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Proceedings Papers
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The Effects of Porosity And Clay Content On Wave Velocities In Sandstones
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Effect of Temperature On Wave Velocities In Sands And Sandstones With Heavy Hydrocarbons
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Quantitative Prediction of Permeability And Electrical Conductivity In Porous Rock
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Microgeometry of Igneous Rocks: Using Maximum Entropy Inversion of Elastic And Transport Properties
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Borehole In-Situ Holographic Stress And Elastic Moduli Measurements
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Theoretical Basis For an Induction Borehole Logging Technique In the Frequency And Time Domain
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Mathematical Modeling of Borehole And Bed Boundary Effects In Induction Logging
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
An Empirical Bayesian Approach to Gamma-ray Log Deconvolution
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Synthetic Acoustic Logs Over Bed Boundaries And Horizontal Fissures
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Tube Wave Attenuation And Dispersion In Permeable Formations
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Estimating Shear Velocity From the Stoneley Wave: Its Resolution And Depth of Investigation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Shear From Stoneley In Unconsolidated Oil Sands
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Velocity Analysis of Multireceiver Full Waveform Acoustic Logging Data In Open And Cased Holes
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Applications of Compressional And Shear Seismic Methods In the Permian Basin
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Development of a Suspension PS Logging System's Seismic Source For Hard Ground
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Riccsti Inversion of Magnetotelluric Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Time-Domain Inversion Based On Approximate Solution to Forward Problem
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
High Resolution Two-Dimensional Resistivity Inversion Technique Using Alpha Centers
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Application of MIM to Inversion of Synthetic AEM Bathymetric Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Technique For Rapidly Estimating Resistivity of the Earth From Transient Electromagnetic Soundings
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Two-Dimensional Joint Inversion of Magnetotelluric And Dipole Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Fast Computations For Exterior Problems In Electrical And Electromagnetic Geophysical Exploration Using Infinite Electrical Networks
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Electromagnetic Array Profiling (EMAP)
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
An EMAP Case Study
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Interpretation of Natural Source Electromagnetic Array Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Two-Dimensional Topographic Responses In Magnetotellurics Modeled Using Finite Elements
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
An Evaluation of Electromagnetic Methods In the Presence of Geologic Noise
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Effects of Near-surface Conditions On the Reflectivity Imaging of Magnetotelluric Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Efficient Modeling of 3-D Magnetotelluric Fields In Complicated Basin Structures: Application to Long Valley Caldera
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
One-layer Inversion of Airborne Transient EM Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Offshore Electromagnetic Surveying Techniques
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Sea Floor Conductivity Mapping Using Transient EM Systems
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
High-Accuracy, Simultaneous Calibration of Controlled-Source EM Field Systems
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Use of Electromagnetic Waves For Longwall Coal Seam Tomography
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
On Coincident Loop TEM Negatives Not Associated With Significant IP Anomalies
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Field Test of the New Melis Frequency EM System
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Regional AMT Survey In the North-Central Part of Bahia State, Brazil
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Some Shallow Seismic Reflection Pitfalls
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
High-resolution Common-offset Seismic Reflection Profiling In the Chaophraya Basin, Bangkok, Thailand
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Subsurface Contamination Mapping From EMI Soundings
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Gravimetric Definition of Underground Formations In Mexico City: Relevance For Seismic Risk
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Induced-polarization Behavior of Hydrothermally Altered Rocks
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Seismic Response of the Surface Layer At the Ohaaki Geothermal Field, New Zealand
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Synthetically Focused Resistivity Method For Detecting Deep Cavities
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Borehole Radar: A New Technique For Investigation of Large Rock Volumes
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Electrical And Electromagnetic Model Studies As Applied to Groundwater Problems
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Conducting a Shallow Seismic Source Comparison
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Method of Tracing Fissures, Crack Frequency, And Depths Inside Hard Rocks
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Near-Surface Profiling of Geotechnical Sites By Surface-Wave Method
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Near-Field Effects On Determination of Propagation Velocities of Body Waves
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Influence of Stress State On Small-Strain Body Waves Propagating Along Principal Stress Directions
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Geology And Development History of Jennings Salt Dome 1901-1985: Clue to Future of Gulf Coast Salt Domes
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Characterization of Sea Floor In the Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Cano Limon-New Giant Oil Field In Colombia
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Presidential Address: Exploration Philosophy
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Geological Seismic Stratigraphy And Geophysical Seismic Stratigraphy: Two Disciplines Or One?
