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Proceedings Papers
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Towed Streamer Data Bandwidth - A Ghost Story
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Onboard 3D & 4D Subsurface Target Illumination: a Tool to Optimize Streamer Marine Acquisition
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
High-resolution Seismic Survey Conducted For Exploration of Methane Hydrate
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Decimeter Accuracy Differential GPS For Real Time Tidal Monitoring In Seismic Applications
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Case Study: Seismic Acquisition Research On Salt Dome Structure In Tarim Basin
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
A Wide Line Acquisition Case For Overthrust Nappe Structure of Kulong Mountain In Jiuquan Basin
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Study of the Relationship Among Source Geometry, Near-surface Noise, And Down-going Seismic Energy
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
An Case of Seismic Acquisition In Xinjiang¿s Tuha Basin of China
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Experiments Using Fan-spread to Determine Limitation of Geophone-array Elevation Difference And Applications
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Array Evaluation Using Walkaway Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Evaluating Helicopter-dropped Weights As a Cost Effective And Useable Land Seismic Source: Fieldtested In the Copper River Basin, Alaska
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Union HFVS With Slip-Sweep For Improved Spatial Resolution And Acquisition Efficiency
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
High Fidelity Vibratory Seismic (HFVS) I: Enhanced Data Quality
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
High Fidelity Vibratory Seismic (HFVS) II: Superior Source Separation
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Feasibility Study For Long Offset Seismic Acquisition In a Thrust-belt
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Effect of Perturbations On Array Forming
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Detection Of New Objects Due To Seismic Technology Updating
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Case Study: From Geology to Seismic, the Importance of Repeated Seismic Modeling In 3D Acquisition Feasibility
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Optimization of Swell Noise Specifications As Part of Survey Design
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
How Much Wind is Enough?
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Benefit of Well Data For Realistic Surface Seismic Acquisition Design
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Inversion of Potential-field Data Using a Hybrid-encoding Genetic Algorithm
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Propagator Inversion For Shallow Structure
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Step Calculation of Static Correction And Applications In Complex Areas
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Passive Seismic Imaging In the Presence of White Noise Sources: Numerical Simulations
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
An Experimental Study of Seismoelectric Conversion In Model Borehole
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Logging Identification And Evaluation of Cambrian-ordovician Source Rock In Tarim Basin
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Frequency-dependent Anisotropy: Effects of Multi-fracture Sets On Shear-wave Polarizations
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Frequency Dependent Azimuthal AVO Response of Fractured Rock.
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Modeling Attenuation Anisotropy And Its Interpretation In Terms of Fracture Properties
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Relating Pore Geometry to Seismic Properties
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Integrated Fracture Characterization From Seismic Processing to Reservoir Modeling
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Simultaneous Inversion of PP And PS Wave AVO/AVA Data Using Simulated Annealing
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
P-wave AVOA Interpretation Needs the Input of Additional Information
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Detail-In-Context Data Visualization For Geophysical Data Exploration And Analysis
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Poroelastic Analysis of Thomsen Parameters In Finely Layered VTI Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Anisotropic NMO Corrections For Long Offset P-wave Data From Multi-layered Isotropic And Transversely Isotropic Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
QSV Wavefront Triplication In a Tranversely Isotropic Material
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Intrinsic And Layer-induced VTI Anisotropy
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Stable Estimation of the Interval Anelliptical Parameter For P-wave Pre -stack Imaging
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Intrinsic Anisotropy of Shales
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
An Acoustic Wave Equation For Modeling In Tilted TI Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
One-way Dual-domain Propagators For Scalar P-wave In VTI Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Can Multicomponent Or Joint AVO Inversion Improve Impedance Estimates?
