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Keywords: fracture conductivity
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-146
... to visualise hydraulic fracture propagation and help depict the effect each treatment parameter has on the ultimate success of an acid fracturing stimulation job. The success of a acidized fracture depends on its fracture conductivity. Fracture conductivity is poorly predicted because of the stochastic...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 17–19, 2008
Paper Number: PETSOC-2008-101
... conductivity complex reservoir maximum permeability fractured reservoir elliptical flow permeability production monitoring flow regime anisotropy flow model drillstem testing radial flow fracture conductivity fluid dynamics hydraulic fracturing 1 PAPER 2008-101 New Method of Well Test Analysis...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 17–19, 2008
Paper Number: PETSOC-2008-009
... fd 25 injection well water injection well fracture azimuth hydraulic fracturing penetration ratio fd 15 penetration rate recovery fracture parameter upstream oil & gas oil well unfavorable fracture fracture fracture conductivity fracture length lfi 0 wl reservoir 1 PAPER...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 13–15, 2006
Paper Number: PETSOC-2006-162
... drillstem testing horizontal-well fracture wellbore diagnostic plot hydraulic fracturing fracture conductivity permeability flow regime drillstem/well testing early-time flow regime radial-linear flow non-darcy flow flow analysis square fracture flow period upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 13–15, 2006
Paper Number: PETSOC-2006-121
... permeability upstream oil & gas rectangular system flow regime reservoir regime horizontal line pseudosteady state flow regime fractured well conductivity derivative plot accuracy drillstem/well testing reciprocal rate straight line drainage area fracture conductivity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 8–10, 2004
Paper Number: PETSOC-2004-011
... into account. . fracture fracture conductivity reservoir simulation injection stage acid concentration natural fracture fracture length conductivity treatment parameter upstream oil & gas acid optimum design boundary condition fracture height hydraulic fracturing acid-rock reaction...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 8–10, 2004
Paper Number: PETSOC-2004-012
... of naturally-fractured reservoirs. The simulation results show that both the damage of natural fracture and the decrease of fracture conductivity with time greatly affected the post-frac productivity. Considering the damage of natural fracture, post-frac productivity may decrease correspondingly...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 8–10, 2004
Paper Number: PETSOC-2004-108
... of these formations is not reflected by conventional well logs and errors are made. fracture conductivity tight gas reservoir completion upstream oil & gas flow in porous media reservoir quality frac fluid stimulation water saturation conductivity reservoir hydraulic fracturing fluid dynamics...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-007
... Abstract The length of the etched fracture is rather limited utilizing traditional acid fracturing techniques, especially in a high-temperature carbonate reservoir. Although the propped fractures may have a deeper penetration, they have such drawbacks such as low fracture conductivity...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-122
... fracture fracture conductivity procedure permeability fracture placement screenout glauconitic zone acid spear correlation hydraulic fracturing conductivity fracture model perforation reservoir fracture treatment fracture fluid upstream oil & gas PAPER 2003-122 Hydraulic Fracture...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-182
... appropriate fracture conductivity and an economic optimum fracture length while reconciling these with actual fracture growth behavior in the reservoir. This new methodology incorporates the following simple, automated steps: Selection of the most cost-effective - fluid from a large industry fluid library...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2001
Paper Number: PETSOC-2001-055
... resistance; thus propped fracture length is less important than fracture conductivity for enhancing productivity. Pumping pressure is mainly used to balloon fracture width that is helpful to ball out damage zone, decrease skin factor and improve fracture conductivity. The relatively shorter and wider...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 4–8, 2000
Paper Number: PETSOC-2000-025
... baharyia proppant treatment rate evaluation upstream oil & gas pressure match closure pressure upper baharyia wellhead pressure fracture treatment fracture reservoir bopd conductivity formation type fracture conductivity psi wellhead pressure productivity hydraulic fracturing PAPER...

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