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Proceedings Papers
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Transition Zone Processing
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Binning And Time-Variant Regridding of 3-D Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Application of the Tau-? Transform (Slant Stack) In Processing Seismic Reflection Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Residual Migration
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
High-Speed Interactive System For Interpretive Migration
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Prestack Wavelet Deconvolution
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Long Period Multiple Reflection Suppression And Enhanced Velocity Discrimination Using a Weighted Stack
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Amplitude Preservation For Sign-Bit Vibroseis Data: A Synthetic Study
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Case History of the Langley Deep Field In Lea County, New Mexico
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Project Dilley: A Drilling Program to Evaluate A New Stratigraphic Seismic Tool
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Hines Creek, Alberta: A Case For Information
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Appraisal of the Bicudo Field With Seismic-Derived Acoustic Impedance Data, Campos Basin, Brazil
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Case Study of Stratigraphic Interpretation Using Shear And Compressional Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Use of Seismic Stratigraphic Procedures In the Interpretation of Trace Inversion Sections
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Use of Seismic Stratigraphy For Minnelusa Exploration, Northeastern Wyoming
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Three-Dimensional Seismic Survey Applied to Field Development In the Williston Basin
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Method to Determine Near-Surface Velocities In Marine Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Velocity Determination Using Random And Nonlinear Processes
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Minimum Entropy As a Tool For Velocity Analysis
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Effects of Geometry On 3-D Moveout Analysis
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Azimuth Dependent Normal Moveout Corrections In 3-D Seismic
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Practical Aspects In the Determination of 3-D Stacking Velocities
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Post-Stack Method For 3-D Crossline Statics Estimation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Dispersion: A Tool For Long Wavelength Residual Statics
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Economical 600 Percent CDP Data Collection Techniques
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Group Recorder System
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Telemetry: The Future of Geophysics
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Evaluation of Telemetry Methods For a Stats-of- The-Art Geophysical Field Recording System
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
An Enhanced Line Test And CDP Switch Design
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Quality Control of a Remote Data Acquisition System In the Field
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Vibrator Control And the Downgoing P-wave
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Application And Development of a Real Time Correlator
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Aliesed Noise And Filtering Techniques
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
3-D Responses of Seismic Arrays
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Comparlsons Between P- SH-SV And Converted Waves
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Comparison of Sign-Bit And Conventional Seismic Recording In Eastern Colorado
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Data Quality In a Basalt-Covered Basin
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Transmission of Seismic Energy Through the Brazilian Paraná Basin Layered Basalt Stack
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Optimum Vibroseis Recording For Seismic Inversion
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Land Seismic Source Study
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Effect of a Nonwhite Reflection Series Spectrum On Pulse Estimation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Wavelet Extraction Using Sonic Log Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Digital Filtering With the Second Moment Norm
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Vibroseis Deconvolution: A Surface Consistent Method
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Predictive Deconvolution And the Zero-Phase Source
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Adaptive Deconvolution And Studies of Attenuation Using Well Log Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Q-Adaptive Deconvolution
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Three Robust Procedures And Their Application to Deconvolution, Pulse Estimation, And Statistical Editing of Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interpretation of a Seismic Profile Across the Continental Margin Off British Columbia
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interpretation of Foreland Structure In the Laramle Range From Reprocessed COCORP Deep Crustal Reflection Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Seismic Reflection Profile Across the Lomonosov Ridge, Central Arctic Ocean
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Termination of Southern Appalachian Overthrust
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Nature of Seismic Reflections From Fault Zones And the Crystalline Basement
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Ship Shoal Block 91 Field, Offshore Louisiana: An Evolution of Geologic Models to Conform With Current Drilling Activity
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
How to Improve Your Exploration Success Ratio: A Case History
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Three Dimensional Seismic Exploration In the Austin Chalk
W.R. Calcote; R.J. Carroll; G.W. Crosby; J.R. Knaus; C.R. Meyer; C.S. Monahan; C.B. Sigler, III; W.R. Wilson
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Structural Interpretation From Horizontal Seismic Sections
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interactive Interpretation of Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Candice: The Key For 3-D Seismic Interactive Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interactive 3-D Display And Interpretation of a Complex Physical Model
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Use of an Interactive Graphics System And a Data Base In Seismic Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Reservoir Analysis
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Paleo Seismic And Color Acoustic Impedance Sections: Applications of Downward Continuation In Structural And Stratigraphic Context
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Pitfalls And Merits of Interpreting Color Displays of Geophysical Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Inverse Scattering Problem In Terms of Multiple Elimination And Seismic Migration.
