Where have we come from?
Where can we go?
What do you think?
Published proceedings (1992)
Workshops (1998)
Website (1998, 2001)
Papers on-line (1999)
Papers on CD (2001)
Standards (2000):
001/2000 - Common Language
002/2000 - Software Acquisition Practice
International conferences:
Canada (1988)
Switzerland (2003)
Why do you come to PSIG? - Papers - Networking - Other
Does PSIG serve your needs?
What do you like / dislike about PSIG?
Do you have time to interact with others at the conference?
What type of locations do you prefer? - Resorts / historical / hubs / overseas
What do you want in the way of papers? - New developments - State of the art - Tutorials - Discipline:
Gas / Liquid
Transmission / Distribution / Gathering
Business - Other Commercial
Is the balance between commercialism and professionalism right?
Do you need more time to interact with the vendors?
Would you like to see dedicated "new developments" sessions from the vendors?
Vendor Wednesday - Yes / No?
Should PSIG take on a "trade-show" format?
Public Relations - Journals - Magazines - Other shows
Advertising - Vendor advertising
E-mail contact - PSIG - Vendors