Air/brine capillary pressure data obtained by three different techniques are reported as a function of saturation for several Berea core-plug samples. The capillary pressure values ranged from about 0.67 to 9.5 MPa [97 to 1, 380 psi]. The corresponding brine saturations ranged from 10 to 3% PV. The techniques used were high-speed centrifuge, porous plate, and water-vapor desorption (WVD). The results show that a plot of log Pc vs. log Sw is linear in the saturation range studied. These data are believed to be the first valid capillary pressure data reported for Berea samples in the high-pressure, low-saturation region. Also, no comparable data appear to have been published for any sedimentary rock in the permeability range above 1 md.

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