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Post-Stack Seismic Inversion; Recursive Or Modeling?
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Inverse Problems For Reflection Seismograms
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Minimum-Phase Decon of Band-Limited Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Separate Recovery of Velocity And Density Profiles In the Slant Stack Domain
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Improvements In Constructing Seismic Images Using the Method of Controlled Directional Reception
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interpolation And Sampling
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Data Error Correction Using Adaptive Lattice Filters
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Effect of Cable Skew On Stacking
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Processing Large Offset Marine Seismic Data: Experience With the Large Aperture Seismic Experiment
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Deep-Towed Seismic System: A Hardware Description
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Another Look At Cost-Effective Ways to Acquire Seismic Data In Remote Areas (with Case Histories)
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
An Advanced Multiplexed Streamer System
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Operational Experience With Inmarsat's New 56 Kilobit System
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A New Concept In Satellite-Doppler Field Survey Instrumentation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
An Advanced Navstar GPS Multiplex Receiver/Navigator For Geophysical Exploration Applications
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Characteristics of Unconsolidated Sands
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Dependence of Seismic Properties of Sands On the Degree of Water Saturation Obtained From Pulse Transmission Experiments
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
On the Relationship Between P And S-Wave Velocities In Soft Rock
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Anelastic Properties of Sediments
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Phase Offset Indicator (POI): A Study of Phase Shift Versus Source-Receiver Separation And Fluid Saturation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Causes of Acoustic Anisotropy In Calcareous Deep-Sea Sediments
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Electrical Resistivities of Natural Gas Hydrates And Permafrost
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Model For Crosscoupling Flows In Rocks
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Processing of Zero Offset Vertical Seismic Profile Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
VSP Fundamentals That Improve CDP Data Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Prediction of Depth And Velocity On VSP Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Traveltime Analysis And Vertical Seismic Profiles
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Detection of a Hydrofrac With Shear Wave Vertical Seismic Profiles
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Analysis of Tube Wave Data In Shear Wave VSP
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Three Component Vertical Seismic Profiles: Polarization Measurements of P-Wave Particle Motion For Velocity Analysis
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Extrapolation And Interpolation of VSP Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Computed Waveforms In Transversely Isotropic Media II. Horizontal Point Force
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Comparison of Finite Difference And Reflectivity Synthetic Seismograms For Marine Models
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Kinematic And Dynamic Properties of Reflected And Refracted Events In Elliptically Anisotropic Media
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Formulas For Field of Wave Scattered By an Inhomogeneous Body And Regions Essential For Reflection And Propagation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Direct Inversion of Two-Dimensional Acoustic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Sensitivity of Born Inversion to the Choice of Reference Velocity: A Simple Example
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Synthetic Seismograms With Attenuation For Buried Compressional And Shear Sources
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Continuation Problem In Spherical Coordinates: An Application of the Global Inverse Method
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Estimation of Source Signature And Sea Bottom Characteristics From Seabed Reflected Waves
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Signature of an Air Gun Array: Computation From Near-Field Measurements Including Interactions-Practical Considerations
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interaction Between Air Guns
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
An Air Gun Model Which Includes Heat Transfer And Bubble Interactions
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Why Water Guns?