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
P-S Converted-Wave AVO
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
AVO Inversion of Multi-component Seismic In Anisotropic Media
M. Nickel; B. Tjøstheim; G.V. Dahl; F. Ljones; H.G. Borgos; A. Carrillat; L. Sonneland; J.P. Fjellanger; R. Ona; A. Sæbø; A.L. Skjerdingstad
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Role of Angle Dependent Reflection Coefficients In Seismic Reflection Data to Determine the Local State of Stress
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Joint PP-PS Inversion At Pikes Peak Oilfield, Saskatchewan
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
A Support Vector Machine For AVO Interpretation
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Fluid Factor Angle And the Crossplot Angle
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
3D AVO Crossplotting - an Effective Visualization Technique
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Stochastic Fluid Modulus Inversion Using Seismic Reflection Coefficients
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Rapid Spatially Coupled AVO Inversion
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Optimised Detection And Unbiased Inversion of AVO Anomalies
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Synthesizing AVO Responses In Visco-elastic Media Using Fast One-way Elastic Propagators
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Monochromatic AVO: An Indicator That Sees Through Wave Interference
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Linking Rock-property Trends And AVO Equation to GOM Deep-water Reservoirs
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic Wide-angle Processing to Avoid NMO Stretch
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
High-resolution AVO Analysis Before NMO
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Effect of the Fresnel Zone Size On AVO Analysis For Stack Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Prestack Migration Deconvolution+AVO Inversion
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Fresnel Zones And the Power of Stacking Used In the Preparation of Data For AVO Analysis
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
2D/3D Seismic Wavefield Reconstruction For AVA Imaging
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
A Modification of the Parabolic Radon Transform For the Preservation of AVO Effects
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Another AVO Cross-plotting For P-SV Wave
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Quality Controlling AVO Inversion Products: Examples of Amplitude Decomposition Into Rock Property Contrasts
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
A Generalized Polynomial Estimation of P-P And P-SV AVO Coefficients
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Generalized Elastic Impedance
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Possibility of AVO Applications In Gas Hydrate Exploration In Mackenzie Delta, Canada
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Support Vector Pattern Recognition And AVO Classification
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Stratigraphic Modeling: A Step Beyond AVO
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Patch Template Correlation As A Method For AVO Analysis
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Effects of Noise On AVO Crossplots
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Hebron / Ben Nevis Oil Density Sensitivity AVO Modelling Study
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Sensitivity of AVO Reflectivity to Fluid Properties In Porous Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Processing of Monopole Sonic Waveforms Through Cased Hole
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Numerical Modeling of Effects of Tool Eccentricity On Multi-component Monopole And Dipole Logging
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Imaging Near-borehole Structure Using Directional Acoustic-wave Measurement
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
In Situ Stress Modelling At a Borehole-A Case Study
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Analysis of LWD Sonic Data In Low-velocity Formations
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Evaluation of Dispersion Estimation Methods For Borehole Acoustic Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
LWD Quadrupole Shear Measurement In Anisotropic Formations
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Effective Logging Data Compression Using the Discrete Wavelet Transform
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic Methods In Coalbed Methane Development, Red Deer, Alberta, Canada
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Effect of Stretch Free Stacking On a Clastic Exploration Play In Alberta, Canada
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic Facies And Attribute Analysis of the Miocene Incised-valley-fill And Submarine-canyon Systems In Tuxpan Basin, Offshore México
Khaled Fouad; William A. Ambrose; Frank Brown; David Jennette; A. John; Katherine G. Jackson; Mario Aranda; Ulises Hernandez; Hector Ruiz; Daniel Velez
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Pressure Estimation In a Structurally Complex Regime - A Case Study From Macuspana Basin, Mexico
Adrien Caudron; Roberto Gullco; Simon Oropeza; Joanne Wang; Jorge Mancilla Castillo; Efrain Mendez Hernandez; Raul Vila Villasenor
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic Inversion Performed In Synthetic Reference Model
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Time-Depth Converted Interpretation of Regional Seismic Maps, Offshore Southeast Brazil
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Quantitative Interpretation of Seismic Facies - A Case Study, Oriente Basin Ecuador
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic Reservoir Description of the Barrosa Norte-El Triángulo Field, Argentina, Using Hybrid Seismic Inversion
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
New Paradigm of Fault Interpretation
Stein Inge Pedersen; Thorleif Skov; Arne Hetlelid; Pauline Fayemendy; Trygve Randen; Lars Sønneland
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Fault Detection With Meta-Attributes
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Estimating Fault-attribute Orientation With Gradient Analysis, Principal Component Analysis And the Localized Hough-transform
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Fault-plane Reections As a Diagnostic of Pressure Dierences In Reservoirs: a Case Study
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Assessing the Effectiveness of Hydraulic Fractures With Microseismicity
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Fracture Network Characterization From P- And S-wave Data At Weyburn Field, Canada
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Enhancement of Surface Seismic Fracture Signals
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Fracture-Preserving Smoothing
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Lithology Based Velocity Analysis of Triassic Sediments In the Southern North Sea Gas Basin
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Use of Point-receiver Seismic Acquisition In Description of a Highly Complex Reservoir - A Case History From the UK North Sea
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic-dependent Facies And Porosity Modeling of the Rotliegend Gas Field
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic Interpretation In Exploration And Field Development Phase On Ormen Lange.
