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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–12, 1990
Paper Number: PETSOC-90-36
... gas reservoir material balance equation general material balance equation graph petroleum society reservoir simulation reservoir pressure gradient drillstem testing geopressured gas reservoir drillstem/well testing upstream oil & gas compressibility effect influx material...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 9–12, 1990
Paper Number: PETSOC-90-38
... Then, the olumetrlc average reservoir pressure diverge5 from the pressure .at the ~riglnal owe level. The calculation of water Influx uSing the VEH equation requires a knowledge of pressure changes at the original OWC le el as a function of time. The coupling of the material balance equation and the VEH equation 15...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, June 7–10, 1986
Paper Number: PETSOC-86-37-72
... equation in terms of 'bP (rather than P as in BOAST) and an iterative IMPES method with a new sup- plementaty gas neterial balance equation are pro- posed. In this method, first the pressure equation is solved for 6P, then, each flow equation is solved for its respective saturation, and finally, a new...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Annual Technical Meeting, May 2–5, 1981
Paper Number: PETSOC-81-32-19
... results due to the absence of a distinct oil-gas interface. This paper demonstrates that the improper app- lication of the material balance equation may lead to serious errors in estimating the annular gas rate and the flowing bottomhole pressure. The inaccuracy stems from the lack of knowledge...

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