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Seismic Signatures of Tectonic Lithofacies From Regional Lines, Appalachian Ultradeep Core Hole (ADCOH) Site Area
J.K. Costain; C. Coruh; T. Pratt; R.D. Hatcher; L. Glover; R. Phinney; J. Diebold; R. Williams; M. Zoback
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Geology of Terra Nova Oil Field, Grand Banks, Newfoundland
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Techniques For Achieving Stable And Robust Aeromagnetic Compensation Coefficients
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Terrain Corrections With Variable Density Distributions
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Inverse Problem In Gravity And Magnetism
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Three-Dimensional Interpretation of Total Magnetic Anomaly Using the Mellln Transform
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Super-Resolution Image Processing Techniques Applied to Gravity Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Helicopter-Borne Aeromagnetic Gradiometer Surveys: A Progress Report
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Three-Dimensional Gravity Modeling In Newark Valley, Nevada: A Structural Interpretation From Gravity Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Synergistic Interpretation of Near-surface Magnetic Anomalies And High-frequency Seismic Data: Northeastern Montana
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Induced Polarization Used In Titanium Exploration In Onshore And Offshore Environments
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Case Histories On the Application of Transient EM Techniques For Detection of Two Deep Sulfide Conductors In Canada
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
EM Detection of Localized Conductance Variations In Large Regional Conductors
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
The Association of Microfine Pyrite With Gold In Carlin-type Deposits As Determined By Complex-resistivity Measurements
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Mineral Potential Evaluation of an Iron-rich Volcanogenic Metasediment, Glen Township, East-Central Minnesota
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Field Investigations of Aerial Gamma-Ray Anomalies In the Phaneroroic Cover Rocks of Saudi Arabia
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Time-Domain Response of a Thin Plate Beneath Overburden
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Effects of Vertical Contacts On Time-Domain Electromagnetic Sounding
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Maximum-likelihood Nonlinear Signal Matching
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Tree Automaton System of Syntactic Pattern Recognition For the Recognition of Seismic Patterns
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Artificial Intelligence Technique For Automating Seismic Stratigraphic Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Design Considerations For a Seismic Interpretation System
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Seismic Character Classification Based On a Line-segment Model
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Characterization of a Geologic Environment By Multivariate Statistical Analyses of Seismic Parameters
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Real-time Structural Modeling
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Transient Electromagnetic Response of a Polarized Ground to a Vertical Electric Line Source
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Transient Response of an Axisymmetric Earth to a Current Loop Source
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Electrical Sounding Through Randomly Layered Earths
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Advances In Frequency-Domain Electromagnetic Exploration Techniques For Surface And Borehole
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Removal of the Host Rock Response From Time-Domain Electromagnetic Data By Transforming to And Filtering In the Frequency Domain
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Magnetotelluric Soundings In the South Carolina Coastal Plain
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Rocky Mountain Foreland Uplifts: An Exploration Case History
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Joint Interpretation of MT And Dc Resistivity Data At Hatchobaru Geothermal Area
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Gravity And Magnetic 3-D Interactive Inversion With Constraints
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Inversion of Gravity Data From the Laguna Salada Basin, B.C., Mexico
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Application of 2-D Hilbert Transform In Potential Field Data (Gravity And Magnetic)
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Only Insignificant Magnetic Anomalies Can Be Expected From the Magnetoelectric Effect Due to Hydrocarbon Seepage
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Cross-Hole Tomography At Rifle, Colorado
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Crosswell Seismic Measurement of Transverse Isotropy In VP And QP
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Crosswell Reflection Seismology: Applications And Limitations
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
An Integrated Three-Component Approach to Fracture Detection
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Applications of Vertical Seismic Profiling to Continental Lithospheric Reconnaissance: Numerical Feasibility Study
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Shear And Compressional Analysis of VSP In Silo Field, Denver-Julesburg Basin
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Three-Component Borehole Seismic Development: Part II. Polarization Method Data Analysis And Observations
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Application of Vertical Incidence VSP For Interpretation In the Offshore Environment, Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Tube Wave Radiation From the Bottom of a Borehole
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Case Study of Welder Ranch Field (Wilcox), Victoria County, Texas
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Migration Using the “Split-Step Fourier” Method
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Migration Before Stack Using Reverse Time Propagation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
An Approximate Solution to the One-dimensional Wave Equation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Normal Moveout Revisited: Inhomogeneous Media And Curved Interfaces
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
