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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 13–17, 1999
Paper Number: PETSOC-99-50
... flood upstream oil & gas flood producer tertiary hydrocarbon miscible flood oil bank reservoir pressure injection injector miscible flood enhanced recovery hydrocarbon miscible flood solvent slug size reservoir ABSTRACT Tertiary hydrocarbon miscible flooding is an important enhanced...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 13–17, 1999
Paper Number: PETSOC-99-46
... Abstract This paper focuses on the fluid communication and injection responses in the Pekisko B Pool between January 1990 and September 1997. The analysis was based on responses of producers to changes in the injection rates. The strength of oil response is measured as the correlation between...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 13–17, 1999
Paper Number: PETSOC-99-25
... Petroleum, "channel" sands with a net pay thickness of about 20m and a dead oil viscosity of about 15,000 cP. The objective of the pilot was to obtain operational data for the design and drilling of horizontal wells, and the production performance of horizontal SAGD producers. The well pair has now been...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 13–17, 1999
Paper Number: PETSOC-99-48
... propane-plus bank to be replaced by a more economic ethane-plus blend. Under solvent recycling, the mixing zone would be stabilized (balanced injection and withdraw) with its thickness increases from zero at the injector to the maximum at the producer. The design problem is thus reduced to finding...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-47
... and wells which result in high WOR, as well as characteristics of gel treatments which need to be designed in order to effectively minimize the produced water from a reservoir or an oil field. Examples are provided in this paper whereby, through the me of gel treatments in production wells, WOR and oil...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-74
... production. Horizontal wells have been found by many operators to increase recoverable reserves within their fields. horizontal well experiment heavy oil producer recovery chemical flooding methods upstream oil & gas ultimate recovery displacement enhanced recovery co2 injection gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-38
... to achieve the producers' objective, which is to "produce more while reducing the cost to produce," are listed. Introduction The Canadian Oil and Gas industry is going through stages of development at a fast pace. As described in the book "Corridors of Time" 1 , the development of Canadian Oil and Gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–9, 1998
Paper Number: PETSOC-98-45
..., along with water, gas and aqueous polymer solution displacements have been performed on each of the models. The displacement experiments have been performed using multiple injectors and multiple producers. After initial waterflooding, a significant incremental recovery has been observed by altering...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-111
... Abstract Adequate lifting of produced fluids is an important issue for SAGD producers. It is often necessary to evaluate the natural lift capability of the SAGD process for given producer well design and modify the design if self-flowing capability of the well is a requirement. This paper...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-08
... Facility (UP) situated 70 kilometres northwest of Fort McMurray, Alberta The Underground Test Facility (UTF) is producing from (Figure 1.1). The first paper , presented in 1991, covered three tunnel drilled 500 meter long horizontal well pairs the initiation of the UTF Project from 1984 to May 1991...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-43
... production data management procedure cumulative production commingled producer cumulative oil production oil rate allocation beda field oil production upstream oil & gas production control production monitoring petroleum society paper producer commingled production single zone...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–11, 1996
Paper Number: PETSOC-96-11
... in the way natural gas in taken place from the perspective of.. marketed, every sector of the natural gas industry companies are . producers looking at ways of "maximizing value" to their assets and operations including the marketing process. The first question . aggregators/marketers that one may ask...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 6–8, 1995
Paper Number: PETSOC-95-01
... in this tough environment an oil and gas producer must have a good understanding of the key components of the business in which it is operating and how one area influences the other components of the system. Being good at one or two components of the system may not be enough to survive in the industry...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–14, 1994
Paper Number: PETSOC-94-06
... of the producing interval this unit. Inefficient displacement of reservoir elude by the injected CO 2 is also indicated from production tests. Injectivity tests on the Sawyer Unit of the project area show good inter-well communication. Results from analyses of core samples from a newly drilled infill well within...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–14, 1994
Paper Number: PETSOC-94-67
... distribution is usually limited to the vicinity of the fractures. In conventional steamflood and fireflood projects, injectors and producers are separated by large cold Zones. The propagation of heat is very slow even though high Injection pressures are used. It often takes a long time to see thermal effects...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 8–11, 1993
Paper Number: PETSOC-93-23
... Abstract We adapt methods, that have been empirically validated in the analysis or short-term traded securities, to evaluate long-term natural gas direct-sale contracts, We examine a sample contract from the perspective of the producer, and analyse it as a series of commodity forward...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, April 20–23, 1991
Paper Number: PETSOC-91-15
... Introduction Coil tubing conveyed production logs were obtained from four high angle and two horizontal wells in the Norman Wells oilfield during September 1990. Five wells were producers and one was an injection well. Coil tubing systems have seen increasing use in the past five years due...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–12, 1990
Paper Number: PETSOC-90-122
... the shape of the sweep zone. Introduction A promising method for the in situ recovery of bitumen with horizontal wells is the steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD). Steam is injected continuously above a horizontal producer. The heated oil drains by gravity to the producer and allows the formation...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–12, 1990
Paper Number: PETSOC-90-124
... Abstract The first horizontal wells in the Prudhoe Bay Unit were drilled in the central gravity drainage area to increase standoff between the wellbore and the gas cap for improved recovery and increased production rates. Subsequent applications of horizontal wells have included producers...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, January 1, 1989
Paper Number: PETSOC-89-40-48
... (Refs. 1-5). During initial development 36 wells were drilled, of whiCh 13 were ot"iginal producers, 16 were water injectors and 7 were gas injectors. Development drilling was completed by May 1970. The majority of the early producers were cornpleted openhole wi'th 9 5/8" casing set at or near the top...

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