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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2007
Paper Number: PETSOC-2007-080
... mechanical equilibrium nucleation equation gas availability bubble nucleation van der waal force bubble entrapped regime equilibrium bubble growth gas bubble upstream oil & gas configuration cavity bubble radius porous media capillary pressure viscosity 1 PAPER 2007-080 A Microscopic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 13–15, 2006
Paper Number: PETSOC-2006-093
... material flow, i.e., sand production. cohesion sand production experiment numerical model prediction triaxial experiment modeling boundary condition axial stress reservoir characterization central hole simulation sand production production monitoring regime friction angle deformation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 13–15, 2006
Paper Number: PETSOC-2006-162
... drillstem testing horizontal-well fracture wellbore diagnostic plot hydraulic fracturing fracture conductivity permeability flow regime drillstem/well testing early-time flow regime radial-linear flow non-darcy flow flow analysis square fracture flow period upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 13–15, 2006
Paper Number: PETSOC-2006-121
... permeability upstream oil & gas rectangular system flow regime reservoir regime horizontal line pseudosteady state flow regime fractured well conductivity derivative plot accuracy drillstem/well testing reciprocal rate straight line drainage area fracture conductivity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 7–9, 2005
Paper Number: PETSOC-2005-225
... illustrates the basics of the Pulse Velocity Method for measuring fluid flow in a turbulent regime. Two or more radiation detectors are mounted externally on the pipe. The distance between the detectors is measured. Upstream of the first detector, an injection point is set up at an existing nozzle. When...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 8–10, 2004
Paper Number: PETSOC-2004-061
... saturation regime water influx sandstone plug imbibition test reservoir gas recovery secondary imbibition 1PAPER 2004-061 Estimation of Residual Gas Saturation From Different Reservoirs M. DING, A. KANTZAS TIPM Laboratory and University of Calgary This paper is to be presented at the Petroleum...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-207
... region. The work presented in this paper focused on the effect of sodium dodecycl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) on the rheological behavior of specific-modified HAP aqueous solutions. The viscosities of polymer solutions from dilute, unentangled semi-dilute, to entangled semi-dilute regime were examined...

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