100 Percent (single-fold) Versus CDP (multifold) With Today's Budgets
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Complex Envelope And Procedures of Combined Group And Phase Correlation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Inversion of Synthetic Seismograms From Fourier Components
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Maximum-Likelihood Estimation of Reflection Coefficients From Seismic Data: A Case Study
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Refraction Statics: Key to Removing Statics Problems In Shallow Water Areas
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
FXDECON And Complex Wiener Prediction Filter
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Simultaneous Recording of Reflection And Refraction Data Using Vibrators
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Differenced Geophone Processing Techniques
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Comparison of Low-Energy Seismic Sources In Till
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Varisweep Modeling And Specialized Sweep Design Field Technique And Results
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Comparison of Conventional And Sign-Bit Seismic Recording Systems
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Acoustic And Mechanical Design Considerations For Digital Streamers
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Processing of Wide-Angle Vibroseis Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Graphical Kernel System (GKS): A Geophysical Critique
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Parallel Processing As Applied to Modeling And Migration of Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
New Memory Semantics For Massively Parallel Computation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Computer-Aided Picking: A New Approach to Seismic Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Knowledge-Based System For Automatic Segmentation of a Seismic Section
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Pattern Recognition: An Application to Wave Separation In Three-Component Offset VSP
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Education And Training
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Setting R&D Objectives
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Communications And Technology Transfer Between the Research Center And Operating Departments
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Approaches For Implementation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
The Role of Technology Transfer
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Migration of Noisy Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
3-D Modeling of Migration Velocity Fields And Velocity Error Zones
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Comparison of Two Ways of Imaging Complex Structures
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Strategy For Prestack Migration
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Prestack Migration Using Linearly Transformed Wave Equation Method
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Depth-domain CDP Stack
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
2-D Prestack Depth Migration In the (S-G-W) Domain
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Evaluation of a Reverse-Time Prestack Migration Algorithm
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Pitfalls In Seismic Amplitude Versus Offset Analysis: Case Histories
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Seismic Lithologic Modeling of Amplitude-Versus-Offset Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Prestack Analysis: Relevance of Petrophysical Properties
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Prestack Analysis: Data Processing
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Offset-Dependent Amplitude Analysis By Viscoelastic Llthological Modeling
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Thin Layer Analysis Using Offset/Amplitude Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Examples of a New Approach to Offset Amplitude Analysis
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Ray Theoretical, Direct Inversion Method For Determining Velocity-Depth Structures From Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Estimation of Three-Dimensional Dip And Curvature From Reflection Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Data Processing System Based On Wave Field Transformation Sequences With Application to Vertical Seismic Profiles
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Processing of Marine Seismic Data By Two-Boat Undershooting
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Three-Dimensional Interpolation of Traces With Constant Source-to-Receiver Off Set Distances
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Interpolation Based On Sparse Paired-Line Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Deep Structure Interpretation Using Upgraded Refraction Analysis
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Microcomputer Processing of Shallow Seismic Data: A Case Study
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
The Physics of Marine Seismic Sources: Interaction, Interference, And the Conservation of Energy
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Case History of Area Basin: Recording the Marine Reflection Wavelet For Deconvolving Marine Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Air Gun Warmup Pressure And Temperature Measurements
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Ocean Bottom Cable: A Fixed Multichannel Sea Floor Reflection System
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Marine 3-D Acquisition Using Two Parallel Streamers
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Second Generation Digital Fiber-Optic Streamer
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Estimate of Shear-Wave Anisotropy Using Multicomponent Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Detection of Anisotropy Using Shear-Wave Splitting In VSP Surveys: Requirements And Applications
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Dynamic And Kinematic Aspects of Transverse Isotropy
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Analysis of Conventional And Converted Mode Reflections At Putah Sink, California, Using Three-Component Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Wave Conversions In a VSP Conducted In the Columbia Plateau Basalts
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Simple Algorithm For Placing Confidence Intervals On VSP Velocity Estimates
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Calculation of Q: A Case Study From West Texas
