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Proceedings Papers
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A Perturbative Approach to Sonic Logging In an Elliptical Borehole
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Quality Sonic Logs For Seismic Applications
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Geometric Decay of the Headwaves Excited By a Point Force In a Fluid-Filled Borehole
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Calculated Effects of Logging Tools On Sonic Waveforms
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Propagation of Acoustic Waves In a Fluid-Filled Borehole Surrounded By a Concentrically Layered Transversely Isotropic Formation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Formalized Inversion of Full Waveform Acoustic Log Traveltimes For Velocity
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Shear Velocity Logging In Slow Formations Using the Stoneley Wave
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Determination of Shear Wave Velocities In “Soft” Formations
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Amoco/LaCoste And Romberg Automated Borehole Gravity Meter
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Borehole Gravity: Expanded Operating Limits And Performance
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Borehole Gravity Logging Developments: A Status Report
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Application of the Borehole Gravity Meter (BHGM) to Hydrocarbon Exploration
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Density of Basin-fill Deposits Calculated From Borehole Gravity Data In Four Basins In Central And Southern Arizona
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Application of the Borehole Gravity Meter to Thermal Recovery
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Borehole Gravity Case History of the Mors Salt Dome, Denmark
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Determination of Subsurface Geologic Structure With Borehole Gravimetry: Case History
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
The Controlled Source Audiomagnetotelluric (CSAMT) Method For Locating Abandoned Mine Voids
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Audiomagnetotelluric Mapping In Precambrian Terrain In the Presence of Clay Rich Glacial Overburden
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Radar Sounding Interpretation of Field Data For Detection of Sulfides, Fractures, And Voids In Granites
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Borehole-to-Borehole Seam-Wave Transmission
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Tomographic Interpretation of Crosshole Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Crosshole Techniques For Mapping Ore,Bodies
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Delineation of a Coal Burn Edge With Seismic Refraction
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Some Problems Concerning the Inversion of Observed In-Seam Seismic Dispersive Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Mapping Gas-Water Contacts In Shallow Producing Formations With Transient EM
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Further Evidence of Electrical Anomalies Over Hydrocarbon Accumulations Using CSAMT
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Application of Geostatistics to the Interpretation of Magnetotelluric Data From the Eastern Columbia River Plateau
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic And Magnetotellurics Combined: A Case History of the South Clay Basin Prospect
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Exploration Beneath Volcanic: Snake River Plain, Idaho
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
An Interactive Inversion Procedure For the Interpretation of Time-Domain Induced-Polarization Data In Hydrocarbon Exploration
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Surface Detection of Subsurface Hydrocarbon By Means of Reseis/Strata-Scan
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Electrical Exploration of the Sea Floor: The Effects of Interbedding In a Sedimentary Basin
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Velocities And Attenuation In an Underground Granitic Repository For Nuclear Waste
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Crosshole Audiofrequency Seismology In Granitic Rocks
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Enhancement of Borehole Radar-Proving Data By New Antenna System With Circular Directional Resolution
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Mapping Deep Brine Pockets Using the CSAMT Technique
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Predictive Modeling And Surface Mapping of Contaminated Groundwater Plumes With Electromagnetic Resistivity Techniques
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Investigation of an Alluvial Valley Fill Utilizing Schlumberger Sounding Methods
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Reconnaissance Survey of an Aquifer Using Resistivity Sounding With “Automatic” Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Model Studies of the Overburden- Bedrock Reflection
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Measurement And Application of S-Wave Velocity of the Ground For Engineering Purposes
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Shallow Seismic Reflection Exploration In Soft Ground Using SH Waves
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Electromagnetic (Radar) Techniques Applied to Cavity Detection
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Evaluation of Existing Earth Embankments Utilizing Seismic Refraction Surveys
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Rock Property Interrelations: A Basis For Integrating Exploration Systems
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Reflectivity of Ductile Shear Zones In the Crust
