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Keywords: reservoir gas
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Journal Articles
SPE Res Eng 7 (03): 358–362.
Paper Number: SPE-19729-PA
Published: 01 August 1992
...) typically is less than the dewpoint pressure of the original reservoir gas. This causes condensate liquid to build up in the reservoir around the wellbore. This paper presents the results of a study of the sampling procedure and of the buildup and stability of the condensate ring around the wellbore...
Journal Articles
SPE Res Eng 6 (02): 266–272.
Paper Number: SPE-18571-PA
Published: 01 May 1991
... in active petroleum exploitation from 1980 to 1986. Also, correlations of formation-water properties are given. 15 6 1988 17 3 1989 22 2 1989 1 5 1991 1 5 1991 Copyright 1991, Society of Petroleum Engineers bubblepoint psia upstream oil & gas reservoir gas wet...

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