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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 15–18, 2018
Paper Number: PSIG-1806
... (see Fig. 2). Figure 2. By adjusting the discharge pressure of the compressor station (pressure set point) one can influence the gas pressure at the delivery point. Of course such influence across the network is delayed. According to the transport regime day the desired flow across the border changes...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, April 16–19, 2013
Paper Number: PSIG-1326
.... Validation ensures that changes in the nomination do not affect the pipeline integrity and operational constraints imposed by the transportation contracts such as minimum and maximum pressure requirements. information shipper management system psig 1326 delivery point operation gavazzi srihari...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 24–27, 2011
Paper Number: PSIG-1101
... demand profile midstream oil & gas customer type subgroup lateral gas usage profile shape customer practical consideration psig 1101 cluster analysis industrial customer delivery point union union gas peak hour PSIG 1101 Practical Considerations when Creating and Interpreting...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 12–15, 2009
Paper Number: PSIG-0902
... off the system at the delivery points. However, many different Shippers could be supplying gas through a single receipt point, for delivery at any combination of delivery points (see Figure 1 for a simple schematic view of this). Also, although the modeling system can calculate current linepack values...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 23–26, 2007
Paper Number: PSIG-0712
... methodology. SHORT NOTICE SERVICES Short Notice Transportation Service FT-SN service is designed to provide the transportation service from the receipt point to the delivery point. This service can be called upon on short notice, but must be accompanied by matching receipts and deliveries so that system...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 20–22, 2004
Paper Number: PSIG-0404
... supervision consolidation supervision petrobras gas monetization real time system penalty dauzacker psig 0404 liquified natural gas contractual condition delivery point information real-time commercial supervision confirmation lng Copyright 2003, Pipeline Simulation Interest Group This paper...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 15–17, 2003
Paper Number: PSIG-0303
... of energy balances required, and over shorter time steps, Increasing complexity as opening the gas market involves a diversification of supply sources and greater variability of supply configurations. Improving energy metering at the delivery point, which includes allocating a more precise Calorific...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 19–20, 1989
Paper Number: PSIG-8906
... midstream oil & gas measurement and control delivery point information imbalance planning & scheduling interface transportation gas interconnect management system cig receipt P I P ELI N E SI M U LA Ti ON INTEREST GROUP SCHEDULING, MODELING AND MONITORING TRANSPORTATION AND EXCHANGE...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 20–21, 1988
Paper Number: PSIG-8804
... behavior analysis, and short-term demand forecasting. This paper describes the development and implementation of the real-time and predictive gas load models required for NUGOSS. The development of mathematical models for generation of real-time loads at unmonitored system delivery points and 24 hour...

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