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Attenuation of Source Generated Noise In Marine Seismic Using Areal Arrays of Water Guns
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Evaluation of a Wide-Band Marine Vibratory Transducer
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Downhole Recharged Electrolytic Sleeve Exploder
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Relationship Between "Direct, Discrete" And "Iterative, Continuous" One- Dimensional Inverse Methods
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
One-Dimensional Inversion of Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A New Approach to the Reconstruction of the Acoustic Impedance
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Recovery of Acoustic Impedance From Reflection Seismograms
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Autoregressive Recovery of the Acoustic Impedance
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Nonlinear Inversion of Seismic Data From Cyclic Media
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Limits to Seismic Trace Inversion By Iterative Modeling
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Topological Principles of Seismic Inversion
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Three-Dimensional Raytracing
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interactive Computer Modeling of Complex Multizone Faulted Reservoirs Using Both Seismic And Well Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Minimum Curvature Grid Interpolation of Discontinuous Surfaces
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Plane Wave Reflection Coefficients For Gas Sands At Nonnormal Angles of Incidence
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Reflection Seismogram In a Solid Layered Earth
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Toward a More Comprehensive Exploration System: The Marriage of Well-Log And Seismic Geophysics Using an Interactive Minicomputer System
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Image Analysis Techniques For Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Decision-Theoretic Pattern Recognition For the Classification of Ricker Wavelets And the Detection of Bright Spots
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Preparation of the Magnetic Map of the United States
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Preparation of the Gravity Map of the United States
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Preparation of a Gravity Anomaly Map of the Conterminous United States And Aeromagnetic Maps of Alaska And Hawaii
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Magnetic Expression of Geologic Terranes In Southern Alaska
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Crust And Mantle Structure of the Conterminous U.S. From Wavelength-filtered Gravity Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Global Gravity Maps And the Structure of the Earth
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Evolution of GSC Magnetic Anomaly Maps: A Canadian Perspecitve
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The New 1: 1,000,000 Magnetic Anomaly Map Series of the Geological Survey of Canada: Compilation Techniques And Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Apparent Magnetic Susceptibility (SUSC) Mapping In Theory And Practice
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Geological Interpretation of Aeromagnetic Surveys In the Precambrian of Quebec And China
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Image Analysis of Potential Field Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Continental Structure From Trends And Trend-Offsets On Gravity And Magnetic Anomaly Maps
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Mapping Basement Magnetization Zones From Aeromagnetic Data In the San Juan Basin, New Mexico
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Variable Bouguer Reduction Datum, Its Relation to the Prediction of Gravity Anomalies From Topography, And Computation of Residual Bouguer Gravity Anomalies
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Gravity Modeling In Western Canada
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Gravity Added Magnetotelluric Analysis
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Digital Filtering of High Sensitivity Aeromagnetic Data Over the U.S. Atlantic Continental Margin And Its Application To Regional Tectonics
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Some Effects of Regional Metamorphism And Geologic Structure On Magnetic Anomalies Over the Carolina Slate Belt Near Roxboro, North Carolina
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Relation Between Drill-Hole Basement Lithology And Magnetic And Gravity Anomalies In the East-Central Midcontinent
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Density Estimates of Crystalline Rocks
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Structural Interpretation of Magnetic And Gravity Date of New England
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Studies of Gravity And Magnetic Anomalies In Georgia And Adjacent Areas of the Southeastern United States
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Geologic Significance of Regional Gravity And Magnetic Anomalies In the East-Central Midcontinent
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Regional Basement Geology of Lake Ontario- Western New York And Adjacent Areas
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Identification of Subduction Zones And Passive Margins By Regional Magnetic Anomaly Maps
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Tanzania: Regional Interpretation of the Aeromagnetic Map
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Kalahari, Central Southern Africa: A Case History of Regional Gravity And Magnetic Exploration
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Relation of Magsat Anomalies to the Main Tectonic Provinces of South America
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interpretation of Gravity And Magnetic Data of Old Cratonic Areas In East-Central Brasil
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
An Example of Geologic Mapping At Depth From Gravity And Magnetic Data: The Basement of the Paris Basin (France)
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Some Considerations On the Interpretation of Gravity And Magnetic Data For Petroleum And Geothermal Exploration.
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Gravity Applied to Boundary Conditions For Nuclear Waste And Natural Gas Deposits
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Gravity Signature of the Superior/Churchill Structural Province Boundary: A Proposed Proterozoic Collision Zone
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Geologic Interpretation of Gravity And Magnetic Data In Northern Michigan And Wisconsin
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Magnetic Terrane In the Central U.S. From Interpretation of Digital Magnetic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interpretation of High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Data In Northeastern Minnesota
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Gravity Studies of the Grenville Province: Significance For Precambrian Plate Collision And the Origin of Anorthosite
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Regional Basement Geology of Lake Michigan
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Study of Kansas Basement Using Spectral Filtering of Regional Aeromagnetic Map
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Regional Anomalies of the Mississippi River Aulacogen