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Shallow Marine Sediment Characterization Using a Frequency-Spatial Wavenumber Discrimination Technique
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Beam Stacking: A Generalized Preprocessing Technique
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Aternative Implementation of Cylindrical Tau-P
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
The P,q Algorithm For Seismic Data Analysis
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Stacked Section From the Tau-p Domain
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Seismic Methods to Predict the Geometry And Coal Quality of Coal Seams
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Inverse Velocity Stacking For Multiple Elimination
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
3-D Migration Using the Causality Principle
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Forward Modeling And Migration Using CPF Transforms
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Shot Profile Dip Moveout Using Log-Stretch Transform
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Modeling With Uneven Spatial Sampling
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Practical Aspects of 3-D Prestack Migration
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Prestack Migration Velocities From Focusing Depth Analysis
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Parallel Finite-Difference Migration
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Three-Dimensional Depth Migration By a Generalized Phase-Shift Method
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Low Seismic Frequencies: Acquisition And Utilization of Broad-Band Signals Containing 2-8 Hz Reflection Energy
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Seismic Vibrator Modeling
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Vibroseis: Have We Already Exhausted Its Capabilities?
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A New Type of Geophone, Eddy-Seis: Theoretical Study of Its Response Characteristics And Method of Testing
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Microwave Seismic Telemetry Data Link Spans Inaccessible Terrain
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Dispersive Noise Attenuation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Flexural Waves On Arctic Data: Application of New Techniques For S/N Enhancement
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Separation of Up And Downgoing Waves From Pressure Measurements On a Single Plane
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
VSP Detection of Fracture-Induced Velocity Anisotropy
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Seismic Detection of Subsurface Fractures
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Reflection Seismology In Azimuthally Anisotropic Media
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Shear-Wave Birefringence: A Laboratory Study
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Reflection Shear-Wave Data Along the Principal Axes of Azimuthal Anisotropy
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Shear Data In the Presence of Azimuthal Anisotropy: Dilley, Texas
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Azimuthal Anisotropy: Occurrence And Effect On Shear-Wave Data Quality
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Shear Waves Revealed: Extensive-Dilatancy Anisotropy Confirmed
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
The Nature of Deep Crustal Structures In the Mojave Desert, California, From Multioffset Reflections
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Integrated Geophysical Study of Newfoundland Continental Margin (East Coast Canada)
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Analysis of a Channel-Fan Complex In the San Joaquin Basin, California, With the Aid of an Interactive Work Station And Lithologic Modeling
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Techniques Applied to Obtain Very High-Resolution 3-D Seismic Imaging At an Athabasca Tar Sands Thermal Pilot
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Interpretation of Large 3-D Data Volumes
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Fault Slicing: The Study of Faults From a Production Perspective
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Interpretation of Seismic Signal And Noise Through Line Intersection Analysis
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Source Wavelet Estimation By Upward Extrapolation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Deconvolution of Surface-Recorded Seismic Data With a Wavelet Jointly Derived From VSP And Surface Seismic Observations
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Effect of Ridge Regression On Vibroseis Deconvolution
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Inverse-Q Filtering of Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Tomographic Wavelet Estimation Via Higher Order Statistics
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
2-D Deghosting Using Vertical Receiver Arrays
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Optimum-Lag Minimum-Entropy Deconvolution
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Inversion For Sound-Speed And Density Variations In Complex Background Structure
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A 2-D Imaging System For Linearized Inversion
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Strategy For Nonlinear Elastic Inversion of Seismic Reflection Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Linearized Inversion of Multioffset Seismic Reflection Data In the ω-k Domain With Depth-Dependent Reference Medium
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Nonlinear Elastic Inversion of Multioffset Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Plane-Layer Point-Source Prestack Inversion of Marine Data With Unknown Initial Profile
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Depth Conversion Using Normalized Interval Velocities
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Some Considerations of Uniqueness And Nonuniqueness In Seismic Reflection Tomography
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Analysis of the Resolution Between Ambiguous Velocity And Reflector Position For Traveltime Tomography
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Case Study of Traveltime Tomography Applied to Data Sets Containing Lateral Velocity Variations
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Depths And Interval Velocities From Seismic Reflection Data For Low Relief Structures