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Microgravimetric And Gravity-Gradient Techniques For Detection of Subsurface Cavities
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Use of Complex Resistivity to Assess Groundwater Quality Degradation Resulting From Oil Well Brine Disposal: Case History
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Evaluation of Future Geological Remote Sensing Systems For Space: The Joint Geosat-NASA/JPL Test Case Program
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Numerical And Experimental Results For Detection of Underground Voids Using Controlled Electromagnetic Technique
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Development of a Surface Resistivity Method For Jointed Formations: Field Studies
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Effects of Pipelines On Induced Polarization And Complex Resistivity Surveys
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Inversion Interpretation of Multiple Spacing Resistivity Logs
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Dipole-Dipole Resistivity Monitoring At the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Reconnaissance Magnetotelluric Survey of the Western United States
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
An Attempt to Measure Poisson's Ratio In the Subsurface In the Geysers—clear Lake Geothermal Areas of California
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
An Objective Real-Time Data Adaptive Technique For Efficient In-Field Model Resolution Improvement In Magnetotelluric Studies
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Simple One-Dimensional Magnetotelluric Inversions
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Application of Quasi-Three-Dimensional Thin Sheet Analysis to Magnetotelluric Data Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Effects of Three-Dimensional Conductive Surface Structures On Magnetotelluric Sounding Curves
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Detection of Silicic Magma In a Layered Earth Using the Magnetotelluric Method
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A 212-dimensional Numerical Solution For Electromagnetic Scattering Using a Hybrid Technique
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Electrical Resistivity of the Pleistocene Surficial Deposits In the Abitibi Clay Belt of Northern Ontario
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
In-Field Data Handling And Processing
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Spectral IP Parameters Determined Through Time-Domain Measurements
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Resolution of Multiple Conductors Using the Turam EM System
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Application of Fixed Source Electromagnetic Devices to the Detection of Deeply Buried Conductors
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Petrophysical Signature of the Deep Massive Sulfide Deposit of Neves-Corvo, Portugal
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Approaches For Structural Studies of the Sudbury Basin
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Shallow Seismic Reflection Experiments On the Monte Cristo Claims, Nevada
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Reflection Experiments And 3-D Ray Modeling In the Crystalline Rock of Løkken Mining Area, Norway
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Error Estimation And Experimental Design In Mineral Exploration
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Estimation of Sulfide Content of a Potential Ore Body From Surface Observations And Its Role In Optimizing Exploration Programs
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Geophysical Response of Titanium-Bearing Deposits of Placer Heavy Minerals In Northeastern Florida
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Hydraulic Powered Earth Surface Vibrator Source For High Resolution Profiling
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Combining Landsat And Geophysical Data For Mineral And Groundwater Exploration In the Tucson Area, Arizona, And Sonora
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
3-D Modeling of Aeromagnetic And Gravimetric Surveys Over Los Humeros Caldera Geothermal Field, Mexico
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Low-Altitude Aeromagnetic Reconnaissance For Petroleum In the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, Using Horizontal Gradients
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Gravity Study of Some Shallow And Deep Structures In the Ouachita Tectonic Belt, Oklahoma
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Microgravity Survey Over a Nisku Reef In Northern Alberta
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Nonoriented Cesium Sensors For Airborne Magnetometry And Gradiometry
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Terrain Correction Methods And Accuracy For Gravity Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Characteristics of Regional Gravity And Magnetic Anomalies of Four Major PolymetalOre Fields In Southern Hunan, China
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Surface Magnetic Data Inversion Toward Estimating Bedded Iron Ore : An Example From Kumaraswamy, India
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Linear Inversion of Gravity Data With Geologic And Geophysical Constraints
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Least-Squares Minimization Approach to Depth Determination of a Thick Vertical Fault From Gravity Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Nationwide Curie Point Depth Analysis of Japan
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Regional Geophysical Study of the Exposed Precambrian Shield In Northeastern Alberta
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
HWG 400 Water Gun: A New Step Toward Power And Resolution?
