This paper describes a simple method to screen crude oils for their tendency to precipitate asphalt, which may cause problems during production. The method is based on a thermodynamic model of asphalt solubility, derived earlier by Flory and Huggins. The most important parameters in this model are the Hildebrand solubility parameters for oil and asphaltene, and their molar volumes. The oil parameters can all be correlated with the in-situ density of the crude.

The relative change in asphalt solubility in the crude per unit pressure drop is shown to be highest for light crudes that are undersatu-rated with gas, which usually contain only a small amount of asphaltenes. Hence, the chance that asphalt will precipitate will be greatest for these light crudes. For pressures below the bubblepoint, depres-surising of the crude will cause a rapid increase in asphalt solubility, due to changes in liquid composition.

It is shown that heavy crudes usually will give fewer problems with asphalt precipitation, despite their higher asphaltene content, certainly if the reservoir pressure is close to bubblepoint pressure.

Consequently, the tendency for asphalt precipitation is mainly determined by three parameters: the extent to which the crude is under-saturated with gas, the density of the crude at reservoir conditions, and its saturation with asphalt at downhole conditions.

Apart from the simple screening method, more elaborate methods are described to assess the potential for asphalt precipitation more accurately; asphaltene analysis on produced reservoir fluid and tank oil; n-heptane titration of the tank oil; visual inspection of a bottom-hole sample in a high-pressure cell during pressure reduction; and dynamic flow tests on tank oil after η-heptane addition.

An ultrasonic back scattering technique is described for monitoring the influence of different asphalt precipitation inhibitors. Using above techniques asphalt precipitation inhibitors have been identified that can be applied in the field.

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