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Impedance Inversion In a Structurally Complex Carbonate Environment, Abu Dhabi, UAE Case Study
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Gas Detection On Instantaneous Seismic Wavelets Applied In East China Sea
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Problems of High-resolution Analysis And Interpretation In Junggar Basin: Case Studies
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Three-dimensional Seismic Imaging of Bottom-simulating Reflectors By Multi-channel Seismic Survey In the Nankai Accretionary Prism
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Regional Evaluation And Hydrocarbon Potential of the Deep Section of the Gulf of Mexico Offshore Louisiana Continental Shelf From Modern 3D Seismic Data
Norman E. Biles; Andrew E. Hannan; George A. Jamieson; Ana Krueger; Dianna L. Shelander; Fred Snyder
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Pushing the Limits of Resolution At Holstein: a Case History From the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico
Alexander Calvert; Eric Ekstrand; William McLain; John Etgen; Frederic Billette; Vik Sen; Tom Byrd; Yannick Cobo
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Largest 3D VSP In the Deep Water of the Gulf of Mexico to Provide Improved Imaging In the Thunder Horse South Field
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Wave-shape Classification And Attribute Analysis of the Lower Miocene Deep-water Reservoirs, Laguna Madre Basin, Offshore México
Khaled Fouad; William A. Ambrose; Shinichi Sakurai; David Jennette; Yong-Joon Park; A. John; Katherine G. Jackson; Mario Aranda; Juan Alvarado; Eduardo Macias
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Study of Gas Hydrates In the Deep-sea Gulf of Mexico From Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
AVO Models In Geopressure Setting - Deep Gulf of Mexico Shelf
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
3D Finite-offset Depth Tomography Model Building: Green Canyon, Gulf of Mexico
Patrice Guillaume; Abdelkrim Talaalout; Xiaoming Zhang; Duryodhan Epili; Nicolas Chazalnoë; Volker Dirks
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Velocity Model Building Methodology And PSDM In Deep Water Gulf of Mexico: A Case History
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Integrating Complementary Tools For Improved Depth Imaging
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Gas-bearing Hydrothermal Dolomite Prediction Using Probabilistic Neural Networks In the Trenton-Black River Interval, NE Ohio
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Application of the Radial Basis Function Neural Network to the Prediction of Log Properties From Seismic Attributes - A Channel Sand Case Study
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Passive Imaging of Seismic Deformation Associated With Injection For Enhanced Recovery
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Interpretation And Analysis of a Channel Using 3D Seismic And Well Log Data - a Case Study
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Comparative Study of Edge Detection Algorithms
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Channel Detection Using Seismic Attributes On the Central Basin Platform, West Texas
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
3D ZO CRS Stack: Issues Related to Complex Structures And Real Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Effective Use of Geological And Seismic Modeling For Reservoir Characterization of Deep-marine Systemss
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic Discrimination of Lithofacies Using Translation Invariant Transforms
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Bottoms Up Karst: New 3-D Seismic Attributes Shed Light On the Ellenburger (Ordovician) Carbonates In the Fort Worth Basin (north Texas, USA)
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
High Resolution 3D Seismic For Mapping of Carbonate Karst
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Application of Wide Azimuth Land 3D-a Case History
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Integrated Analysis of Azimuthal Anisotropy: a Case Study