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Tomographic Imaging of a Heavy Oil Reservoir Using Well Logs, VSP, And 3-D Seismic
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Cross-Hole Tomography Using Ray Tracing
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Elastic Wave Field Decomposition of Offset VSP Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
The Relation Between the VSP-CDP Transformation And VSP Migration
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Moveout Correction, Bin, And Stack of Offset VSP Reflection Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Thin Bed Delineation From Offset VSPs: A Case History
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Applications of Elastic Modeling In Processing And Interpretation of VSP Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Traveltime Inversion of Offset Vertical Seismic Profiles Using an Application of Fermat's Principle
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Iterative Traveltime Inversion And Migration of Offset VSP Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Salt Flank Delineation By Reflection Using VSP
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Total Differential Statics: A Comparative Evaluation With Other Statics Procedures
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Robust Residual Statics By Means of Intertrace Lag Estimates
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Long-Wavelength Static Definition Through Partial Common-Midpoint Stacks
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Tomographic Mapping of the Weathered Layer
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
An Efficient Implementation of Monte Carlo Statics
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Pitfalls In Interactive Refraction Modeling In Severe Problem Areas
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Refraction Analysis On a Personal Computer Using the Principles of the Hales Method And Inverse Analysis
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Impulse Reflectivity of Thin Layers: Modeling
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Least-Squares Inversion of Prestack Data: Simultaneous Identification of Density And Velocity of Stratified Media
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Inversion By Reverse-Time Extrapolation And a New Imaging Principle
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Finite-Element Reverse-Time Migration For Elastic Waves
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Full Waveform Inversion of P-? Seismogram
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Estimating Reservoir Mechanical Properties Using Constant Offset Images of Reflection Coefficients And Incident Angles
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Synthetic Seismograms By Dereverberating Sources
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Seismic Amplitude Anomalies
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Modeling And Processing of Scattered Noise In Seismic Reflection Surveys
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Fourth-Order Accurate Discretizations For Waves In Elastic And Poroelastic Media
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
The Pseudospectral Method: Comparisons With Finite Differences For the Elastic Wave Equation
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Fourth-Order Schemes For the 2-D Wave Equation In a Homogeneous Medium
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Modeling of Elastic Wave Propagation By BIE And FD Techniques
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Global Positioning System In Dynamic Differential Mode
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Recent Results With GPS Navstar: State of the Art In Satellite Geodesy
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Using Geostationary Communications Satellites For High-Accuracy Navigation In Geophysical Applications
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Buoytrak: The State of the Art In Seismic Streamer Tracking
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Centralized Marine Control System
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Gulf of Paria 3-D Seismic Survey Case History
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
On Velocity Aggregations And Quantitative Heterogeneity For Raypaths In Isotropic Media
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
The Paraxial Ray Method: Fast Computation of Green's Functions For Inverse Scattering
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
An Attempt to Reduce the Occurrence of Artifacts In Seismic Ray Tomography
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Ultrasonic Experiments On Geophysical Diffraction Tomography
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Tomographic Determination of Interval Velocities From Picked Reflection Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Migration Velocity Analysis By Optimization: Linear Theory
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Velocity Analysis By Prestack Migration
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Nuclear Logging: State of the Art
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Development of a Spectral Litho-Density Logging Tool By Use of Empirical Methods
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Analysis of Some Unsolved Lnductlon Interpretation Problems Using Computer Modeling
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Deconvolution of Well Log Data: An Innovations Approach
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Cased-Hole Logging: A Perspective
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Full-Wave Acoustic Logging
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Geologic Implications of Large-Scale Trends In Well-Log Response, Northern Green River Basin, Wyoming
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Practical Aspects of Marine Exploration 1986
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Practical Aspects of Marine Exploration 1986
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Frontier Exploration Strategy For a Low-price Environment
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Frontier Exploration Strategy For a Low-Price Environment
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
Considerations By a Large Independent Company Between Onshore And Offshore Exploration Investments Along the Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
A Latin American Response to the Energy Crisis of the 1970s: Regional Program of Marine Seismic Exploration
Paper presented at the 1986 SEG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, November 1986.
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