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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 13–17, 1999
Paper Number: PETSOC-99-46
... and producers. Waterflood responses can be segmented into three geographical areas: northern, central and southern. The oil responses correlate strongly to the injection in the central part of the pool. Weaker responses and longer time lag response was observed in the southern pool area and strong interference...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 13–17, 1999
Paper Number: PETSOC-99-65
... enhanced recovery oil production wellhead pressure recovery factor injection rate water plant central facility triangular prism injection pressure waterflooding directional drilling drilling operation disposal capacity water injection low oil price environment economic production injector...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-53
... characterization mpa waterflooding water management hydraulic fracturing effective stress radial distance flow in porous media permeability base case injection injection pressure drillstem testing total stress change displacement wellbore stress change drillstem/well testing vertical total stress...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-05
... recovery screening bad heterogeneity heterogeneity exploitation downward sequence viscosity waterflooding permeability ior perspective upstream oil & gas variation wnformance water gas water flood primary production pay zone reservoir THE PETROLEUM SOCIETY PAPER 98-05 Good and Bad...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-27
... Abstract The continuing use of combined cross linked polymer, propellant and acid fracturing treatment technologies has resulted in additional reserve development in a mature waterflood field in Wyoming. These three technologies have been used in combination on over 40 wells during 1996...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-55
... on immersion type boundary conditions 3 . mechanism flow in porous media water injection fluid dynamics breakthrough co-current imbibition oil production countercurrent imbibition oil recovery reservoir fwl enhanced recovery waterflooding upstream oil & gas production rate imbibition...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-31
... the area in detail one last time. The final result of the exhaustive work, which included core floods, geological review, a 3D simulation, facilities and production optimization review and a reservoir depletion plan, was a large scale waterflood on a depleted field. It is expected that the recovery factor...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-45
..., along with water, gas and aqueous polymer solution displacements have been performed on each of the models. The displacement experiments have been performed using multiple injectors and multiple producers. After initial waterflooding, a significant incremental recovery has been observed by altering...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-17
... concentration distribution scale remediation connate water tendency carbonate reservoir asphaltene inhibition precipitation concentration waterflooding hydrate remediation production chemistry complex reservoir enhanced recovery upstream oil & gas injection water wax remediation dispersion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-26
... chemical system conglomerate layer chemical flooding methods oil recovery evaluation type ii sandstone layer enhanced recovery bear lake reservoir surfactant oil recovery recovery waterflooding reservoir residual oil waterflood residual oil composition brine microemulsion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-58
... reservoir saturation experiment waterflooding override mobility reduction factor enhanced recovery oil recovery efficiency numerical simulation offoam flooding miscible method mobility foam surfactant chemical flooding methods upstream oil & gas fluid dynamics flow in porous...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-34
... both current field base waterflood recovery factor of 440/o for the same models, applications (commercial and pilot operations), and giving an incremental recovery of 14% oil initially in place. "horizontal" research investigations. The survey of offshore oil operations has focused upon the European...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-24
... to the conclusion of the meeting. This paper and any discussion filed will be considered for publication in CIM journals. Publication rights are reserved. This is a pre-print and is subject to correction. - prove the applicability in low oil rate, high water cut wells ABSTRACT in a mature waterflood; The Pembina...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-65
... Abstract Paper describes is dedicated to laboratory research of new oil recovery technology with using micronucleus heat carrier. Previously these systems were used for increasing of oil recovery in case of waterflooding. Effectiveness of new process comparable with different modifications...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–11, 1996
Paper Number: PETSOC-96-94
...EFFECT OF BRINE COMPOSITION ON RECOVERY OF AN ALASKAN CRUDE OIL BY WATERFLOODING N.R. MORROW M. VALAT H. YILDIZ this article begins on the next page F THE PETROLEUM SOCIETY PAPER 96-94 Effect of Brine Composition on Recovery of an Alaskan Crude Oil by Waterflooding N. R. Morrow, M. Valat Western...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–11, 1996
Paper Number: PETSOC-96-95
..., tubing corrosion, or both. In the reservoir. during waterflooding or steam injection, pyrite oxidation may release sulfate ion (S042-) which can promote the activity ofsulfate reducing bacteria, resulting in "souring" and the production of the acids gases H2S and C02, where no production of acid gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–11, 1996
Paper Number: PETSOC-96-109
... bacteria reservoir souring waterflooding grant hycal environmental science biological system corrosion contribution fossil fuel upstream oil & gas microbial population exploration microbiology important impact biotic system enhanced recovery MICROBIOLOGY IN THE OIL PATCH: A REVIEW D...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 6–8, 1995
Paper Number: PETSOC-95-11
... dramatically from traditional high viscosity fracture completion fluids, due to higher leak-off rates encountered in the case of water injection. Recent work in the North Sea has led to a new understanding of waterflood pressure induced fracturing and modelling techniques that can be used to predict fracture...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 6–8, 1995
Paper Number: PETSOC-95-22
... wettability characterization reservoir waterflooding petroleum society wettability determination procedure upstream oil & gas elk point bitumen petroleum reservoir oil sand lindbergh reservoir wettability frog lake crude oil dddc technique wettability complex reservoir enhanced recovery...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 6–8, 1995
Paper Number: PETSOC-95-08
... requirements, to establish reserves, and to evaluate the success or failure of various changes that take place during a reservoir's producing life. In this study, a detailed investigation of production decline data from 78 Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin oil pools under waterflood conditions is presented...

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