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Application of the Tuning Effect to the Detection of the Thin Bed Less Than 1/4λ-----an Example In Northwest China
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic Images From Surface to Moho Depth At the McArthur River Mine District; Saskatchewan, Canada
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Airborne Transient Electromagnetic Geophysical Data Applied to the Regional Mapping of Fractured Aquifers of the Mundo Novo Greenstone Belt Terrain, Bahia, Brazil
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Fast And Rigorous Inversion of Triaxial Induction Logging Data to Determine Formation Resistivity Anisotropy, Bed Boundary Position, Relative Dip And Azimuth Angles
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Eccentricity Effect of a Transverse Magnetic Dipole In a Conductive Borehole In a Homogeneous Isotropic Formation
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Finite-difference Modeling of EM Fields Using Coupled Potentials In 3D Anisotropic Media: Application to Borehole Logging
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Three-dimensional Cross-well Electromagnetic Tomography
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Three-dimensional Numerical Analysis of Downhole Applied Potential Methods: Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Example, Golden Grove, Western Australia.
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
An Efficient And Accurate Algorithm For Nonlinear Inversion of Geoeletric Data Following Occam¿s Inversion Scheme
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Interpretation of Sea Bed Logging Data Using the LQL Method
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Three-dimensional Marine Magnetotellurics For Petroleum Exploration
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Analysis of Offshore Applications of a Magnetic Tail For Profit, Safety, And Environmental Protection
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Imaging the Central Portion of Parana Basin With 3-D MT Modeling
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Methodology For the Interpretation of the ES-Induction Combination In "LRLC" Zones
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Forward And Inversion of Complex Resistivity Well Logging
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Development of Experimental Methods In Electroseismics
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Three-component Induction Logging Inhomgenous Modeling Using Finite Difference
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Electric Field Modeling In Arbitrary Anisotropic Layered Media Using the Set of Fast Hankel Transformations of Integer Orders
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
An Alternative Approach On Magnetic Data Modeling
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Grid Based Euler Deconvolution: Completing the Circle With ¿2D Constrained Euler¿
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Euler Deconvolution of Gravity Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Imaging Serra Da Cangalha Impact Crater Using Euler Deconvolution Method
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Inversion of Gravity Data For Base Salt
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Asymptotically Improved Gravimagnetic Anomaly Formulas For Linear Medium Polyhedra
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Envelopes of 2D And 3D Magnetic Data And Their Relationship to the Analytic Signal: Preliminary Results
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Computation of Gravity Response Over Basin of Fractal Geometry
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Airborne Full Tensor Gradiometry: A Method For Refining Geological And Geophysical Models
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Frequently Asked Questions About Gravity Gradiometry
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Correcting Magnetic Temporal Variations With a Base Station
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Magnetic Anomalies In the Alberta Foothills, Canada.
