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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-15
... compounds in the acid gas stream, regulation require sulphur separation detector report efficiency suitable production site biofilter h2s management effectiveness air stream oilfield chemistry coleman corrosion management effective demonstration-scale biofilter on-site hydrogen...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–11, 1996
Paper Number: PETSOC-96-96
... method keg river upstream oil & gas corrosion management waste gas gas injection method ncl enhanced recovery workplace hazard production chemistry corrosion inhibition oilfield chemistry jarrell h2s management canada laboratory work Abstract During 1994. Pennzoil Canada. Inc...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–11, 1996
Paper Number: PETSOC-96-95
... hazard ofpyrite oxidation oxidation upstream oil & gas oxygen redox couple pyrite corrosion management potential role ofpyrite oxidation reaction sulfuric acid h2s management equation of state equilibrium well cement corrosion inhibition enhanced recovery production chemistry fluid...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 6–8, 1995
Paper Number: PETSOC-95-48
... acid gas feed lng recovery claus furnace modification front-end furnace furnace modification traditional claus sulfur recovery splitting ceramic heat exchange chamber modification elemental sulfur sulfur annual technical meeting h2s management combustion corrosion inhibition furnace...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–14, 1994
Paper Number: PETSOC-94-57
... after the waste heat boiler and condenser. The remaining two stages of conversion are sufficient to raise the overall sulphur recovery to about 95% - 96%. petroleum society sulphur plant gas feed h2s management workplace hazard royan tartan engineering corp original plant production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 6–9, 1992
Paper Number: PETSOC-92-28
... was drilled. Based On Shell's previous experiences at Panther River with production testing similar ultra-high H 2 S wells, a continuous downhole hydrocarbon circulation system with dual tubing strings was used to prevent sulphur deposition and plugging. completion design h2s management production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–12, 1990
Paper Number: PETSOC-90-141
... [S T ] was linear with time. rate law society of petroleum engineers reaction iron sponge oilfield chemistry conclusion upstream oil & gas high specific surface iron oxide h2s management corrosion management petroleum society production chemistry sour gas drilling corrosion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–15, 1988
Paper Number: PETSOC-88-39-114
... well integrity technical meeting materials and corrosion pipeline field joint corrosion pipeline field joint corrosion thermally pipeline field pipeline corrosion external soil side corrosion pipeline segment replacement h2s management production chemistry annual technical meeting...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–15, 1988
Paper Number: PETSOC-88-39-115
... surface concentration specimen article begin resistance hydrogen damage linepipe research programme corrosion management hydrogen atom susceptibility relative hic susceptibility production chemistry workplace hazard relative susceptibility h2s management upstream oil & gas...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–15, 1988
Paper Number: PETSOC-88-39-11
... corrosion management upstream oil & gas corrosion inhibition workplace hazard oilfield chemistry technical meeting condensate h2s management canadian gas processor association hydrocarbon component economics production chemistry petroleum society sour gas development june 12...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 1–4, 1985
Paper Number: PETSOC-85-36-59
... and formulation hydrogen sulfide scavenger scavenger drilling fluid property upstream oil & gas petroleum society sulfide scavenger technical meeting corrosion management hydrogen sulfide zinc sulfide annual technical meeting remove hydrogen sulfide h2s management petroleum geologist oilfield...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–12, 1984
Paper Number: PETSOC-84-35-117
... corrosion management laboratory oil production corrosion inhibitor optimization concentration h2s management polarization subsurface corrosion field application materials and corrosion flowline corrosion application efficiency esso resource canada technical meeting pipeline corrosion riser...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 5–8, 1982
Paper Number: PETSOC-82-33-15
... stimulation result effective permeability riser corrosion subsurface corrosion h2s management drillstem/well testing ACID CORROSION INHIBITOR ADSORPTION AND ITS EFFECT ON MATRIX STIMULATION RESULTS C.W. CROWE S.S. MINOR this article begins on the next page F PETROLEUM SOCIETY OF CIM PAPER NO. 82-33-15...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 23–25, 1967
Paper Number: PETSOC-67-05
... and corrosion sour gas system requirement h2s management SOUR GAS GATHERING IN ALBERTA A.L. BERRY Fthis article begins on the next page 7- C>S- S, 0 U R G A S GATHERING IN ALBERTA A. L. B@rry Superintendent of Pipe Lines Canadian Institute of Mining and-Metallury Banff, May, 1967. ABSTRACT $evenly percent...

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