Based on the successful numerical simulation for naturally fractured reservoirs, connected with recovery engineering, in this paper, a new, overall threedimension, three phase and three-medium stimulation simulation model is established which considering the matrix, fractures and hydraulic fractures for the productivity dynamic performance of hydraulic fracturing wells. In addition, we developed a high velocity non-Darcy flow model in hydraulic fractures by improving classic Darcian flow equation. The model has succeeded in completing 3D field-scale integrated hydraulic fracturing productivity dynamic predication in Tuha oilfield, specially waterflood result influence by hydraulic fracturing have been predicted, so it's can be used to direct fracturing treatment more economical and effectively in whole reservoir. Field test in Tuha oilfield is very successful and encouraging.
The process of hydraulic fracturing is playing a more and more important role in increasing the production in development of oil and gas field, Waterflood early has been used in most oil field to keeping formation pressure in China.How to predict waterflood result influence by hydraulic fracturing is a problem especially in fractured reservoirs, So it's very important to predict the productivity dynamic performance of hydraulic fracturing wells.
Some numerical models have been developed which assume that a hydraulic fracturing well is situated in the center of an infinite reservoir, and the models have being used to research the relationship between the production and the time.The models assume only one hydraulic fracturing well in the center of an infinite reservoir, so it's too simple to predict the productivity dynamic performance in most time.Recent numerical simulation techniques have been rapidly developing because of the improved numerical models and method,many numerical simulation software like SIMBEST and VIP etc have been widely used in the oil exploiting, But these numerical simulators never consider hydraulic fracture.
Based on successful numerical simulation in fractured reservoirs, considered the condition of recovery engineering, a new improved numerical simulation for the productivity dynamic performance of hydraulic fracturing well has been developed in the paper.Applying the numerical simulator, the results of the productivity performance of hydraulic fracturing wells and no hydraulic fracturing wells, waterflood result influence by hydraulic fracturing can be predicted, so it's can be used to direct fracturing treatment more economical and effectively in whole reservoir.
1. Flow of oil, water and gas in the reservoir obeys Darcy' law, and mass exchange of fluids occur between oil and gas, water/oil cannot be dissolved each other, flow in the reservoir is isothermal.
2. There are three medium, the matrix is been treated as a discontinuous series of sources and sinks that was surrounded by a continues fractured medium, the flow between grid cell occurred only in the fractures, there are mass transfer between reservoir rock and fracture.
3. The rocks are slightly compressible, and anistropic.
4. Fluids are compressible, account for capillary pressure, gravity, viscous forces, rock shape, phase behavior change, and hydraulic fracture and so on.
5. The hydraulic fracture is symmetrical, vertical fracture.
6. The fracture conductivity is constant to time.
7. The hydraulic fracture direction of production wells and injection wells are same.