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Cretaceous Magnetic Quiet Zone of Northern Indian Ocean
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Geological Implications of Continental Magnetic Anomalies Derived From New CHAMP Satellite Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Re-Look Into Indian Geology Through The Images Of Potential Fields
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Estimation of Large Statics By Using Surface Consistent Difference of Cross-correlation And Stack Power Method
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Robust Tomography And Tomostatics/wave-equation Datuming Examples
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Refraction Tomography Using Damped Monochromatic Wave Field
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Surface-to-Borehole Traveltime Inversion For Velocity And Receiver Location
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Key Aspects of 3D Reflection Traveltime Tomography
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
3-D Tomographic Velocity Analysis In Transversely Isotropic Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Integrated Velocity Inversion And an Example of Its Application
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Efficient Calculation Method of Derivative of Traveltime Using SWEET Algorithm For Refraction Tomography
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Geostatistical Inversion For the Lateral Delineation of Thin-Layer Hydrocarbon Reservoirs: A Case Study In San Jorge Basin, Argentina
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Tomographic Residual Curvature Analysis: The Process And Its Components
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Optimization Approach To Traveltime Inversion For A Medium With Laterally Inhomogeneous Curvilinear Layers
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Adaptive Model Parameterization Designed For Reflection Tomography
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
2D Walk-Away Transmission Stereotomography
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Simultaneous Inversion For Multiples And Primaries: A Concise Theoretical Framework
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Quadratic Velocity Model And Nonlinear Optimal Migration Velocity Inversion
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Waveform Inversion Using Time-windowed Back Propagation
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Waveform Inversion Under Realistic Conditions: Mitigation of Non-linearity
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Inversion For Source Wavelet And AVA Parameters From Prestack Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
An Upgrade of Wavefield Decomposition Approach For Multiple Removal
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Dix's Type Formulae For A Medium With Laterally Changing Velocity
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
A Robust Method For Q Estimation
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Gabor Deconvolution Revisited
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Travel Time Inversion Under Geostatistical Constraints
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Building of Prior Information By Geostatistical Simulation: Incorporation of Other Measurement
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Joint Stochastic Inversion of Geophysical Data For Reservoir Parameter Estimation
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Grid Search Algorithm For 3D Seismic Source Location
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Seismic-controlled Extrapolation of Well-log Parameters Based On Frequency-shift
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
A Comparison Between Local And Global Inversion of Poststack Seismic Data to Estimate Acoustic Impedance
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
High Resolution Traveltime And Slowness Tomography
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Anisotropic Prestack Depth Migration Improves the Well-ties At the Ewing Bank Oil Field, Gulf of Mexico
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
9C, 4D Seismic Processing For the Weyburn CO2 Flood, Saskatchewan, Canada
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Multi-level 3D VSP Travel Time Inversion In VTI Media, Weyburn Field, Canada
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Comparison of Two P-S Conversion-point Mapping Approaches In Media Exhibiting Polar Anisotropy
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Zero-offset C-wave Reflectivity In Horizontally Layered Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Generation And Processing of Pseudo Shear-wave Data: Theory And Case Study
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Case Study of Using Converted PS-waves to Image Gas Reservoirs In the Ordos Basin, China
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Why is Azimuthally Anisotropic Processing Important For Multicomponent Seismic?
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
About Gamma Ratios And Their Combinations
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Multicomponent Seismic Data Registration By Least Squares
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Event Registration And Vp/Vs Correlation Analysis In 4C Processing
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Vp/Vs From Multicomponent Seismic Data And Automatic PS to PP Time Mapping
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Acquisition Geometry Versus 4C Image Quality. A Study From Gullfaks South.
