Flowing-material-balance (FMB) analysis is a practical method for determining original hydrocarbon volumes in place. It is attractive because it enables performing material-balance calculations without shutting in wells to obtain estimates of reservoir pressure. However, with some exceptions, its application is limited to single-phase oil and/or gas reservoirs over limited pressure ranges during depletion. In unconventional reservoirs, reservoir and/or production complexities may further restrict FMB use. Among these complexities are significant production/injection of water, production resulting in higher gas/oil ratios (GORs) and pressure drawdowns, geomechanical effects, and multiwell-production effects. As a result, application of the conventional FMB to unconventional reservoirs may lead to significant errors in hydrocarbons-in-place estimation.

This paper first discusses the application of conventional FMB to the analysis of single-phase or multiphase flow in single or multiwell scenarios, and then provides a new, comprehensive version of the FMB to address the previously mentioned complications. For the new FMB, pseudopressure is used to account for two-phase oil/gas flow. In addition, by use of a general material-balance equation, water production/injection and multiwell effects are included in the analysis. The new FMB-analysis approach is validated by comparing results with numerical simulation of multifractured horizontal wells (MFHWs). These comparisons demonstrate that, not only gas production, but also water production/injection can have a significant effect on the calculated original-in-place hydrocarbon volumes. The new FMB-analysis approach provided herein successfully accounts for all flowing phases in the reservoir, and is demonstrated to be applicable for multiwell scenarios.

The methodology presented in this paper maintains the simplicity of FMB, yet accounts for multiphase flow and multiwell complications. The developed FMB and the presented approach can be used by reservoir engineers to reasonably determine the original volumes of hydrocarbons in place in both conventional and unconventional reservoirs.

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