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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-046
... based on the Dover UTF Phase B pilot site was constructed with physical dimensions of 600 m long by 150 m wide by 24 m high. As shown in Figures 1 and Figure , the reservoir model was discretized into a regular Cartesian grid consisting of 251 gridblocks in the down-well direction, 50 gridblocks...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-022
... on the reservoir modeling, the authors optimized the wells network locations and got very good results in oil recovery. The oil recovery factor increased from 24.21% to 37.26% for the Lower Miocene reservoir. Specifically, oil 2 recovery for the Southern Dome Structure was increased from 14.83% to 33.76...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-197
... of the reservoir model have been randomly chosen from a uniform distribution of horizontal permeability, ranging from 0.1 to 100 milliDarcy, so that the Dykstra-Parson coefficient7 of heterogeneity (VDP) is higher than 0.75. In fact, in our model VDP was equal to 0.79, which is typical of a heterogeneous reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-198
... hyperbolic decline reservoir surveillance transient flow production control tight gas well reserves evaluation power law exponential decline gas well reservoir model production forecasting linear flow bdf upstream oil & gas power law decline equation boundary-dominated flow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-021
... procedure iteration application objective function history matching optimization technique steepest descent artificial intelligence reservoir simulation history simplex method algorithm optimization method gradient history data upstream oil & gas porosity reservoir model...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 17–19, 2008
Paper Number: PETSOC-2008-176
... recognition mp statistics simulation reservoir model hard data geological modeling algorithm histogram machine learning template 1 PAPER 2008-176 Reservoir Modelling of Complex Geological Systems A Multiple Point Perspective K. ESKANDARI, S. SRINIVASAN University of Texas at Austin This paper...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 17–19, 2008
Paper Number: PETSOC-2008-127-EA
... artificial intelligence production optimization reservoir performance geostatistical technique upstream oil & gas displacement efficiency reservoir model genetic algorithm constraint flooding reservoir reservoir bottomhole pressure flow rate enhanced recovery producer oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 17–19, 2008
Paper Number: PETSOC-2008-128-EA
... realization reservoir geological model ensemble history matching reservoir simulation observation data vector reservoir model 1 PAPER 2008-128 Real-Time Reservoir Geological Model Updating Using the Hybrid EnKF and Geostatistical Technique H. LI, S. CHEN, D. YANG Petroleum Technology Research Centre...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2007
Paper Number: PETSOC-2007-026-EA
... Abstract Even though production data have direct responses of reservoir heterogeneity and connectivity, they are rarely incorporated into reservoir modeling workflow among the geological community. In this paper, an experiment-designed, flow-based ranking method is proposed to mitigate...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2007
Paper Number: PETSOC-2007-060-EA
... the construction and numerical simulation of a reservoir model with incorporation of geomechanics for a real oilfield producing under waterflooding. Firstly, the model boundaries are prolonged to highlight the reservoir geomechanical behavior in the producing area. Secondly, the reservoir model is populated...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2007
Paper Number: PETSOC-2007-154
... BH temperature. After analyzing the pilot's performance and simulated reservoir model behavior, it has been concluded that the reservoir in the Grosmont can indeed be characterized with high bulk permeability. This aspect of the formation was the catalyst of the production volumes achieved...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 13–15, 2006
Paper Number: PETSOC-2006-063
... introduce a new mathematical method for calculation of the saturation using seismic data. We simulate a water injection into a reservoir model. Our model is created based on the typical reservoir properties and fluid PVT data of the Iranian reservoirs from NIOC. Then we apply our mathematical approach...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 7–9, 2005
Paper Number: PETSOC-2005-164
... history match elevation chalaturnyk geomechanical simulation geotechnical cross section steam chamber reservoir geomechanics expansion coefficient upstream oil & gas well pair vertical strain operation displacement reservoir model simulation modeling & simulation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 8–10, 2004
Paper Number: PETSOC-2004-088
... phase for initialization. To distinguish the initial methane gas from H 2 S in the gas phase all the gas saturation graphs used a minimum scale of 0.0005. Deadwood Aquifer Formation and Reservoir Model References 1 and 2 provided a detailed geological appraisal and a mineralogy study of the Cambrian...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-053
... production reservoir simulation fuzzy system artificial intelligence simulation run fuzzy logic productivity production control flow in porous media production potential well performance fluid dynamics permeability optimization reservoir model well productivity upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-084
... mechanisms and the lack of exhaustive reservoir specific information are the main reasons for uncertainty in reservoir modeling 1 . Some papers 2,3,4,5 have focused on understanding the source of uncertainties. For example, Massonnat 2 proposes a scheme for hierarchical classification of uncertainties...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-087
... as well as the CPU time. steam-assisted gravity drainage new grid characteristic displacement reservoir model enhanced recovery modeling & simulation sagd interface grid butler gridblock calculation mesh generator datafile dynamic sub-gridding technique thermal method water...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-091
... Abstract Developing geostatistical reservoir models that are geologically realistic and correctly reflect production history is important for accurately assessing the uncertainty associated with production forecasts. Conditioning reservoir models to dynamic data is challenging due to the non...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-219
... Abstract Oil and gas reservoir modelling involves two broad classes of data: static (core, well logs and seismic interpretation, for example) and dynamic (pressure and fluid production observed at wells). Integration of dynamic data together with the static data enhances the quality...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 11–13, 2002
Paper Number: PETSOC-2002-078
... porosity reservoir reservoir pressure reservoir model saturation basaltic composition hydrodynamic behavior simulator fracture matrix double porosity history match thickness simulation neutron porosity permeability conclusion lava composition upstream oil & gas tuff...

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