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Characterisation of Near Surface Anisotropy Using P?? And Converted Wave Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Geometrical Spreading of P-waves In Azimuthally Anisotropic Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Converted-wave Moveout Analysis Revisited: the Search For a Standard Approach
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
P-P And P-S Stereotomography : Application to a 2D-OBC-4C Real Dataset
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Ekofisk VectorSeis® Test: Improvements In Vector Fidelity of 4C Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Chalupki Debnianskie Field: Improving Drilling Success In Shallow Gas Reservoirs With VectorSeis
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Vector-fidelity Differences Between P-wave First Breaks And PS-wave Reflections: Implications For Compensation of Full-azimuth Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Evaluation And Impact of Sparse-grid, Wide-azimuth 4C-3D Node Data From the North Sea
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
A 3D Test of Ocean Bottom 4C Recording
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Dual Sensor Environmental Noise Mapping And Seafloor Attribute Extraction
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Reorientation And Calibration of Non-gimbaled Multicomponents Sensors
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Bandlimited Design And Stacking of P-P And P-S Surveys
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Anisotropic PreSDM of Multi Component 3D OBS Data - the Amherstia-Parang Case
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Depth Imaging of the 2D-4C OBC Mahogany Dataset : Application of PP-PS Stereotomography
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
C-Wave Imaging: Kirchhoff PSTM Versus DMO
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
S-wave Velocity Model Building And Updating For Depth Migration of Converted Wave Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Deep Target Pre Stack Time Migration And Migration Velocity Analysis Using Converted PS Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Applications of Adaptive Noise Attenuation to Dual Sensor Seismic Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
A New Summation Technique For Multiple Removal From OBC Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Data-driven Adaptive Decomposition of Multicomponent Seabed Recordings
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
An Up And Down Walk In the Two-way Park
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
One-way And Two-way Wave-equation Migration
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Wave Equation Imaging Comparisons: Survey Sinking Vs. Shot Profile Methods
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Angle Gathers For Shot-record Migration By Local Harmonic Decomposition
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Angle-domain Seismic Imaging And the Oriented Wave Equation
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Narrow-azimuth Migration of Marine Streamer Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Cross-line Common-offset Migration For Narrow Azimuth Dataset
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Factorization Prestack Depth Migration By Wavefield Synthesizing
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
True-amplitude Kirchhoff Migration From Topography
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
True Amplitutde Wave Equation Migration
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Simulated Migration Amplitude: Modeling Amplitude Anomalies of PSDM In a Real North Sea Case
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
True Amplitude Migration In the Angle Domain By Regularization of Illumination
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Theory of True Amplitude One-way Wave Equations And True Amplitude Commonshot Migration
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Normal-reflection Image
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Amplitude And Kinematic Corrections of Migrated Images For Non-unitary Imaging Operators
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Convergence Properties of a Leading Order Depth Imaging Series
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Traveltime Calculation And Prestack Depth Migration In Tilted Transversely Isotropic Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Wavefield Extrapolation In Laterally Varying VTI Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Incorporating Non-seismic Information For Improved Positioning With Anisotropic PSDM
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Wave Equation Based Prestack Depth Migration of Converted Wave Data In TIV Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
3D Kirchhoff PS-wave Prestack Time Migration For V(z) And VTI Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Anisotropic Kirchhoff Prestack Time Migration For Enhanced Multicomponent Imaging
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Stable Wave Field Paraxial Extrapolator For P And S Waves In VTI Media
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Anisotropic Corrections And Parameter Estimation After Prestack Depth Migration
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Prestack Depth Migration In Angle-domain Using Beamlet Decomposition: Local Image Matrix And Local AVA
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Beam-wave Imaging
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
3D Local Cosine Beamlet Propagator
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
3D Beamlet Prestack Depth Migration Using the Local Cosine Basis Propagator
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Three-dimensional Illumination Analysis Using Wave Equation Based Propagator
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Application of GSP Wave Equation Migration to the Hickory Field Dataset
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Optimal Seismic Imaging With Curvelets
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
A Comparison of Two Wavefield Extrapolators: PSPI Plus Correction Verses an Efficient Fourier Operator
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Kirchhoff Or Wave Equation?
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Source-receiver Migration of Multiple Reflections
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
The Application of Primary-only Imaging Condition to SMAART Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Estimating the Effects of Number of Shots And Propagator Apertures to Prestack Depth Migration Through the Mapping of Acquisition Dip-Response(ADR)
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
3D Refraction Migration For Depth Imaging of West Africa Salt Walls
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Split Step Fourier Migration of Ground Penetrating Radar Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Delayed-shot 3-D Prestack Depth Migration
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Prestack Migration of Areal Shot Records With Mix Phase Encoding
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Least-squares Migration of Both Primaries And Multiples
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.
Least-squares Wave-equation AVP Imaging of 3D Common Azimuth Data
Paper presented at the 2003 SEG Annual Meeting, Dallas, Texas, October 2003.