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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 16–19, 2023
Paper Number: PSIG-2316
... operational decision pipeline united states government psig 2316 implementation delivery improved maximum capacity simulation risk management modeler engineering pipeline simulation interest group repeatability gu chen midstream oil & gas outage information samon kashani psig 2316 michael...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 14–17, 2019
Paper Number: PSIG-1920
... the paper was presented. Write Librarian, Pipeline Simulation Interest Group, 945 McKinney, Suite #106, Houston, TX 77002, USA [email protected]. ABSTRACT Oftentimes smaller transmission systems will be designed and built with only essential telemetry in mind. While deliveries are not monitored in real time...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 15–18, 2018
Paper Number: PSIG-1808
... closing time and/or installing a relief system. In this Case Study, a pump station is initially delivering crude oil to Terminal 1 by pipeline. A side-stream full delivery to Terminal 2 is then initiated from a mid-stream take off point on the pipeline. During the side stream operation, the main delivery...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 9–12, 2017
Paper Number: PSIG-1716
... to industrial users or into the medium-to-low pressure networks (deliveries). The number of deliveries ranges from 93 130. LDZ NTS Offtakes Imports Exports Deliveries Pipe (km) SC 13 2 0 130 1321 SO 6 2 2 93 757 SE 6 0 0 118 904 Table 1 - LDZ Supplies and Deliveries At each of the NTS Offtakes, imports...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 12–15, 2015
Paper Number: PSIG-1518
... Abstract Both gas and liquid pipelines commonly have small mid-line deliveries and injections with pressure and flow meters. Tuning an online model to use the pressure meters at these locations can be difficult, as the computed delivery/injection flow rate is very sensitive to a variety...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 6–9, 2014
Paper Number: PSIG-1406
... method for leak location used here is unchanged since [1]. For a discussion of selecting a leak detection method appropriate to your situation, see [11]. minute average gas monetization liquified natural gas pipeline leak detection dickerson psig 1406 leak sensitivity delivery normal...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, April 16–19, 2013
Paper Number: PSIG-1318
... modeling & simulation gas day 2 psig 1318 john pfister delivery gas day 1 nomination Copyright 2013, Pipeline Simulation Interes t Group This paper was prepared for presentati on at the PSIG Annual Meeti ng held in Prague, Czech Republic, 16 April 19 April 2013. This paper was selected...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 15–18, 2012
Paper Number: PSIG-1212
... production logging production control artificial intelligence delivery roughness procedure inventory conductivity gas batch offshore pipeline psig 1212 production monitoring upstream oil & gas reservoir surveillance constraint calculation accuracy pipeline model deviation pipeline...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 24–27, 2011
Paper Number: PSIG-1109
... pipe ranging from six inches to eighteen inches in diameter. There are twelve pumping stations with thirty four units varying from 400 to 3000 horsepower. These pump stations deliver various high-quality products to several customers at twenty-nine delivery terminals covering three states. The largest...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 24–27, 2011
Paper Number: PSIG-1124
... data receipt delivery psig 1124 mmscf PSIG 1124 Pipeline Efficiency Rating A Method of Measuring Operating Efficiency Michael Dew, P.E., Chesapeake Midstream Partners, LP Steven Baroni, P.E., Williams Gas Pipeline Larry Bowden, P.E., Williams Gas Pipeline Copyright 2011, Pipeline Simulation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 11–14, 2010
Paper Number: PSIG-1011
... monetization piping simulation steady state sekirnjak psig 1011 simulation delivery optimization problem lng transient optimization liquified natural gas measurement and control reisner pipeline leak detection operator piping design simulation community Copyright 2010, Pipeline Simulation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, May 12–15, 2009
Paper Number: PSIG-0903
... optimization (SSO) of gas pipelines is now a mature technology. This approach can determine the optimum pressure set-points and station bypass configurations of a general pipeline system to deliver the most gas possible using the least fuel, given supply and delivery pressures and a model of the system...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 23–26, 2007
Paper Number: PSIG-0705
... a delivery to other sections of the pipeline. There is still velocity in the pipes going to the delivery, and the flow comes from two directions to meet the delivery requirements. Line pack - is the total inventory within a pipe. This is a larger number than the usable line pack which is the additional gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 23–26, 2007
Paper Number: PSIG-0712
... not be delivered by the suite of services that TransCanada had available. In particular, the power generators needed to have gas deliveries to their plant gate over the range anywhere from zero flow rate to the maximum rate contracted for, on a firm basis all of the time, with the ability to change the rate...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 11–13, 2006
Paper Number: PSIG-0601
... of companies interested in moving gas from the producing site to the consumption points. TRANSPETRO's client companies are called "shippers" who request on a daily and monthly basis certain amount of gas to be transported by TRANSPETRO from a supply point to a given delivery point. TRANSPETRO also provides...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 11–13, 2006
Paper Number: PSIG-0606
... surveillance pipeline simulation interest group production control operator error production monitoring vendor boundary condition check valve distance step simulator configuration error midstream oil & gas real-time model computer delivery Copyright 2006, Pipeline Simulation Interest Group...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 20–22, 2004
Paper Number: PSIG-04B3
... accuracy makes no sense. On the other hand, the underlying physical models have to be evaluated quickly for a large number of modified parameter settings or linked together to a super-national model. Hence, the models we need have to be as simple as possible. compressor delivery giuliano basso...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 15–17, 2003
Paper Number: PSIG-0306
.... scenario delivery psig 0306 compressors engines and turbines artificial intelligence line pack management station 7 side delivery power plant online midstream oil & gas richard carter optimization middle zone end zone station 17 rachford jr psig 0306 steady state power plant load...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 15–17, 2003
Paper Number: PSIG-0309
... that users need to review the data very carefully. valve fluid property upstream oil & gas calculation pipeline system mary goodreau delivery setpoint elevation equation flow direction piping design steady state piping simulation operation bachman regulator software psig 03xx3...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the PSIG Annual Meeting, October 23–25, 2002
Paper Number: PSIG-0206
... serves to aggregate supply from the WCSB for delivery to markets within Alberta as well as markets connected elsewhere to the TransCanada system or other interconnecting pipeline. The supply on the NGTL system is collected at about 950 meter stations located throughout the province and then delivered...

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