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Stutter Shooting: A Means of Improving Resolution In the Field
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Tuned Array of Steam Jets
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Energy Conservation For an Air Gun System
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
GUNAR: A Tool For Analysis And Simulation of Energy Sources
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Effectiveness of Wide Marine Source Arrays
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
GUNDA: A New Concept In Energy Source Synchronization
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A High Resolution Explosive Source For the 80s
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
The Elastodynamic Field of N Rigid Strips Vibrating On the Surface of an Elastic Half-space
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Fermat’s Principle And Anisotropic Media
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Scattering Characteristics of Elastic Waves By an Elastic Inclusion: I. Rayleigh Scattering of Elastic Waves
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Scattering Characteristics of Elastic Waves By an Elastic Inclusion: II. Elastic Wave Scattering Beyond Rayleigh Scattering
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Flexural Waves In Floating Ice
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Response to Sea-Floor Diffractors
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Wave Field Extrapolation Techniques For Prestack Attenuation of Water Reverberations
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Attenuation of Water-Borne Coherent Noise By Application of Hyperbolic Velocity Filtering During the Tau-p Transform
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Spectral Stack
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Preprocessing of Nonhyperbolic Moveout Data In CMP Gathers
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Dip-Moveout By Fourier Transform
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Lnvertibility of Velocity Stacks
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Role of the Alpha-Trimmed Mean In Combining And Analyzing Seismic Common- Depth-Point Gathers
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Separation of a Finite Number of Dipping Events: Theory And Applications
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Old Is Still Good “or” 40 Is Not Over the Hill
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Locating Structures By Interactive Wavefront Processing
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Synthetic Sonic Log Study of the Dan Field, Danish Sector of the North Sea
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Geophysical Data From the Dead Sea-Jordan Rift Valley
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Rapid Lateral Velocity Variations In the Ubarana Field Area: Offshore Northeastern Brazil
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Exploration For Patch Or Pinnacle Reefs In the Permian Basin Using Advanced Stratigraphic Techniques
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Velocity Oriented Stratigraphic Seismic Prospect Development: A Case In King County, Texas
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Reflection Surveys of a Catastrophically Collapsed Sinkhole, Ellis County, Kansas
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
High-Resolution Shallow Seismics
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic And Gravity Modeling of the Mors Salt Dome, Denmark
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Compressional-Wave Data Acquisition Using Shear-Wave Vibrators
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Use And Misuse of the Nonlinear Vibroseis Method For the Acquisition of High Resolution Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Improved Vibroseis Quality Control
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Correlation Side Lobe Amplitudes
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Simultaneous Recording of Several Vibroseis Seismic Lines
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Pitfalls In the Design And Application of Nonlinear Vibroseis Sweeps
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Use of Nonlinear Sweeps For Generation of High Frequency Data In Vibroseis
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Study of the Spurious Frequency of Geophones
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Long Period Static Analysis By Trigonometric Approximation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Another Look At Residual Statics
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Statistical Filter Theory And O’Doherty- Anstey Effect
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Adaptive Rejection of High-LineContamination
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Applications of the Karhunen-Lobe Transformation In Reflection Seismology
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Applications of Complex Common Signal Analysis In Exploration Seismology
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Least-Squares Design of Migration Operators
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Improved Interval Transit Time Measurement Based On Semblance
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Highly Accurate Inversion Methods For Three-Dimensional Stratified Media
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Elastic Forward Modeling By the Fourier Method
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Two-Point Ray Tracing In 3-D Inhomogeneous Media
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Large-Scale Dynamic Elastic Finite Element Models On the Gray-1
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Numerical Modeling of Refraction Arrivals In Complex Areas
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Design Considerations In Finite Element Program Development
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
An Eigenvalue Technique For 3-D Synthetic Sections
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Theoretical Comparison Between Multidimensional Linearized Inversion And Seismic Migration
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Direct Hydrocarbon Detection With P And SH-Wave Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Supercritical Reflections Observed In P And S-Wave Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Sandstone And Limestone Porosity Determination From Shear And Compressional Wave Velocity
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Bright Spot Validation Using Comparative PWave And SWave Seismic Section
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Carbonate Porosity From SIP Traveltime Ratios
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Shear And Compressional Wave Data Interpretation-Midland Basin, Texas
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Computationally Fast Approach to Maximum-Likelihood Deconvolution
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Maximum-Likelihood Vibroseis Deconvolution
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Model-Based Dereverberation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Multiple Suppression By Multipass Decomposition Approach
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Spectral Balancing of Seismic Sections By Evaluation of the Quality Factor Versus Time And Distance
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Deconvolution Based On a New Subsurface Model
