Computer models of oil reservoirs have become increasingly complex in order to represent geological reality and its impact on fluid flow. Memory and CPU time limitations by finite-difference (FD)/ finite-volume (FV) simulators force a coarser resolution of reservoir models through upscaling.
Upscaling can lead to significant difficulties in reservoir studies: (1) while the fine-scale geological model is built from petrophysical, log, and seismic data, its dynamic behavior is never checked. As a result, a coarse-scale reservoir study can be linked to a fine-scale geological model, but the two might be inconsistent in their dynamic behavior. (2) Conversely, the upscaled model cannot be properly tested because the flow and production behavior at the fine-scale level are not available. There is no reference solution for guiding important decisions for building a consistent upscaled model. (3) A large number of sector models are required in designing optimal well patterns.
Streamline simulation is now an attractive alternative to overcome some of these drawbacks because it offers substantial computational efficiency while minimizing numerical diffusion and grid-orientation effects. It allows the integration of fine-scale geological models into the reservoir engineering workflow.
In this paper, we demonstrate the usefulness and efficiency of a streamline simulator in the reservoir engineering workflow. We evaluate its speed, memory requirements, and scalability using tracer and black-oil-test data sets on an SGI Origin 2000™* (250 MHz MIPS). Our data are based on real fields and range from 200,000 to 7 million cells, with cells as small as 30×30×0.5 m. Streamlines allowed us to check the validity of a large geological model and to optimize well patterns with more than 30 producers and injectors. We demonstrate how streamline-based simulation has matured from a research tool to an industrial application providing real benefits to engineers as a complementary tool to existing conventional simulation technology based on FVs.