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Crustal Geology of Arizona As Interpreted From Magnetic, Gravity, And Geologic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
An Lsostatic Residual Gravity Map of California: A Residual Map For Interpretation of Anomalies From Lntracrustal Sources
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Thermotectonic Implications of the Gravity And Magnetic Fields of the Great Basin
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Geological Significance of Regional Gravity And Magnetic Anomaly Maps of Trans- Pecos, Texas
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Gravity Studies In Volcanic Terranes
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Comparison of Bouguer Anomaly And Isostatic Residual-Gravity Maps of the Southwestern Cordillera
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Model of the Geothermal System In Southwestern South Dakota From Gravity And Aeromagnetic Studies
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Application of Aeromagnetic And Gravity Anomaly Maps In Mineral Resource Assessments of the Wallace Quadrangle, Northern Rocky Mountains
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Finite Difference Model of an Acoustic Logging Tool: The Borehole In a Horizontally Layered Geologic Medium
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Borehole Acoustic Propagation Across a Bed Boundary By the Finite Element Method
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Effects of Casing On Full Waveform Acoustic Logs
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Complex Phase Velocity And Mode Shape of Borehole Acoustic Waves
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Sonic Propagation In a Fluid-Filled Slow Formation Borehole
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Approximate Effects of Off-Center Acoustic Sondes And Elliptic Boreholes Upon Full Waveform Logs
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
State of the Art On EVA Data Processing: An Improvement In Subsurface Imaging
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Sonic Log Error Recognition And Correction By Wiener Interpolation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Criteria For Bounding Inaccuracies In Dielectric Logging
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Dielectric Logging With Mud-Filtrate Invasion
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Dielectric Properties of Water Saturated Reservoirs
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Broadband Method For Measuring In the Dielectric Constant of Salt Water Saturated Sandstones
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Finite Element Simulation of Induction Logging
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A High-Resolution Temperature Logging Probe For Salt Brine Cavities
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Electrical Resistivity Techniques For Locating Liner Leaks
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Three-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Modeling of Waste Disposal Sites Having Insulating Liners
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interactive Modeling And Interpretation of Three-Dimensional Gravity Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interactive Processing of Potential Fields As a Geologic Interpretation Tool: Application to the Discovery of New Primary Prospects For Raw Materials
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Techniques For Modeling Complex Deep Sources of Observed Magnetic Anomalies With Constraints
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Direct Multilayer Interpretation of Gravity Profiles Using Point By Point Method
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Simultaneous Inversion of Gravity And Magnetic Anomalies
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Generalized Linear Inversion of 2½-Dimensional Gravity And Magnetic Anomalies
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Continuation of Potential Fields Between Arbitrary Surfaces Using Equivalent Source Distributions
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Reduction-to-the-Pole of Low Latitude Magnetic Anomalies
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Regional Integrated Gravity And Seismic Study In Southern Alberta
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Application of Detailed Continuation And Derivative Gravity Processing In Subsurface Structural Analysis: Arkoma Basin
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Andaman Sea Magnetic And Gravity Profiles: Depth And Structure Analysis
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Regional Gravity And Magnetics In the Sudan: Applications to Petroleum Exploration
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Magnetic And Gravity Investigation of Deep Oil Prospects In the Gulf of Suez
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Importance of the Magnetic Method In Uranium Exploration At the Grants And Copper Mountain Districts
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Applications of Aeromagnetic Data to Mining Exploration Baluchistan, Pakistan
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Mineral Exploration Aspects of Gravity And Aeromagnetic Maps of Ontario
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Interpretation of Large-Loop Transmitter Transient Electromagnetic Surveys
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Exploration For Conductive Targets With Transient Electromagnetic Systems
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Transient Electromagnetic Soundings
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Signal/Noise Optimization For a Time-Domain EM System Using Preemphasis /Deconvolution Techniques
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Interpretative Value of Three-Component EM Surveys In Mineral Exploration: A Model Study
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Automated Interpretation of Airborne Electromagnetic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Numerical Solution of Maxwell's Equations In the Time Domain
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Induced-Polarization Effects In Inductive EM Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Mapping Structure And Stratigraphy With VLF-EM And VLF Resistivity (Radiohm) Surveys: A Case History From the Canadian Arctic
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Numerical Modeling of Three-Dimensional Surface Topography For Buried Electrode Resistivity Surveys
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Airborne Electromagnetic Responses to Permeable Conductive Layered Earth
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Test Field Survey Using the Melos Electromagnetic Method
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Development of a Prototype Sweep-frequency Electromagnetic Exploration System
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Electrical Properties of Metallic Mineral Deposits of Ontario
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Refraction Signatures For Massive Sulfide Ore Bodies
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Selective Detection of Certain Important Minerals Through Their Photoluminescence
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Results of the Magsat Mission
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Date Selection Techniques In the Interpretation of Magsat Date Over Australia
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Large-Scale Crustal Magnetization Models Derived From Satellite Magnetic Anomaly Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Crustal Interpretation of the Magsat Data Over the U.S.