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Statistical Approach to the Buried Reef Problem
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Application of the Kalman Filter By Stochastic System Identification For Deconvolution of Real Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Iterative Depth Migration By Backward Time Propagation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Ray Asymptotic Migration (Basic Concepts)
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Comparison of Kirchhoff Integral Migration And Band-Limited Direct Inversion
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Kirchhoff Elastic Wave Migration For the Case of Source And Receiver Noncoincidence
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Migration: An Inverse Source Problem
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Wave Equation Migration Deduced As an Inversion Method From the Wave Equation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Residual Migration: Applications And Limitations
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
An Acoustic Imaging Theorem And Its Application to Frequency-Domain Migration
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Developments In Distributed Data Acquisition Instrumentation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Portable Seismic Data Acquisition System Using Floppy Disks For Field Processing
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
An Advanced Marine System For Accurate Seismic Data Acquisition
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
MUSIC: A Demultiplexed Digital Seismic Recording System
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Semiautomatic Parameter Acquisition System
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Amoco’s Satellite System For Seismic Data Transmission
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Shear-Wave Reflections In Three West Texas Basins With High-Velocity Surface Rocks
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Shear And Compressional-Wave Surface And Downhole Tests In Southern Louisiana
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Marthor, an S-Wave Impulse Source
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Separation of Shear-Wave And PWave Reflections Offshore Western Florida
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Shear Wave Seismic Data Collection And Analysis
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Some Aspects of Field-Layout For Shear-Wave Surveys
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Shear Wave Polarizations: A Plea For Three-Component Recording
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Experimentation In Downhole Shear Wave Velocity Measurements
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Wave Equation-Based Source Signature Deconvolution
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Comparison of Source Deconvolution Methods
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Angular-Dependent Signature Deconvolution
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Syntactic Pattern Recognition For Classification of Ricker Wavelets
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Characteristics of Analytic Signal Analysis In Gaussian Band-Pass Noise And Their Use In the Classification of Ricker Wavelets
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Deconvolution of Non-Gaussian Seismic Events
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
What Is the Color of Reflection Coefficient Series?
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Synthetic Seismograms With Offset For a Layered Elastic Medium
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Characteristics of Reflection Traveltimes For Layer Models
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Arrival Times And Envelopes: Inverse Modeling For Subsurface Seismics
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Detection of Bright Spots In Frequency Attenuated Seismograms Using a Cutting Method And Tree Classification
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
An Approach to Construction of 3-D Seismograms
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Prestack Synthetic Seismogram of Elastic-Layered Earth
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Comparison of Prestack Acoustic And Elastic Synthetic Seismograms
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
An Image Processing Approach For the Generation of Seismic Wavefronts
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Group Coded Recording Considerations
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Modeling the Noise Pickup of Seismic Cable
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Analysis And Prediction of Geophone Performance Parameters
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Advanced Acoustic Design For a New Seismic Streamer
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Ocean Bottom Seismometer: An Engineering Perspective
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Ocean Bottom Seismometers In Seismic Exploration Surveys: Planning And Operations
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Offshore Seismic Investigations of Sedimentary Basins With a Newly Developed Ocean Bottom Seismograph
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Practical, High Resolution Geophone
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Three-Dimensional Seismic Monitoring of an Enhanced Oil Recovery Project
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Seismic Attributes Contributes to Stratigraphic Analysis of Pampo Oil Field
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Strategic Issues of a 3-D Seismic Survey In the Powder River Basin
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Interactive Seismic Mapping of Net Producible Gas Sands In the Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Hibernia Field Delineation Using Three- Dimensional Seismic Techniques
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Three-Dimensional Seismic Explorationfor the Positioning of Wildcat Wells
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
East Painter Reservoir 3-D Survey, Overthrust Belt, Wyoming: Case History
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Recursive Inversion of Seismic Data In the Presence of Outstanding Discontinuities
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Limits of the Born Inversion
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Method For Inversion of Seismic Data For a Medium With Small Lateral Inhomogeneities
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Integration-Characteristics Method For One-Dimensional Acoustic Wave Inversion
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Comparison of the L1, And L2 Norms Applied to One-at-a-Time Spike Extraction From Seismic Traces
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
A Simplified Forward Type Inversion
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Least-Squares Inversion: A Novel Approach
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Acoustic Impedances And CDP Gathers
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Profiling Using a Laser/Inertial Terrain Profiler
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Line Length: The Neglected Parameter
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Quantization Effects In Digital Signals
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Analysis of Sign-Bit Recording For High And Low Noise Environments
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Accurate Doppler Survey In Geophysics
