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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 16–19, 2023
Paper Number: PSIG-2315
... that are wrong, such as bad meter readings. This process is much easier if the model tuner follows some basic procedures. Pipe segments and pump or compressor stations should be isolated (in the model), so that tuning one thing doesn’t knock something else out of tune. Tuning is also easier if it’s done...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 10–13, 2022
Paper Number: PSIG-2223
... when applied to a live transportation network. piping simulation scenario 2 pipeline simulation interest group bidirectional flow upstream oil & gas consumer 3 pipeline procedure consumer 1 denote downstream oil & gas psig 2223 pipe vadim shapiro pipe segment piping design...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 15–18, 2018
Paper Number: PSIG-1810
... in the control of gas transmission costs. This paper builds on Osiadacz and Chaczykowski (2017) work, where the implementation of the local optimization procedure (Osiadacz and Bell, 1981) and an algorithm of automatic search for the optimal values of the operating parameters of the compressor station (Osiadacz...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 12–15, 2015
Paper Number: PSIG-1507
... Abstract The American Petroleum Institute (API) publication number 1149 (first published in 1993) [1] is perhaps the first accepted industry procedure for the numerical assessment of uncertainty in software-based Computational Pipeline Monitoring (CPM) leak detection systems (LDS...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 12–15, 2015
Paper Number: PSIG-1522
... transport stress tests can be generated in a similar way, by focusing on the appropriate part of the network and applying the procedure locally. Multi-route systems require additional treatment to ensure that all relevant paths are addressed. The method can be extended to transmission systems in which...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 6–9, 2014
Paper Number: PSIG-1417
... the procedure from the scheduling of simulation scenarios to the creation of the surge analysis report. procedure psig 1417 pressure surge piping simulation closure time wall thickness scenario pipeline valve closure diameter valve closure time gregory lind psig 1417 piping design valve...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, April 16–19, 2013
Paper Number: PSIG-1313
... validation safety function procedure midstream oil & gas certification aleksej lisunkin psig 1313 implementation performance criteria safety integrity level measurement and control requirement operation assessment verification pipeline leak detection safety integrity certification...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, April 16–19, 2013
Paper Number: PSIG-1323
... Curve (ILDC) the procedure becomes much easier. Storage envelopes can be drawn on top of each other in the ILDC, and flow and volume can be read immediately. The order of usage of the storages is with decreasing withdrawal time. Eventually the use of a storage will be constrained to prevent getting...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 15–18, 2012
Paper Number: PSIG-1212
... production logging production control artificial intelligence delivery roughness procedure inventory conductivity gas batch offshore pipeline psig 1212 production monitoring upstream oil & gas reservoir surveillance constraint calculation accuracy pipeline model deviation pipeline...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 11–13, 2006
Paper Number: PSIG-0609
... and recommendations are presented as a procedure to define "Nominal Transmission Capacity" and to produce a "Nominal Transmission Capacity Technical Report" under the concept of arbitrary specific assumptions for further analysis and discussions. INTRODUCTION In any pipeline designed and operated around the world...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, November 7–9, 2005
Paper Number: PSIG-05B1
... ABSTRACT The current regulation environment for pipeline companies has created or reinforced the requirements for operational training programs and quality assurance procedures. Pipeline operators in the USA are regulated by the standards defined by DOT and companies overseas are establishing...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, November 7–9, 2005
Paper Number: PSIG-05B3
... simulation step operator control block procedure logic piping design artificial intelligence piping simulation valve pipeline control simulation control system basnett lewis training system control diagram output value pipeline simulation pipeline control system node PSIG 05B3...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 17–19, 2001
Paper Number: PSIG-0106
... gas conditioning gas pipeline pressure drop pipeline equation dewpoint fraction production monitoring production control calculation production logging reservoir surveillance liquid formation thermodynamic property characterization inlet procedure heat transfer coefficient upstream...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 17–19, 2001
Paper Number: PSIG-0111
... the fluid comes to rest. correlation freita rachid shutdown batch transfer wasan pipeline equation krantz upstream oil & gas assumption concentration reynolds number procedure concentration distribution evaluation velocity profile time instant dispersion coefficient simulation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 28–30, 2000
Paper Number: PSIG-0007
... Meter Real-time Flow Compressor Station On Delivery Meter Real-time Flow Connections Abstract Tennessee Gas Pipeline s Gas Control and Technical Operations Groups have been experimenting with Expert Systems since 1995. The engineers and technicians have successfully developed rules and procedures...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 15–17, 1997
Paper Number: PSIG-9709
...]. Hence the solutions provided by the present generation of pipeline optimization algorithms are frustrated. This raises a practical question: How can we evaluate the quality of proposed optimization algorithms? One way to answer this question is through the development of bounding procedures. Id...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 18–20, 1995
Paper Number: PSIG-9501
.... This is repeated for each of the engines. The generated horsepower distribution network problem is solved. The solution to the network problem is used to create a &creased area of linearization about the solution point for each engine. Another network problem is generated and solved. The procedure is repeated...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 18–20, 1995
Paper Number: PSIG-9507
... compressor station equation inequality algorithm heating value supply point compressorstation artificial intelligence piecewise procedure linear programming optimization problem constraint compressors engines and turbines gasunie boundary calculation STEADY-STATE MODELLING BASED...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 20–21, 1988
Paper Number: PSIG-8804
.... statistical analysis prediction northwestern utility delivery point procedure artificial intelligence gas load data nugoss forecast midstream oil & gas alberta research council requirement machine learning non-telemetered station gas load demand environmental temperature gas load equation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 30–31, 1986
Paper Number: PSIG-8602
... in the field for the latter case. PURPOSE This paper is to describe a robust procedure for using typical SCADA data for detecting the existence, size, and location of leaks in pipelines carrying a variety of fluids. It is also to describe a related approach for of detectability of leaks in a given system...

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