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Keywords: transmission system
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 14–17, 2019
Paper Number: PSIG-1914
... the paper was presented. Write Librarian, Pipeline Simulation Interest Group, 945 McKinney, Suite #106, Houston, TX 77002, USA [email protected]. ABSTRACT Most gas TSOs are required by their national regulator to charge consumers based on volume and energy content of gas supplied. If the transmission system...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 14–17, 2019
Paper Number: PSIG-1920
... the paper was presented. Write Librarian, Pipeline Simulation Interest Group, 945 McKinney, Suite #106, Houston, TX 77002, USA [email protected]. ABSTRACT Oftentimes smaller transmission systems will be designed and built with only essential telemetry in mind. While deliveries are not monitored in real time...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 9–12, 2017
Paper Number: PSIG-1701
... such information by Transmission System Operators. In case of multiloop network which is supplied with many sources and different gas compositions, the dynamic network simulation combined with forecasting of behavior all sources and offtakes, is necessary. The article describes model of full chain of calculation...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 10–13, 2016
Paper Number: PSIG-1609
... unit offtake liquified natural gas compressors engines and turbines transmission system university equation of state flow rate lng PSIG 1609 An integrated simulation tool for analyzing the Operation and Interdependency of Natural Gas and Electric Power Systems Kwabena Addo Pamboura Burcin...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 12–15, 2015
Paper Number: PSIG-1519
... of this methodology in the Polish gas transmission system. Admission As a result of regulations arising from the development of a competitive market for natural gas, the gas divisions of large enterprises were made. The existing large gas companies operating on the individual countries markets were divided...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 12–15, 2015
Paper Number: PSIG-1522
... transport stress tests can be generated in a similar way, by focusing on the appropriate part of the network and applying the procedure locally. Multi-route systems require additional treatment to ensure that all relevant paths are addressed. The method can be extended to transmission systems in which...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 6–9, 2014
Paper Number: PSIG-1413
... ABSTRACT GRTgaz operates, maintains and develops a 20,000 miles-long natural gas transmission system in France. In the last few years, GRTgaz has experienced challenging evolutions in the regulations and in the behaviours of its shippers. This has changed the way of operating the network...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, April 16–19, 2013
Paper Number: PSIG-1324
... development and implementation. Practical use can be demonstrated on the implementation at NET4GAS, which is the major gas transmission system operator in the Czech Republic. The integrated planning tool has been developed, well suitable for creation and optimization of short-term transportation plans...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 15–18, 2012
Paper Number: PSIG-1211
... in the San Bruno area and on the San Francisco Peninsula, over time the impacts became far reaching to every portion of PG&E's gas transmission system. The San Bruno event and pipeline safety is being addressed through a comprehensive and systematic gas pipeline safety program. This paper will focus...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 24–27, 2011
Paper Number: PSIG-1102
... in estimating customer demands. Since the hydraulic design of gas systems is driven by maximum flow conditions, modeling peak customer demand during extreme cold design days is likely the most challenging and largest contributor to modeling error. In particular, local distribution and transmission systems...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, November 7–9, 2005
Paper Number: PSIG-0511
... growth was formerly applied to local transmission system models and the issues involved Describe the project goals and solutions that were developed to improve the process Summarize the results and benefits obtained Provide a description of the applications developed The paper will discuss...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 20–22, 2004
Paper Number: PSIG-0411
... with building models so they could increase the amount of time spent designing and optimizing local transmission pipeline systems. This paper will: Provide an overview of how local gas transmission system model building used to be done at PG&E and the issues involved; Describe the project goals...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 28–30, 1998
Paper Number: PSIG-9804
... 1. ABSTRACT This paper gives a general overview of the gas transmission system in Great Britain that is owned, maintained and operated by Transco, a part of BG plc. In recent years, legislation has steadily introduced competition, beginning with the opening up of the large industrial market...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 15–17, 1997
Paper Number: PSIG-9707
... clients switched to the higher Wobbe index. The Dutch gas transmission system was adjusted in such a way that two separate transmission systems emerged (one for G-gas and one for H-gas) with several mixing stations (some equipped with nitrogen facilities) to inject H-gas into the G-gas system...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 23–25, 1996
Paper Number: PSIG-9607
..., and benefits of a unique custom optimization program that minimizes transmission system fuel costs. This program is unique because:It was custom designed specific to the PG&E transmission system by PG&E planning engineers. It is used daily by Gas Control operators due to its ease of use, its ability...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 23–25, 1996
Paper Number: PSIG-9611
.... For the technical planning of the transmission system this rather vague notion of "reliability had to be translated to a more concrete design criteria. In the early days of Gasunie the transmission system had a very simple structure. There was only one gas field and from there the pipelines were spreading out over...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 14–15, 1993
Paper Number: PSIG-9305
.... 2. HISTORICAL AND FUTURE CONSIDERATIONS. 2.1 NATURAL GAS TRANSMISSION. The discovery of a large natural gas field in the vicinity of Groningen in the Netherlands in 1959 resulted in a stormy development of the gas transmission system. In the sixties the transmission system was constructed...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 18–19, 1990
Paper Number: PSIG-9006
... with developing GDOT. Development was completed by June 1990. I. Introduction Each day our dispatchers at SDG&E are faced with a myriad of dispatch decisions that dictate system operations to meet daily gas requirements. SDGGE's transmission system is not really a pure transmission system in the truest...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 19–20, 1989
Paper Number: PSIG-8907
... analysis FORTRAN program developed by him was implemented at Union Gas. It has been used since then in the annual task of determining the hourly loading patterns for Union's transmission systems. Due to rapid growth in the level of gas transportation at Union, the computer program and the procedures...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Pipeline Simulation Interest Group
Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 30–31, 1986
Paper Number: PSIG-8606
... ABSTRACT The Statpipe gas transmission system comprises totally 880 km offshore pipelines and an onshore NGL fractionation-plant. Gas from several fields located in the North Sea are transported in the system to buyers on the European Continent. Part of the gas is transported in dense phase...