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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–14, 1994
Paper Number: PETSOC-94-86
... injection and in miscible flooding of production reservoirs with carbon dioxide and other hydrocarbon injection fluids. Since it is well known that asphaltenes readily precipitate from crude oils with the addition of light saturated hydrocarbons, there are serious concerns about the potential plugging...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–12, 1984
Paper Number: PETSOC-84-35-15
... Abstract A simplified, yet rigorous forecasting technique was developed to predict the recovery performance of a hydrocarbon miscible flood in the Judy Creek Beaverhill Lake (BHL) ‘A’ pool in Alberta. This technique incorporates the physics of the hydrocarbon miscible displacement process...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 6–10, 1976
Paper Number: PETSOC-7618
... a favorable mobility condition between in-place and injected fluids and so maximize areal sweep even in a flood of a "homogeneous" sand. Theory and model flaw tests were employed in an investigation of polymer preinjection in advance of a miscible flood. Flood tests in physical models of heterogeneous porous...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 10–12, 1975
Paper Number: PETSOC-75-03
... sometimes referred to as "improved recovery", or "tertiary recovery". laboratory royalty application alberta upstream oil & gas drilling micellar fluid oil recovery legislation journal of petroleum technology flooding tertiary recovery miscible flooding waterflood hydrocarbon...

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