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Proceedings Papers
Canadian International Petroleum Conference
June 12–14, 2001
Calgary, Alberta
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Implementation of the Boundary Element Method in a Practical Reservoir Engineering Software Application
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Determination of the Relative Permeability Matrix Coefficients
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
State-of-the-Art in the Windowing Technique
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Sensitivity Coefficients for Three-Phase Flow History Matching
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Asymptotic Description of Vertically Fractured Wells Within the Boundary Element Method
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Simultaneous Estimation of Absolute and Relative Permeability by Automatic History Matching of Three-Phase Flow Production Data
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Enhanced Reservoir Description of Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoirs
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
3D Fracture Permeability Modelling in Offshore Arabian Gulf Reservoir
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Determination of Production Operation Methods in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
An Integrated Fracture Characterization of a Heavy Oil Naturally Fractured Carbonate Reservoir
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Investigation of Water/Gas Coning in Natural Fractured Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Some History Cases of Long-Term Linear Flow in Tight Gas Wells
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Monte Carlo Simulation of the Flow and Solute Transport in a 2D Fractured Medium at Percolation Threshold with a Power Law Fracture Length Distribution and a fBm Fracture Aperture Spatial Distribution
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
3-D Physical Model Studies of Downhole Catalytic Upgrading of Wolf Lake Heavy Oil Using THAI
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Air Injection Recovery of Cold-Produced Heavy Oil Reservoirs
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Does Miscibility of In Situ Generated Flue Gases With Light Crude Oils Contribute to Oil Recovery Under High Pressure Air Injection?
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Electromagnetic Heating Process Combined With Water Displacement for Recovering Petroleum Reservoirs-A New Concept
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Numerical Evaluation of THAI Prcess
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
CAPRI-Downhole Catalytic Process for Upgrading Heavy Oil: Produced Oil Properties and Composition
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Super-Critical Rate Based on Economic Recovery in Water and Gas Coning by Using Vertical and Horizontal Well Performance
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
A Multi-Model Approach to Production Analysis Through Single Well Simulation
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Production Enhancement by Redevelopment Through Multilateral Well Drilling in Tight Clastic Reservoirs with Low Primary Recovery
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Smart Pumping Systems: The Time is Now
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Emerging Technologies
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Leveraging the Reach: Monitoring Remote Assets With Geostationary Satellite Systems
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Caspian Sea: Offshore Exploration, Discoveries And Strategy
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Advancements in Rotary Steerable Technology
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Experimental Assessment of the Bleed-and-Lube Method for Removal of Sustained Casing Pressure
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
The Blowout at UPRI Search Klua d-27-J/94-J-8
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Performance of the Mineral Blended Ester Oil-Based Drilling Fluid Systems
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Cyclic Steam Stimulation Below a Known Hydraulically Induced Shale Fracture
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Analysis of Sand Production in Unconsolidated Oil Sand Using a Coupled Erosional-Stress-Deformation Model
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Gas Well Sand Production Modelling With Coupled Geomechanical-Gas/Sand Flow Model
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Simulation of Sand Production in Unconsolidated Heavy Oil Reservoir
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
The Use of Genetic Algorithms as an Optimization Tool for Predicting Permeability Alteration in Formation Damage and Improvement Modelling
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
A Three-Dimensional, Three-Phase, and Three- Media Simulation Model for Integrated Hydraulic Fracturing Productivity Dynamic Prediction
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Experimental and Numerical Approach for the Productivity Study of Open Hole Completed Horizontal Wells
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Simulation And Evaluation of Frac And Pack(F&P) Completion In High Permeability Formations
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
A New Model for Modeling Systematic Fracturing and Application in the Naturally Fractured and Low-Permeability Reservoir
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Rehabilitating Heavy Oil Wells Using Pulsing Workovers to Place Treatment Chemicals
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Formation Heat Treatment Process by Combustion of Gases Around the Wellbore
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
A Physical Preventive Treatment of Crystallization and Precipitation in the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Comparing Venezuelan and Canadian Heavy Oil and Tar Sands
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Artificial Lift, A Major Unresolved Issue for SAGD
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Asphaltene Characterization: Sensitivity of Asphaltene Properties to Extration Techniques
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Document Management As an Environmental Compliance Tool In the Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Investment Timing and Environmental Assessmment Impact on Decision-Making Process in the Brazilian Petroleum Industry
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Composting of Hydrocarbon Contaminated Drilling Wastes
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Environmentally Friendlier Drilling Mud Base Fluids
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
The Evolution of Environmental Reporting in the Petroleum Industry in Canada
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
The Clean Enclosed Burner
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Evaluation of the Capability of Aggregated Oil Sands Mine Tailings: Biological Indicators
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
The Role of Natural Gas in Electricity Generation and the CO2 Forest Ecosystem Balance in Clean Sustainable Development
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Multifunctional Bio-Additives, Remedial to Crude and all Fuel Oil Problems
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Implementation of ISO-14000 Standards In Routine Environmental Management of Oil And Gas Fields By Means of GIS And Remote Sensing
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Reserves Estimation for a Coalbed Well
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Overestimation of Original Gas in Place in Water-Drive Gas Reservoirs Due to a Misleading Linear p/z plot
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Retrograde Condensate Dropout Phenomena in Rich Gas Reservoirs-Impact on Recoverable Reserves and Permeability and Diagnosis and Stimulation Techniques
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
A New Fracturing Reservoir Simulation Model of Tight Low Permeable Fractured Gas Reservoir
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Reservoir Modelling Integrated With Pressure Transient Response Yields Key Insight in Tanzanian Offshore Gas Development
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
The Establishment and Application of Binomial Deliverability Equation for Horizontal Gas Well
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Experimental Measurement of Dispersion Coefficients for Gases
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
An Experimental Method of Measuring Steam-Water and Air-Water Capillary Pressures
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Residual Oil Saturation Inside the Steam Chamber During SAGD
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Impacts of Initial Gas-to-Oil Ratio (GOR) on SAGD Operations
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Hydrogen Sulphide Measurements in SAGD Operations II
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Heat Transfer Ahead of a SAGD Steam Chamber: A Study of Thermocouple Data From Phase B of the Underground Test Facility (Dover Project)
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Numerical Study and Economic Evaluation of SAGD Wind-Down Methods
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
Application of the Gas-Oil Interfacial Tension to Determine Minimum Miscibility Pressure
Paper presented at the Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, June 2001. doi:
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