Attenuation On Shallow Seismic Reflection Data By Migration Filtering
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Ground Roll As a Tool to Image Near-surface Anomaly
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Investigation of the Shallow Subsurface Near the Paducah Gaseous Diffusion Plant Using SH-wave Seismic Methods
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Three-dimensional Visualization of a Structurally And Stratigraphically Complex Reservoir Can Improve Development Strategy
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
An Optimization Framework For Reservoir Characterization
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Geostatistical Inversion For Reservoir Characterization
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Statistical Discrimination of Lithofacies From Pre-stack Seismic Data Constrained By Well Log Rock Physics: Application to a North Sea Turbidite System.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Applying Statistical Rock Physics And Seismic Inversions to Map Lithofacies And Pore Fluid Probabilities In a North Sea Reservoir.
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Amplitude Vs. Angle - Influence of Petrophysical Parameters In Porous Media
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Processing of Induced Microseismicity Recorded In the Ekofisk Reservoir
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Application of Marine 4C Data to the Solution of Reservoir Characterisation Problems
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Recoverable Volume Prediction From Absolute Acoustic Impedance With Errors: An Example From the Nirvana, MC162 #3 Well, Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Indirect Oil Detection B Y Using P-Wa V EAttenuation Analysis In Eastern Venezuela Basin
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Geophysical Site Characterization For 3-D Flow Simulation At the Gypsy Outcrop Site, Oklahoma
Roger A. Young; Zhenghan Deng; Zhi-Ming Liu; Matthias Mueller; J.M. Forgotson; Steve Danbom; Kurt J. Marfurt; Susan Nissen
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Brazos A-105 D-sand Reservoir Modeling By Integration of Seismic Elastic Inversion Results With Geostatistical Techniques
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Overview: Cotton Valley Hydraulic Fracture Imaging Project
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
3-D, 3-C Seismology - a Technology of Choice For Vuggy Porosity Characterization
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Reservoir Characterization Using 4C Seismic And Calibrated 3D AVO
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Validation: A Technique For Selecting Seismic Attributes And Verifying Results
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Detection And Analysis of Naturally Fractured Gas Reservoirs: Summary And Synthesis
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Automated Seismic Fracture Extraction And Analysis For Reservoir Characterization
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
The Effect of Fracture Filling Fluids On Shear-wave Propagation
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
P-wave AVAZ For Inclined Parallel Fractures
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Anisotropic Permeability In Fractured Reservoirs From Integrated Acoustic Measurements
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Shear-wave Splitting At Vertical Incidence In Media Containing Intersecting Fracture Systems
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Cotton Valley Hydraulic Fracture Imaging Project: Feasibility of Determining Fracture Behavior Using Microseismic Event Locations And Source Parameters
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Siesmic Imaging of Cotton Valley Hydraulic Fractures
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Dispersion Effects And Their Impact On Reservoir Geophysics: A Brazilian Turbidite Field Example
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Seismic Reflectivity of a Thin Porous Fluid-saturated Layer Versus Frequency
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
FEM Simulation of the SH-TE EOS Fields: 1. A Parallel Solution of Biot's SH-wave Equations
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Seismic Survey In Electric Field: A New Seismo-electric Prospecting Method
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Interval Attenuation Estimation
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Empirical Trends In Velocity And Quality Factor Properties of Reservoir Rocks
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Hydrocarbon Signatures From High-resolution Attenuation Profiles
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Velocity Anisotropy Determination With the τ-p Method
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Seismic Attributes of Petroleum Source Rocks
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Predictions of Salt Anisotrop Y From Numerical Simulations of Deformation And Its Seismic Implications
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.
Reducing Uncertainties In Saturation Scales Using Fluid Flow Models
Paper presented at the 1998 SEG Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, September 1998.