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Use of Magsat Satellite Magnetic Anomaly Data to Interpret Crustal Character And Resource Potential of the U.S. Midcontinent
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Satellite Magnetic Anomalies of Africa And Europe
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Satellite Magnetometry Over Antarctica
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Estimating Lower Crust Magnetization From Magsat Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Evaluation of the CSAMT Geophysical Technique to Map Abandoned Coal Mine Fires
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seismic Attenuation Spectra: Their Use In Rock Quality Evaluation For Opencast Mining
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Downhole-Crosshole High Resolution Seismic Reflection Profiling to Resolve Detailed Coalseam Structure
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
An Inverse Approach To In-Seam Fault Detection Using Channel Waves
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Seam Wave Characteristics In an Eastern U.S. Coal
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Some New Aspects of In-Seam Seismics Especially By Improved Determination of Dispersion
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
High-Resolution Seismic: A Practical Approach to Coal Exploration
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Generalized Ray Analysis: A Tool In Coal Seismology
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Geomagnetic Variation Survey In the Southern Appalachians
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Electromagnetic Soundings In the Sedimentary Basin of Southern Ontario: A Case History
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Electrical Resistivity Prospecting For Tar-Sand Deposits-Western Missouri
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Comparison of Electrical Arrays Used For Petroleum Exploration In Australia
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Distinguishing Well Casing From Structural Effects In Electrical Anomalies Measured Over Hydrocarbons: A Case History
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Induced Polarization For Hydrocarbon Exploration: Geochemical/Geological Interpretation
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Applying Magnetotellurics to the Reconnaissance of a Sedimentary Basin: A Case History In Mexico
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Sensitivity Analysis For Transient Electromagnetic Sounding Inversion
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Kingsport Lineament: Cross-Strike Structural Discontinuity In the Southern Appalachian Overthrust Belt
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Optimum Use of Multichannel Gamma Ray Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Integration of Geologic, Geochemical, And Geophysical Data of the Cement Oil Field, Oklahoma, Using Spatial Array Processing
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Magnetic And Gravity Image Processing For Petroleum And Mineral Exploration
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Landsat Application For Geophysical Field Operations
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Predictive Model of Spread-F Distribution
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Digital Data Base Application to Porphyry Copper Mineralization In Alaska: A Case Study
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Evaluation of Seismic Risk to Energy Facilities And Lifeline Systems
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Use of Seismic Refraction And Mine-to-Surface Shooting to Delineate Salt Dome Configuration And Map Fracture Zones
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Field Experience With the “Optimum Window” Hammer Seismic Reflection Technique
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Reflections From 25 Ft Or Less
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Seismic Crosshole Method In Crystalline Rock
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Use of Redundancy of Solutions In Computer Processing of Resistivity Soundings For Groundwater Exploration
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Predictive Model For Use With Ground- Penetrating Radar Systems
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
A Study of the Application of Ground Probing Radar For Civil Engineering Purposes
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Geothermal Energy Resources In the Eastern United States: Atlantic Coastal Plain
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Search For Geothermal Heat Sources In the Oregon Cascades By Means of Teleseismic P-Residual Technique
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Compressional-Wave Velocity Structure of the Medicine Lake Volcano And Vicinity From Teleseismic Relative Traveltime Residuals
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Induced Seismicity At The Geysers, California
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Detection of Geothermal Microtremors Using Seismic Arrays
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Deep Electromagnetic Sounding In Central Nevada
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Depth to Curie Isotherm In Arizona By Magnetic Anomaly Inversion
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Terrane Correction For Terrestrial Heat Flow
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Thinking Man’s Geophysicist-1982
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Geology of Norton Basin, Northern Bering Sea
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Compaction Disequilibrium And Aquathermal Pressuring As Simultaneous Causes of Excess Pressure
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Estimation of Formation Parameters And the Prediction of Overpressures From Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Physical Properties of Shales And Possible Origin of High Pressures
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Clay Diagenesis And Abnormally High Fluid Pressure
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Smectite-Illite Transformation: Its Role In Generating And Maintaining Geopressure
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Three-Dimensional Modeling of Hydrocarbon Reservoir Behavior
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Mineral Interfacial Processes In the IP Method
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Late Mesozoic Carbonate Banks And Reefs Along U.S. Atlantic Margin
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Countess Oil Field, South Central Alberta, Canada: A Case History In Finding a Stratigraphic Trap
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
How to Improve Your Exploration Success Ratio: A Case Study
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Petroleum Geology of the Central Beaufort Sea, Northwest Territories, Canada
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
The Gulf of Alaska: A Cold Bath
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
An Effective Exploration Strategy: Stratigraphic And Paleostructural Controls On Hydrocarbon Migration In the Denver Basin
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.
Geopressures-Significance And Implications to the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the 1982 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 1982.