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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-046
...1 PAPER 2009-046 Impact of Well Configuration on Performance of Steam-Based Gravity Drainage Processes M. TAMER*, I.D. GATES University of Calgary *Now at Nexen Inc. This paper is accepted for the Proceedings of the Canadian International Petroleum Conference (CIPC) 2009, Calgary, Alberta, Canada...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-128
... the authors show that SAGD can be configured to maximize bitumen recovery for such reservoirs based on laboratory and new simulation studies. The result is a SAGD configuration where the producers are placed at the base of porosity, within the basal water zone. Introduction Laricina Energy Ltd. s Germain...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-167
... and water holding capacity (9) . centrifugation configuration mft dosage mikula oil sand test program strength centrate solid deposit centrifuge feed lynx 40 upstream oil & gas bitumen complex reservoir centrifuge concentration polymer fine capture centrifuge performance...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 16–18, 2009
Paper Number: PETSOC-2009-207
...1 PAPER 2009-207 Improving the SAGD Performance by Introducing a New Well Configuration M. MOJARAB, T. HARDING, B. MAINI University of Calgary This paper is accepted for the Proceedings of the Canadian International Petroleum Conference (CIPC) 2009, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 16 18 June 2009...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 17–19, 2008
Paper Number: PETSOC-2008-013
... 1 PAPER 2008-013 Preliminary Consideration on Application of Steamflooding in a Toe-To-Heel Configuration T.A. TURTA, A.K. SINGHAL Alberta Research Council T.X. XIA1, M. GREAVES Univeristy of Bath J. GOLDMAN, J. IVORY Alberta Research Council 1Currently with Total E&P, UK, Aberdeen This paper...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 17–19, 2008
Paper Number: PETSOC-2008-015
... the elephantine data issues. The first part is collecting the data and this has many challenges as there are many sources of data, there is a constant stream of new data and field configurations are constantly changing. Most companies currently collect the data required for an IMP but have difficulty handling...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2007
Paper Number: PETSOC-2007-142
... expansion can load the pipe material beyond its proportional limit. Selection of an appropriate slotted liner configuration is critical to ensure structural stability (and hence sand control) is reliably maintained during operation. Mechanical properties of the tubular material at elevated temperature...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2007
Paper Number: PETSOC-2007-190
.... salt formation configuration operation enhanced recovery heavy oil operation supersump recovery technique supersump operation cavern drainage well supersump concept diameter sand production reservoir canada western canada disposal cold heavy oil production upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2007
Paper Number: PETSOC-2007-080
... of the nucleation phenomenon. A mechanical equilibrium comprising a disjoining pressure and a capillary one in these crevices tends to prove the pre-existence of gas bubbles for different wettabilities. The first configuration envisaged is oil wettability, presence of water is neglected in the porous media...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 13–15, 2006
Paper Number: PETSOC-2006-107
... for their rheological parameters and analyzed using three different wellbore configurations for their APL gradients. Each fluid was analyzed using the Bingham-Plastic and Power-Law models and their results compared. Also, the effect of high temperature (up to 150 °F) on frictional pressure losses was also studied...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 7–9, 2005
Paper Number: PETSOC-2005-002
... exploitation santhal operation configuration 1 PAPER 2005-02 Current Status of the Commercial In Situ Combustion (ISC) Projects and New Approaches to Apply ISC A.T. TURTA Alberta Research Council S.K. CHATTOPADHYAY, R.N. BHATTACHARYA Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC) A. CONDRACHI Oil and Gas...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 7–9, 2005
Paper Number: PETSOC-2005-151
... cm horizontally from the producer. The experimental configuration was based on the Burnt Lake experiment (Reference 5). The lab model scaled a 20 m thick Burnt Lake formation with 80 m well pair spacing, and 40 m injector/producer well offset, at a 100:1 geometric ratio. The experimental...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 8–10, 2004
Paper Number: PETSOC-2004-050
... with in detail in the paper. Quality and compositions of acid gases: Cost effective technologies to handle contaminants such ammonia, Benzene, Toluene and Xylene (BTX), and cyanides etc. Sulfur Recovery Efficiency Enhancement: Cost effective technology and optimum process configurations for revamping...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 8–10, 2004
Paper Number: PETSOC-2004-212
... unique as the kh and OGIP of the pool dominate different periods in the production history, even though they are not entirely independent of each other. This analytical procedure provides a confident assessment of kh and accessed OGIP of the current well configuration. Infill Well Effectiveness Assessing...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 8–10, 2004
Paper Number: PETSOC-2004-207
.... Optimizing turbodrill configurations for an application is accomplished by adding or removing stages to vary power output, and by utilizing turbine blade arrangements that produce desirable characteristics in anticipated hydraulic conditions. Output RPM and torque are inversely proportional in downhole...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-096
... 103m3/d in 2011 and in situ crude bitumen production to increase from 49.2 10 3 m 3 /d in 2001 to 126 10 3 m 3 /d in 2011. Total bitumen production in 2011, 349 10 3 m 3 /d, would represent a three-fold increase from 2001. Based on the configuration of currently operating projects, it is estimated...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-180
... years, several new well implementations have been proposed (COSH, THAI,...), exploiting the more advanced drilling capabilities available nowadays. Simulations of such configurations require a reliable representation at field scale of the oxy-combustion reactions, which is not available at the present...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 10–12, 2003
Paper Number: PETSOC-2003-194
... configuration reservoir surveillance gas recovery fluid dynamics gas well upstream oil & gas production time recovery reservoir pressure dual completion top completion gas zone packer initial pressure permeability bottom completion production control reservoir simulation flow in porous...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2001
Paper Number: PETSOC-2001-021
... by Moore et al. 1, 2 . Most of them used the traditional vertical wells. injection well test 1 production well combustion process thermal method experiment oil production rate reservoir temperature profile enhanced recovery configuration production rate upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Petroleum Society of Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, June 12–14, 2001
Paper Number: PETSOC-2001-002
... experiment coefficient experimental condition relative permeability matrix coefficient formulation configuration determination permeability matrix coefficient relative permeability curve fluid dynamics coupling flow experiment matrix coefficient upstream oil & gas flow in porous media...