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
An Integrated Ship And Streamer Positioning System For High Resolution Seismic Data Collection
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Dash II: A Survey System to Support the Advancing Geophysical Industry
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Direct Application of SEG Positional Data Exchange Format to Field Crew Survey Notes And Computations
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Three-Component Vertical Seismic Profiles: An Application of Gal'perin's Polarization- Position Correlation Technique
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Three-Component Vertical Seismic Profile: Geometrical Processing And Wave Identification
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Three-Dimensional Dip Analysis of Offset VSP Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
VSP With Offset Source: Computer Simulations
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Deviated Borehole VSP: Offset Reflection Point Mapping
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Application of Iterative Modeling to Inversion of VSPs
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Iterative One-Dimensional Waveform Inversion of VSP Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Offset-VSP Modeling For Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Velocity Anisotropy of Shales And Depth Anomalies In the North Sea Niranjan
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Shale Compaction And Abnormal Pore- Pressures: A Model of Geopressures In the Gulf Coast Basin
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
3-D Interpretation Using Interactive Graphics
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Computer Aided Interpretation of Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Lithologic Modeling
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Practical Consideration In Using Velocity, Frequency And Phase In Stratigraphic Seismic Exploration
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
The Perseus Concept: A New And Necessary Approach to Exploration Data Processing
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Enhanced Seismic Interpretation Through a Nonlinear Method of Signal Correlation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Automatic Extraction of 3-D Seismic Horizons
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Computer Representation of Complex 3-D Geologic Structures Using a New “Solid Modeling” Technique
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Three-Dimensional Plane Pass Filtering As a Regridding And Interpolation Technique
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Three-Dimensional Acquisition With a Fiber Optic Telemetry System
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
The Reality of Trace Binning In 3-D Marine Surveying
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Dual Vessel 3-D Marine Surveys
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
New Perspectives With 3-D Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Color Softcopy, Animation And Interactive User Interface In Interpretation Station Design
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Lateral Velocity Anomalies
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Extracting Velocities From Diffractions
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Velocity Determination In a Complex Earth
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
RMS Velocities And the Recovery of the Acoustic Impedance
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Nonlinear Inversion of Traveltimes For Velocity-Depth Structure of Shallow Hidden Layers
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Effect of Temperature, Pore Fluids, And Pressure On Seismic Wave Velocity And Attenuation In Rock
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Elastic Anisotropy In Sandstones
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
VSP In Deviated Wells Or With a Moving Source
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Attenuation Measured From VSP: Evidence of Frequency-Dependent Q
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
VSP Measurement of Seismic Attenuation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Effects of Radiation Pattern And Attenuation On P And S Amplitudes In a Three-Component VSP: A Case History
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Detection of Subsurface Fractures And Permeable Zones By Analysis of Tube Waves
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Velocity Anisotropy of Seismic Waves: Field Observations
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Traveltime Analysis of Borehole Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Predicting Pore Pressure And Porosity From VSP Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Limit of Resolution As a Function of Noise, Frequency Spectrum And Reflection Polarity
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Seismic Properties of Thin Layers
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Spatial Aspects of Seismic Resolution
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
SAMPLE: Seismic Amplitude Measurement For Primary Lithology Estimation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Cycle-Octave Representation For Instantaneous Frequency Spectra
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Determination of Inhomogeneous Medium Structure By the Dynamic Visualization Method
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Algorithms of Phase And Group Correlation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Comparative Input Surveys
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Effect of Differential Transmitter/Receiver TDEM2 Motion On Airborne Transient EM Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Two-Dimensional Time Domain Electromagnetic Responses
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Inductive And Conductive Anomalies In Transient Electromagnetic Exploration
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Field Experience With the Interpretation of UTEM Data
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Transient Electromagnetics In a Highly Weathered Terrain
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
The Role of Minicomputers In Tennessee Valley Authority's Exploration Program
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Diffractions Reveal Drilling Hazards
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Oil Accumulation And Production Characteristics In Major Texas Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Continental Shelf Topography: Possible Key to Understanding Distribution of Shelf-bar Sandstones From Cretaceous Western Interior Seaway
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Lacustrine Siliciclastic Rocks And Hydrocarbons
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Merging Multiple-source Dipole Mapping Data Sets
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Electrical Surveys In the Geysers—clear Lake Area of California
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Time-domain Electromagnetic Surveys At the Chin Suei Geothermal Field, Republic of China
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
Discussion of Investigations In Thermal Mapping
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.
ESP/MT: An Interactive System For Two-dimensional Magnetotelluric Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1983 SEG Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, September 1983.