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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-158
... heavy crude oil thermal method crude oil conversion experiment complex reservoir modeling canada bitumen catalyst sagd bitumen ultradispersed catalytic upgrading experiment heavy oil upgrading enhanced recovery upstream oil & gas catalytic upgrading experiment batch reactor...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 17–19, 2008
Paper Number: PETSOC-2008-087
... reduction upgrading scale inhibition wax inhibition viscosity reduction viscosity kpa propane toluene enhanced recovery flow assurance vapex process oilfield chemistry asphaltene remediation paraffin remediation scale remediation hydrate remediation wax remediation oil sample...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2007
Paper Number: PETSOC-2007-109
... in air injection rate, tolerance of an overlying gas cap, increased combustion temperature and faster upgrading response with increasing oil layer thickness, ‘controlled gas override’, its own ‘front tracking’ capability, and steady oil production rate. The most important parameters for upscaling...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 13–15, 2006
Paper Number: PETSOC-2006-060
... Abstract In this paper the effects of some metallic oxides used to upgrade the properties of heavy crude oil are discussed. The underlying objective is to increase the mobility of the oil in the reservoir by reducing viscosity and improving the oil quality (e.g. by diminishing the asphaltene...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 7–9, 2005
Paper Number: PETSOC-2005-016
... asphaltene inhibition deposition hydrate remediation hydrate inhibition upgrading oil sample scale remediation wax inhibition scale inhibition solvent mixture composition asphaltene particle wax remediation oilfield chemistry injection carbon dioxide production chemistry heavy...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 11–13, 2002
Paper Number: PETSOC-2002-027
... to oil recovery and also in situ upgrading. A number of 3-D combustion cell tests were performed to investigate the effect that oil layer thickness has on the dynamics of the THAI process. For the experiments, 10.5 API gravity Wolf Lake heavy oil was used. The 3-D experiments exhibited very stable...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2001
Paper Number: PETSOC-2001-017
... Abstract THAI - 'Toe-to Heel Air Injection' is an integrated horizontal wells- in situ process for the recovery and upgrading of heavy crude oil. In addition to thermal upgrading, further upgrading can be achieved by emplacing a catalyst layer around the horizontal producer well, in effect...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2001
Paper Number: PETSOC-2001-023
... Abstract The level of in situ upgrading of heavy Wolf Lake oil achieved by CAPRI, the catalytic variant of the THAI process - 'Toe-to-Heel Air Injection', has been investigated by various analytical methods. These included gas chromatography (GC), elemental analysis, simulated distillation...

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