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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 13–17, 1999
Paper Number: PETSOC-99-72
... measurement system saturation profile experimental setup upstream oil & gas flow in porous media water saturation level frequency response dynamic saturation profile porous medium permeability university enhanced recovery experiment permeability curve flow experiment fluid dynamics...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-60
... drilling fluid density tensile strength borehole stability real time system drilling fluid density oklahoma shale strength horizontal in-situ stress poisson prediction university compression test stability THE PETROLEUM SOCIETY PAPER 98-60 A New Strategy for Near Real-time Prediction...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-42
... bioremediation isotope university biodegradation hydrocarbon contamination microbial culture contamination land reclamation volatilization mixed microbial culture contaminant residual hydrocarbon intrinsic remediation benzene remediation hydrocarbon loss concentration mechanism...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-67
... first have a full understanding of the soil properties (stationary phase). The reason for this is that soils are of a complex heterogeneous nature 2 In this study, we have used the Armadale soil (also known as Mossy Point soil), which has been extensively studied at the University of Calgary 1,3,12...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–14, 1994
Paper Number: PETSOC-94-02
... complex reservoir good pressure communication history reservoir characterization reservoir sobbi oil production pressure maintenance oil reservoir reservoir production history original reservoir pressure rock type badakhashan depletion iranian asmari reservoir university MODELLING...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–14, 1994
Paper Number: PETSOC-94-51
... upstream oil & gas polymer divalent ion university micellar solution article begin concentration petroleum society pvt measurement diagram fluid system experiment enhanced recovery micellar flooding SCALING CRITERIA FOR MICELLAR FLOODING EXPERIMENTS S. THOMAS S.M. FAROUQ ALI N.H. THOMAS...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–14, 1994
Paper Number: PETSOC-94-20
... is to develop a generalized wellbore stability model that incorporates the governing chemical and mechanical factors. Many important contributions 1–7 have been made that provide us with model components for predicting swelling displacements or stresses. structural geology university wellbore...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, April 20–23, 1991
Paper Number: PETSOC-91-56
... equation fluid dynamics fluid flow equation quinard university heterogeneous medium porous medium la cruz heterogeneity technical conference eastwood macroscopic flow equation upstream oil & gas flow in porous media transport coefficient spano FLUID FLOW IN INHOMOGENEOUS POROUS MEDIA...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, April 20–23, 1991
Paper Number: PETSOC-91-118
... with suspensions to which the D.L.V.O stabilization theory applies quantitatively. sludge particle flocculation electrolyte university sedimentation correction compaction behaviour specific surface area proportion kaolinite composition oil sand complex reservoir upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, April 20–23, 1991
Paper Number: PETSOC-91-89
... volumetric changes of the sub-surface cavities to the basic geometric parameters of the surface upheaval such as vertical surface displacements and the slopes of the deformed surface. university assumption upstream oil & gas specimen surface displacement pressurized ellipsoidal fracture...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–15, 1988
Paper Number: PETSOC-88-39-121
... technical meeting enhanced recovery concentration toluene waterflooding conclusion upstream oil & gas composition university complex reservoir hydrocarbon surfactant nacl badakhshan interfacial tension application cyclohexane carbonate reservoir low concentration new...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–15, 1988
Paper Number: PETSOC-88-39-60
... COMBUSTION EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES USING A COMBUSTION TUBE SYSTEM WITH STRESSED CORE CAPABILITY By Laurie Sibbald University of Calgary R.G. Moore University of Calgary D.W. Bennion university of Calgary B.J. Chmilar University of Calgary M.G. Ursenbach University of Calgary PUBLICATION RIGHTS RESERVED...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 24–27, 1980
Paper Number: PETSOC-80-31-09
... - SUBJECT TO CORRECTION PAPER NO. 80-31-09 DEVELOPMENT AND APPLICATION OF STEAM INJECTION SIMULATORS IN VENEZUELA by Jos Ferrer, L. Quintero, C. Aquino, F. Guevara. A. Avila, J. P rez, W. Briceno, L. S nchez, E. Rodriquez University of Zulia A. Finol, J. Diaz-Munoz Maraven S.A. S.M. Farouq Ali University...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 24–27, 1980
Paper Number: PETSOC-80-31-39
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 29–June 2, 1977
Paper Number: PETSOC-77-05
... high ph water slug injection significant increase university source water interfacial tension tension relationship investigation crude oil enhanced recovery viscous crude oil injection concentration upstream oil & gas waterflooding sodium hydroxide sodium hydroxide...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 29–June 2, 1977
Paper Number: PETSOC-77-13
... upstream oil & gas haine motivation enhanced oil recovery droplet multiphase flow low reynold number phase flow 28th annual technical meeting petroleum recovery institute university possible implication curvature petroleum society interface dranchuk fluid dynamics pore flow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 7–11, 1973
Paper Number: PETSOC-73-106
... differential equation influx vertical permeability university upstream oil & gas fluid dynamics permeability SOME PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF CONING SIMULATION K. AZIZ T. KANEKO N. MUNGAN A. SETTARI this article begins on the next page F PETROLEUM SOCIETY OF CIM THIS IS A PREPRINT - SUBJECT TO CORRECTION...

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