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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1997
Paper Number: PETSOC-97-70
... considerations play a major role in deciding upon the use of groundwater as a source from the point of risk, capital, and maintenance costs. This paper provides an overview of the decision making processes employed to minimize the risk associated with groundwater development, and the methodologies employed...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–11, 1996
Paper Number: PETSOC-96-01
...) increased proved Quantification of this value is a significant challenge. reserves. Quantification of the value of technology enables prioritization of diverse technical efforts when coupled with This paper details the methods used to quantify the value- strategic considerations related to a specific asset...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 6–8, 1995
Paper Number: PETSOC-95-51
... gas flooding. Often, some of these applications appear to be very effective and somewhat less expensive than the so-called "miscible" floods. In this paper the authors discuss some of the consideration which are germane to gas injection and provide evidence that suggests that many of the previously...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 6–8, 1995
Paper Number: PETSOC-95-47
... basin. Operating in the international environment poses many technical problems that can be amplified by language differences and translation problems. There are also cultural considerations between staff that create obstacles for providing timely technical solutions. A common link for problem...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 11–14, 1994
Paper Number: PETSOC-94-22
... Abstract During the life of a well, there exists the possibility of scale buildup on the inside surface of the production tubing. Under the right conditions, this scale can contain Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material. The tubing recovery operations require additional safety considerations...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, January 1, 1989
Paper Number: PETSOC-89-40-98
... petroleum society supply forecasting standardization discussion reserves classification us government asset and portfolio management 40th annual technical meeting reserves replacement information reserve estimate standardize diversity technical meeting consideration reserve data...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 1–4, 1985
Paper Number: PETSOC-85-36-60
... includes ananalysis of the advantages and disadvantages of cluster dri11ing from central pads; a comparison of slant and directional drilling applicability; a discussion of project planning considerations; a review of drilling procedures, problems, and solutions; and an examination of drilling performance...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–12, 1984
Paper Number: PETSOC-84-35-120
... on actual operations. The most impressive – if not the most apparent – advances have beenregistered in the detailed knowledge and consequent increasing degree ofcontrol of operations offshore: a routine inquiry of today and the relevant bidincorporate a wealth of technical and technological considerations...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–12, 1984
Paper Number: PETSOC-84-35-110
... close to two years of consideration. Technical Background Gulf has developed a new drilling system for the Beaufort Sea; the major components being two large drilling units and four Class IV icebreaking vessels. All have deep drafts and require deep-water facilities (+10 m). Existing harbours...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 2–5, 1981
Paper Number: PETSOC-81-32-2
... of the invest- or's consideration, as it still affords him the opportunity of participating at a relatively early stage in the area's exploration history. All multi-billion dollar world energy projects contain many inherent uncertainties which cloud the investment picture. Canada's east coast is no exception...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 6–9, 1974
Paper Number: PETSOC-374038
.... Strategic forecasting and contingency planning are important considerations as a prompt follow-up of mode identification for coordination and control of performance, when the energy system-, is faced with disturbances of global proportions. Moreover, a new method of classification and evaluation of energy...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 6–9, 1974
Paper Number: PETSOC-374015
... drainage. Several pools located in Alberta are used to illus- trate these factors and the effect they may have on waterflood recovery and in some cases show that waterflooding may not be the optimum depletion scheme. INTRODUCTION The many and varied engineering considerations to be resolved before...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 6–9, 1974
Paper Number: PETSOC-374005
... rate. This study was constrained to determination of rate effects solely fro the point of view of reservoir fluid mechanics. Besides reservoir flow mechanics considerations, operational strategies and constraints will affect ultimate recovery. For example, the type of water-flood pattern implemented...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 7–11, 1973
Paper Number: PETSOC-73-110
.... With this increased demand for higher injection capacity, the application of the centri- fugal pump for high pressure service has become a consideration. One of the first applications of centrifugal pumping equipment for high pressure waterflood injection service was for offshore locations on floating...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 15–18, 1972
Paper Number: PETSOC-7204
... considerations should deal with the location of the field, type of structure, type of formation, etc. Net pay, porosity and connate water saturation can be determined from the logs and formation volume factor from PVT analysis. The recovery factor depends on such factors as productive capacity, past performance...

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